DNF Live Allard

Chapter 695 Entrusting the Territory (Part 2)

Chapter 695 Entrusting the Territory (Second Change)

"Tell me what happened after you left."

After completing the sparring, Wang Yan and Hongwei sat on the top of the building of the Lord's Mansion. From this position, you can see most of the town of the Rose Territory. Hongwei seldom observes the territory she has ruled for several years from this angle. She Staring at everything in the territory, many of the buildings here were supervised by her, and the flower garden in the Lord's Mansion was cultivated by her.

"of course."

Wang Yan took Hongwei's arm with a smile, and the two sat side by side on the roof. Wang Yan began to talk about what happened after leaving the Qiangwei Territory. There was an undisguised worry on her face, she was really worried that one day the flames of war would reach Qiangwei Ling, even though she had decided to give up Qiangwei Ling and follow Wang Yan, Qiang Wei Ling still held a lot of status in her heart.

"Sky Curtain Giant Beast? Do you mean the huge cloud floating in the sky?"

Hearing Wang Yan talk about the journey of the Sky Curtain Giant Beast, Hongwei blinked, the Sky Curtain Giant Beast passed by Qiangwei once from a distance, but it was in the very high sky, because the Sky Curtain Giant Beast was too big Yes, what can be seen from the ground is a huge cloud, the kind that covers the sky and the sun, and it lasted for nearly half a day before disappearing. During that time, everyone thought that the wind and rain were coming, but Unexpectedly, the sky became clear again after the overcast clouds.

"That's right. It's a giant beast half the size of a kingdom. It looks like a whale with two fins. A civilization belonging to the Skyveil giant beast itself was born on it, as well as gods."

"What kind of god?"

Hongwei was very interested, after all, it was a god, and she had only seen this kind of existence in historical documents.

"The god of beauty, the other party has the ability to give believers strength and reproduction. I don't know about the others. Gods are actually special creatures that are much more powerful. They can die and have their own weaknesses, but they can live for a very long time. It's just a long time."

"That's also a god. Maybe the other party has lived for thousands of years. Also, how did you wipe out Belou and his army in the first place, by flying in the sky and releasing magic downward? Belou is Isn't it very powerful as rumored, with dozens of golden knights leading the team?"

"Soon, there was basically no decent obstruction. In less than an hour, I flattened his garrison. At that time, because they were fighting with the Kingdom Knights, they were far away from the territory and stationed on the plain. I found them. It's all over after that."

"Do you know that the reason why Belouu conspired against him was that there was a god behind him, but this god seemed a little timid, and he ran away after I found out. If you find the other party, it must have gone somewhere to hide.”

"No way, the gods will run away too? You are bragging."

"Tch, most of the gods that exist today are false gods. Do you believe in Ushir, the king of the underworld?"

Wang Yan doesn't have a good impression of gods, especially false gods. The only person in this time and space that he can fear is Usir, the king of the underworld. The other party has a team named Knights of the Dark Templar, which is the female ghost swordsman who changed his job. As a profession, it can be said that Usir, the god of the underworld, is very stable. Even after a thousand years, he still exists in the world, but his power seems to have been taken away by a few gods of death. There are very few people who know the existence of the underworld king.

"I am an unbeliever."

Hongwei was a little ashamed when she said this: "My father is a follower of Ushir, the king of the underworld, but believing in it did not allow my father to escape that catastrophe. In addition to the belief in the gods, even though it is rumored that my king also believes in Ushir, the king of the underworld, I still do not believe in it, and there are many commoners in the rose collar who believe in the other party, but I basically don't care about it."

"Haha, I'm also an unbeliever, but I have socialized with paladins who believe in the Holy Light. How can I put it? Religion is a bunch of lunatics. There are not a few people who beat you to death for their beliefs. There are also cases where wars break out because of this."

"Maybe some believers can really gain strength from the gods they believe in. After all, gods often perform miracles in the world, but I believe that hard work is also important. Faith is necessary, but sometimes it is more important than faith s things."

"Same as my opinion, very good."

Wang Yan smiled and rubbed Hongwei's hair. The other party's hair was very soft and smooth because it often absorbed natural magic power. Wang Yan could feel the natural magic power coming from his body when he was in close contact with Hongwei. After that, it's just that his body can't accommodate the magic power of any power now, and Di Ruiji's power has replaced the existence of magic power as his only power at present.

"How wonderful it would be if we could sit together and watch the sunset like this every day."

Hong Wei put her head on Wang Yan's shoulder and stared at the sunset in the west. She has expectations and confusion about the future, and now she just wants to seize every minute and every second to stay with Wang Yan.

"If there were no disputes in the world, of course we could sit together and watch the sunset every day."

Wang Yan smiled and didn't say the rest of the sentence. If there are constant disputes in the world, he must fight for some existences that must be protected, such as relatives, friends, and lovers.

"Well, I'll go with you after I settle the matter of the territory. Don't leave me behind, because I only have you. If I lose you, I will have nothing."

Hong Wei leaned on Wang Yan's shoulder and her body trembled. She whispered her heart, and Wang Yan stretched out his arms to hug him. Thousands of words merged into one sentence at this moment: "I will always be by your side."

The two sat on the roof and watched the sunset before coming down. In the next few days, Hongwei began to deal with the change of ownership of the territory. In the end, she selected a silver knight who was qualified for the position of lord. The knight is only one step away, but he has not been able to become a golden knight because of resources.

What he lacked was not time but resources. With Hongwei's permission and the help of resources, he successfully crossed the threshold of the Silver Knight peak and became the Golden Knight in just three days. Obtained the new lord position of Rose Collar.

"Remember, you are the lord, and it is your responsibility to protect the people. The higher your status, the more responsibilities you have to shoulder. A lord who oppresses his people is not a good lord, but a lord who can make his people rich and powerful is a good one. will be loved by the people."

A few days later in the morning, after completing all the handovers, Hongwei was ready to leave with Wang Yan. Before leaving, Hongwei did not forget to tell the new Rose Lord that the other party did not change the name of the territory. In fact, he is still only the Rose Lord. As the acting lord, it took him a very long time to adapt to this new identity.

(End of this chapter)

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