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Chapter 664 The God Who Kicked Off (Part 1)

Chapter 664 The God Who Kicked Off (Part [-])
Rebel Bellou is dead!

The tens of thousands of knights he led were all killed by a mysterious magician in one morning!

Nearly ten thousand civilians were rescued by the Knights of the King!

When Wang Yan was killing the wronged souls who entangled him, these news usually quickly spread to the capital, and then spread to all directions centered on the capital, and soon after the King's Knights returned and brought Bellou's body , these rumors have been confirmed to be true, the rebellious Bellou is really dead!

"It's impossible!" The vast majority of people are skeptical about this confirmed news, let alone civilians, even the two knight orders stationed in the capital do not believe it. The news of the disastrous defeat of the Knights of the King came back, and Belou and his subordinates of the rebellious party were all wiped out in the blink of an eye?Could it be that the gods made a move?
The guardian knight was the first to know the news in the capital, followed by Borodin, the hammer king. Borodin, who was about to fall into despair, heard the news for a long time after he heard the news. He summoned the knight who came to deliver the message. After careful questioning for a long time, it was confirmed that the other party did not lie about the military information. One can imagine the inner feelings of Borodin.

A few days later, the Knights of the King returned, and Bellou's body was hung high on the flagpole in front of the palace. I don't know how many civilians and knights passed by the gate of the palace to have a look at the appearance of the rebellious Bellou. Bellou's body was stitched together. Even after he died, his expression was still deeply confused, as if he didn't know how he died when he died.

"Check, we must find out who did it!"

After meeting the three Wind Knights, Borodin questioned them for a long time, but he did not learn more from them. After all, Wind Knights and the others did not witness Bellou's death with their own eyes. The knight in charge of the investigation I can't tell anything of value, but I just saw hurricanes, flames and ice repeatedly, and I can only be sure that it is a magician, and I don't know anything else.

Borodin didn't guess that Wang Yan did it, because it was beyond his knowledge. After all, personal strength is really worthless in front of the army, but Ilya, after knowing this matter, Looking for Wang Yan's figure in the palace magician's residence was fruitless, so he guessed that Wang Yan might have done the thing.

In fact, if she goes all out, she can also do this, but she will definitely not kill so cleanly. After all, she is a living person. If she can't beat her, she will definitely run away. Ilya really can't imagine what Wang Yan will do. What method is used to do it, is it similar to the magic of the forbidden curse?Then how could one person be able to complete release?
After talking with the magician Keluo, she knew that Wang Yan had left the capital two days before the incident and had never returned. Ilia confirmed her guess. She left the palace magician's residence and stared at the palace. In the depths, until now she still found nothing.

Before she personally verified that Borodin had a relationship with the great will, she still retained her respect for the king of this land, and did not directly break into Borodin's bedroom to question him directly, because she knew that she would definitely not be able to get any results.

After Wang Yan got rid of the ghosts that entangled him, he drove the armed helicopter to the east. He didn't know the location of Bellou's territory, but it was definitely right to go east. The speed of the helicopter was very fast. He can pass through several territories in an hour, and he has enough time to find the location of Bellou's territory.

After the divine power returned to the main body, the god who broke away from Bellow did not inform the people in Bellow's territory that the knights in Bellow had perished. It hurriedly took some fanatics out of the lord's mansion and transferred its own temple position, it can basically be sure that the existence that looks like a young magician is also a god. For this kind of thing, the god who still has not recovered its true power is kept at a respectful distance. It has only one way now, that It is to hide, to avoid the other party's search.

It took many days for the news of the lord's death to be transmitted back to Bellou's territory. Like the king's capital, the guarding knights in Bellou's territory did not believe the news. After more and more knights came back, it seemed meaningless to believe it or not. The most important thing now was, who would inherit the same heirless Belou territory?

In the beginning, it was naturally an endless debate. There were less than 5000 knights stationed in the territory of Bellou. The two most famous knights each commanded nearly 1000 people. The others were all knights in the neutral camp. It was only a few days After that, the scuffle broke out in Bellou's territory. I'm afraid Bellou would never have imagined that the war and pain he had given to others had now happened in his own territory. Unfortunately, he could no longer I saw this scene.

When Wang Yan came to Belou's territory, he saw the two sides fighting around the lord's mansion. He had already inquired about the location of Belou's territory from knights in other territories. Wang Yan had no interest in fighting in the territory. Yes, let them fight, he has no interest in the territory, he came this time to find the unknown god.

After Wang Yan forcibly persuaded them to fight, he captured the leaders of both sides who were fighting. After some inquiries, he was full of puzzlement. The god had disappeared for several days without knowing it. Leave the territory and head south.

"Run away again? It's hard to find now."

Wang Yan shook his head. The Arad Continent has grown so big. After he lost the trace of the other party, he really couldn't find the other party in a short time. He drove an armed helicopter to search the sky inch by inch?The hatred between Wang Yan and the other party has not yet reached such a level of mortal hatred, and there is really nothing that Wang Yan can do about this god who runs away when the situation is wrong.

"South, the south should be the Kingdom of Calamity, or go and see how the war between Kingdom of Calamity and Kingdom of Bier is going?"

Wang Yan ignored the obstruction of the large group of knights and strode out of the territory of Bellou from the siege of the knights. No one dared to stop him. According to the stories of the knights who fled back to the territory after the defeat, this young man who looked very young was going It was the culprit who slaughtered tens of thousands of knights by one person, a monster comparable to a demon.

"As I said at the time, we will definitely meet again. Are you satisfied with the body of the Soderos puppet after obtaining the consciousness I remember? It's time to meet again."

When he left Bellou's territory, Wang Yan looked to the south and murmured. He boarded the armed helicopter, and under the shocked gaze of the knights below, he controlled the armed helicopter to the south of the Arad continent.

(End of this chapter)

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