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Chapter 65 Reaching the Finals! (New 1-week recommendation ticket)

Chapter 65 Reaching the Finals! (recommendation ticket for the new week)
"I accept your wish, Kaili, and I will not let you down." Jin Fei looked at Wang Yan with unconcealable gratitude in her eyes.

"We're friends, aren't we?"

"Yes, you are my forever friend."

"Go, come on, if you win the championship, I will be very happy."

"I'll try my best!"

Jin Fei left with the box full of potions and returned to his seat. The staff of the martial arts tournament saw this scene and didn't say much. He was only in charge of the contestants on the stage. no problem.

The golden sacrament is actually a recovery food made of corn and other precious materials. Jin Fei was lucky enough to taste it once, and now she tastes the golden sacrament again, feeling the warm food. Wang Yan’s identity is in Jin Fei’s heart Even more mysterious.

"Feng Sheng and Xue Lian, please come on stage." Soon after, the staff said loudly, the two looked at each other and then went on stage, the battle was about to start.

"The market has opened. I am optimistic about Xuelian. What do you think?" Wang Yan started the quiz in the live broadcast room.

"Obviously, Xuelian has a better chance of winning."

"That's not necessarily the case. Fengsheng is also good. I bet on Fengsheng. Wow, the handicap of [-] to [-] is really rare."

"Hehe, the person who just went to the rooftop hasn't finished dancing yet."

After the bell rang, Wang Yan chose to close the game. The strength of the two players in this competition can be seen clearly at a glance, so most of the audience voted for Xuelian to win. The result was as everyone expected. Facing the powerful Xuelian , Fengsheng was obviously at a disadvantage. Less than 3 minutes into the battle, he was kicked out by Xuelian's Martial God and flew out of the ring tens of meters away.

"War God's big feet are really awesome! Feng Sheng is also amazing, he can still stand up after being hit by this kick, but he has already lost when he fell off the ring!" Feeling the tyranny of Xuelian's strength, the audience talked a lot.

"The result of this game: Xuelian wins! Let us congratulate Xuelian for entering the final!"

"The next group of contestants, Wen Feng and Jin Fei, are welcome to come on stage!"

"Are you going to start?" Jin Fei stood up immediately after her eyes froze. Wang Yan explained that the medicine she had taken before the battle had been used by her at this moment. .

He took a portion of each potion that was going to be used in the battle, and put them firmly in the gap of his belt. Jin Fei stepped onto the ring, and the other party, Wenfeng, also stepped onto the stage. He looked at Jin Fei rather unkindly. Jin Fei, who defeated Wenying before, made Wenfeng very hostile.

"I will definitely defeat you!" Wen Feng said in a deep voice, tightening his weapon.

"If you and I met before, maybe you would have a chance to win, but now, you are basically guaranteed to lose."


"Please get ready!" The referee checked the two of them after they stepped onto the stage to make sure that the other party was not carrying any destructive and powerful props. When checking Jin Fei, the referee saw the potion carried by Jin Fei's belt, and then glanced at Wenfeng. , Wenfeng looked at him with a slightly pitiful gaze, puzzled.

"Ding~" After the bell rang, the two saluted each other, and immediately entered the state of preparation for battle.

"The game started, and then Jin Fei imposed various statuses on herself. Qigong is a profession that is abnormal. It can fight, resist, increase status, and be invincible. It is rushing to get it in a group. I believe many audiences have this professional role. "Wang Yan saw that after the game started, the avatar commentator was chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, and he was very relieved of Jin Fei. After all, he supported so many medicines of the opponent. With Jin Fei's current state alone, Wen Feng on the opposite side was not an opponent at all. up.

"Wenfeng on the opposite side took out a bag and drank it. Wow, the legendary kumiss." After seeing Jin Fei's opponent's actions, Wang Yan immediately took out something exactly like Wenfeng's from his bosom. Leather packaging, with a cork on top, isn't it the famous kumiss in the game or something?
"I can already guess the fate of this player. Did you see that after drinking the kumiss, he looked confident, as if he was invincible, hahahaha."

"That's because he doesn't know how many states Jin Fei has now. I counted them. There are thirteen kinds of potions given by the anchor. Now Jin Fei is carrying four kinds of superior elixir and mental stimulation elixir. He is carrying Remy With the aid of God of War, Potion of Battle God, Potion of Sharp Eyes, Speeding Capsule, Potion of Overlord Body Armor, and God's Blessing, I have found it hard to believe that there is any other player who can compete with Jin Fei today."

"Die in the poverty series, the anchor is really too perverted, as long as the game is not bound, you can get everything, envy, envy and hate!"

"Aha!" Jin Fei didn't rush to tighten his body. Instead, he opened the distance and began to consume the opponent with the energy wave. After all, the opponent is in close combat, so it is good to consume more opponents.

Jin Fei felt the effect of the potion just after launching Nian Qibo. At this moment, she used to cast Nian Qibo extremely fast, and now she doesn't need time to gather it. She just raises her hand and accumulates it. Five waves of thought energy are emitted.

"嗖~嗖~嗖~" Wenfeng dodged the attack of Nian Qi Bo, and then wanted to get close to Jin Fei, but he was greeted with Nian Qi waves one after another, and soon he began to be embarrassed on the ring Dodging left and right, looking at Jin Fei with a look of astonishment on his face, he doesn't understand why Jin Fei is so tyrannical at this moment, doesn't it take time for the concentration of thoughts and energy?
"Haha, Jin Fei, who used the mental stimulation elixir, is now directly transformed into a mobile fortress, and the opponent can't get close to her at all. After all, the closer the distance, the harder it is to avoid the wave of thought energy pushed out by Jin Fei. Well done!"

"Jin Fei doesn't fight head-to-head with the opponent at all at this moment, but uses the energy wave to consume it. It should be that he has found that he is in an excellent state. This kind of thinking is very correct. After all, this is a martial arts competition. After all, the winner will have to fight the next one. Why do you have to fight close to each other if you can save more strength when you are fighting against two players?"

"You're cheating!" After dodging for a while, Wen Feng was finally hit by the Nian Qi wave, he staggered to his feet and shouted at Jin Fei angrily.

"Ah? Is it right for me, a woman, to go head-to-head with you who is holding two chain hammers?" Jin Fei was unmoved, but prodded the other party with words: "You think I'm stupid!"

"Ah~" Wen Feng yelled angrily, and began to rush towards Jin Fei with Nian Qi Bo. Although he was constantly hit by Nian Qi Bo, there was a faint red light on his body, which seemed to be using Some kind of secret technique reduces the damage caused by thoughts.

"Eat me with a hammer!" Running Wenfeng jumped up suddenly, and then smashed down Jin Fei with both hammers. Facing Wenfeng who was rushing towards him like a boulder, Jin Fei calmly opened the mind mask Skill, the wave of mind energy in her hand disappeared, and then a large amount of mind energy gathered in her hands, and a powerful skill was about to be formed.

"Oh, damn it!" Facing the golden Nian Qi mask, Wenfeng's face changed drastically, and he tried to control his body and fell to the ground. The whirling air mass was pushed out by her: the spiral air field!
Wen Feng, who had been resisting the Nian Qi wave skill for a long time, was hit by the Nian Qi that was constantly squeezed and rotated by the spiral Nian Qi field, and finally suffered irreversible injuries, and fell to the ground vomiting blood. Even so, he did not give up, his eyes were bloodshot The chain hammer rushed up, but it couldn't cause any damage to Jin Fei who was wearing the Nian Qi mask.

"I lost!" Seeing a dragon-shaped Nian Qi being released from Jin Fei's hand, Wen Feng let out a voice unwillingly, and was immediately wrapped by the thunder dragon and dropped off the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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