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Chapter 641 Yaksha Civilization? (Part 3)

Chapter 641 Yaksha Civilization? (third change)
"Where's Yasha?"

Wang Yan looked at the ground with some doubts. He didn't see any traces of yakshas in the forest. Could it be because there were too few of them?

Wang Yan had a vague idea of ​​what was on the Skyveil Behemoth. It was the first time for the knights and magicians of the Borodin Kingdom to see these magical existences. The knights were alright, and the magicians gathered on the deck Looking down, there is an undisguised fascination. Each of these magical animals and plants is worth studying.

To the shock of the magicians, since they could not feel the strong wind, the empty ship seemed to have entered a sealed environment. The magic power here was incredible, ten times stronger than the magic power near the capital.

When he saw those magicians tentatively casting magic, Wang Yan was shocked and shouted: "Don't set fire!"

As soon as he finished yelling, he saw a magician throw a fireball at the ground that seemed to be an open space. Wang Yan wanted to stop it but it was too late. He smiled wryly. This matter, this trouble.




When the fireball fell into the open space, it triggered a chain explosion. The huge air wave shook the empty ship up and down. The plants that were still burning on the ground were full of anger: "Who set the fireballs indiscriminately?"

Those magicians who knew they had done something wrong lowered their heads in shame. They just felt that the magic power around them was too strong and wanted to experience the power of magic. The magician who released the fireball said in shame: "I just saw that there is an open space. There are only some plants, and I really didn’t expect that those plants would explode if they touched the flames.”

"This is the first time we set foot here. Any existence is worthy of awe. No matter how reckless we are, it is not impossible to die here. You come in for me. This exploration is not for you. You just stay in the cabin Bar."

The magician Crowe grabbed the magician back to the cabin and continued to drive the empty ship. Those magicians were scared and never dared to cast even a magic star bomb on the ground. They were really scared. Who would have guessed? It is also amazing that the plants will explode when they touch the flames!

Not long after the empty ship left, a group of dryads and tree demons hurried over. They used tree roots to stir up the soil on the ground to bury the burning flames. Looking at the messy ground and chaotic flowers, these dryads looked up Looking at the empty ship that was about to disappear from the sky, they gathered together as if talking about something, and finally started to move towards the direction where the empty ship left.

The jungle on the back of the Skyveil Behemoth was huge, and it took the empty ship several hours to leave the lush forest. When the forest below became sparse, a large plain appeared in everyone's sight.

Not long after, Wang Yan saw what he wanted to see, Yasha.

A few yakshas were moving on the plain. After they found the empty boat, they all fled in a panic to the distance, where there were obviously man-made buildings like villages.

"What's going on? Yaksha gave birth to civilization?"

Wang Yan was shocked now. The game is just a kind of monster-like Yaksha, but he can actually build his own civilization on the back of the Sky Veil giant beast?He took the binoculars and looked at the ground where the empty ship was passing by. The Yakshas seemed to be digging up the roots of plants in the field before, but they were scared away by the arrival of the empty ship after only half of the digging.

"Is this the civilized race here?"

Porodin looked at the yakshas who fled in a hurry, showing undisguised disappointment. Those creatures with jet black or dark green skin were obviously still in a barbaric civilization. How can we help a declining kingdom?

The empty ship began to descend slowly, and finally stopped in the air at a height of three meters above the ground. An empty ship cannot stop on the ground, because its bottom is not flat at all, so it cannot stay on the ground at all, no matter what The empty ship needs to be in operation at all times, unless it really does not need to be used, it will actually land on the ground.

The first to descend from the empty ship along the wooden stairs were the [-] well-equipped King's Knights. It took them a few minutes to descend to the ground, and after they surrounded the empty ship firmly, Hammer Wang Bo Rodin and the guardian knight stepped off the empty ship together, and they wanted to see what those strange creatures were digging up just now.

After Magician Crowe handed over the task of manipulating the empty ship to the magician stationed on the empty ship, he took the other magicians off the empty ship and left the jungle. There are many things that need to be tested, such as plants, soil, rocks and even water sources.

After Wang Yan walked down the stairs, he walked towards the place where the yakshas had dug before. Borodin and the guardian knights were surrounded there. The plants in the soil had been dug out by the knights who disembarked early. , at the moment being carefully observed by Borodin in his hand.

"Is it the stem of a plant?"

When Wang Yan approached, he saw the huge rhizome still stained with soil in Porodin's hand and asked in surprise. Left, the cross-section of the stem can see the vein fibers of the plant itself, the fibers are very thick, and this kind of thing can only be used to feed livestock on the kingdom's land.

Borodin, who was born as a commoner, was not ignorant of farming. Seeing that Borodin wanted to taste it, the guardian knight quickly took half of the stem, cut off a piece with a short knife, sniffed it, and put it in his mouth. Chew it a few times and swallow it.

Looking up and seeing Wang Yan and Borodin looking at him, the guardian knight pursed his lips and said, "It's a bit bitter, but it's not poisonous, and it's edible."

"It seems that it is really the food of those creatures. If you look at the location of these plants, you can clearly see the traces of artificial cultivation."

Porodin nodded. He looked up and looked forward. After taking a step, he came to another plant. The same plant could be seen in the distance. They were about two meters apart, a small piece of soil Above, there are hundreds of the same plants.

It's already pretty clear that these plants are those that grow for food.

"Let's go, let's go to that village to have a look."

Porodin cast his gaze in the direction where the creatures were running. A few thousand meters away, there was obviously a simple village. Those strange creatures had not yet entered the village. Porodin really wanted to see it with his own eyes. Find out what the civilization of the creatures living on the back of the Skyveil behemoth really is.

(End of this chapter)

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