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Chapter 630 Observing History and Knowing the Present (Part 2)

Chapter 630 Observing History and Knowing the Present (Second Change)

After leading Wang Yan to the library where the court magician resided, Magician Crowe said that his mission had been completed, and that the library was where he stayed all day. Ilia was very surprised when she entered this library, This is especially true when looking at the elven literature on several shelves in the library.

"Those are the records of the elves. My king found them from a relic of the elves, but I don't know where the elves went. The above records are very obscure, and most of them are from the elves. Things that happened."

Seeing Ilia standing in front of the bookshelf and staring at the elven documents stored on it, Crowe explained the origin of these documents.

"I am the knight of the elves." Ilia looked at Crowe: "Can I read these documents?"

"Of course, anyone who enters here can read any book here, as long as you can understand it. Knowledge needs to be communicated with each other. If we cherish ourselves, the documents of ancient times will not be handed down to the present."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile. The words of Magician Crowe also made Wang Yan understand the other party's thoughts. It seems that the other party agrees with the idea of ​​knowledge exchange. This idea cannot be said to be right or wrong, but people who can have this idea Definitely not a bad guy.

After wandering around the library for a while, Wang Yan found some documents about the Borodin Kingdom under the prompt of the magician Crowe. There are complete records of the kingdom’s establishment on it. After finding these documents, Wang Yan sat down and carefully studied them. Watched up.

Observe history and know the present when thinking about advance and retreat.

In the era when King Borodin was still alive, these historical records should be authentic and reliable. This is a precious document that future generations will never be able to see.

The Kingdom of Borodin rose about 60 years ago. Of course, the kingdom was not established at that time, and Borodin did not become king. At that time, the land was even more chaotic than it is now. For the king, this situation has been maintained for hundreds of years before the emergence of King Borodin.

In the beginning, humans on this land formed tribes to resist the attacks of wild beasts. The distances between tribes were far apart. They were the embryonic forms of territories and kingdoms. Some tribes occupying fertile land began to grow, and their numbers also began to surge.

After clearing out the wild beasts, human desires began to swell, especially after the tribes of the various tribes continued to expand and finally intersected. Driven by this desire, wars broke out among the tribes.

There are always victories and defeats in wars. The defeated party becomes a slave, and the victorious party occupies a new territory, and the territory expands again. This has been repeated for hundreds of years, and the tribe has evolved into various princes. This is the initial prototype of the kingdom. .

At this time, the princes of all parties have understood the importance of the army. The real army is not for production. They need a long period of training and selection. Skilled and militaristic, the end is very miserable. This is the result of some princes at the cost of destruction.

Borodin was born in a vassal territory, he was neither a slave nor a descendant of a lord, he was just a member of ordinary civilians, if he didn't have that incredible personality charm, maybe the current Borodin would have died in the chaos of war , the corpse also turned into mud.

But there will always be heroes in troubled times. Borodin showed a super charisma when he was still underage. Not only the common people, but even some nobles in the princes were attracted by the existence of Borodin. After seeing Borodin, they couldn't restrain the impulse of admiration in their hearts, and chose to elect Borodin as the new king of the princes.

What happened to the original lord? Wang Yan didn't find any detailed records, but it certainly wouldn't be too good. Borodin, who became a lord, began to expand the territory with the completed knight order, even though he always wanted to seek freedom. Under the light of the king, all the slaves became extremely brave, and they even took pride in being able to die for Borodin.

There is such an inconceivably charismatic existence. In just ten years, Borodin has already laid down a large area of ​​land. The king's knights have traveled all over the continent, from east to west, from south to south. The north, where the sun can shine, can be said to be the territory of King Borodin.

Even the barbarians in the north who lived on the snow-capped mountains and were known for their barbarism bowed their heads to King Borodin, and at this time the kingdom was naturally established. In the following decades, people enjoyed the long-lost peace, various knowledge and culture It began to appear at an explosive speed. If there were no accidents, it would not be any problem for the kingdom to last for hundreds or even thousands of years.

When did the accident happen?It almost appeared when King Borodin was showing signs of aging. King Borodin, who was once so incredibly charismatic, was old, his blond hair became pale, and his originally mighty body became rickety.

The most inappropriate thing is that King Borodin did not centralize the power of the kingdom into his own hands. Instead, according to past customs, he divided up thousands of territories, large and small, to the knights who fought in all directions.

The first knight who stood up against King Borodin was named Bellou. He was once the head of the Ten Thousand Knights under the name of Borodin, and he was also the place where Borodin chose to join him when he expanded his territory. One of the lords.

In the first few decades after the establishment of the kingdom, Bellou has always been very obedient to the rule of King Borodin. No one knows what happened to him. King Borodin's decision was questioned.

After that, other lords suddenly discovered that the once dazzling king suddenly became no different from normal people. Perhaps decades of obedience to the king made them dare not openly question the king's decision like Bellou, but since then In the future, King Borodin's various decisions began to encounter obstacles.

Maybe it was because of nostalgia, or maybe there were other reasons. At first, King Borodin did not take back the territory of Belou, because it was decided at the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom that the local knights had three generations of autonomy, which even King Borodin could not deprivation of rights.

When Bellou's fangs, which had been hidden for decades, finally opened, the territory around Bellou was destroyed, and was quickly captured by the knights under Bellou's name.

At this time, King Borodin announced that he regarded Belouu as a rebel and sent troops to attack him, but the result was surprising. The king's knight, who had always been invincible, encountered dozens of battles at the hands of Belouu's local knights. A once-in-a-year defeat.

What is the reason for this result?

Maybe it's because the peace has been coming for too long. The King's Knights who have no foreign aggression have neglected training. Even though the weapons are still sharp and the armor is still strong, after the knights have experienced two generations of peace, the newly selected knights They have long since lost their original bravery.

I have to say that the power of time or the power of habit is really terrible. The beauty is easy to be old and the hero is late, and the once prosperous Borodin Kingdom has been in chaos since then.

(End of this chapter)

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