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Chapter 621 Protection of the King (Part 4)

Chapter 621 King's Protection (Fourth Change)

A few minutes later, Huang Shi struggled and weakened and finally remained motionless. His face had turned a sauce-purple. The boards and other objects under his feet were removed, but the gallows was still there, and the opponent would be placed here until his body began to rot. Only then will it be taken outside the city and thrown into the wilderness.

"Humans will always come up with various punishments to punish their own kind, and they are very interested in watching the deaths of their own kind. It's really terrifying."

Ilia, who watched this scene, tightened her clothes. This was not the first time she saw someone hanged. In the past time and space, she also saw many prisoners who died of torture. As an elf, she could not understand the significance of this penalty.

"The Redstone Society can be blamed on this person for what it is now. The people who are still alive hate this intruder too much, and it is reasonable to impose punishment. Let's go, I don't plan to spend the night here."

"Me too, let's go."

Ilia nodded. The matter has been settled, and there is no point in staying here. The lord's wife will definitely try her best to keep the two of them back. Instead of this, it is better to leave now.

Pegasus, who had been staying quietly beside Ilia, spread his wings after receiving Ilia's order, and a strong wind swept across the entire square, and the surrounding civilians watched this scene in amazement.

Ellie, the lord's wife, changed her face drastically. She wanted to step forward to Ilia's side, but she saw the other party flying into the sky on a white horse with huge wings. Then there was the extremely revered young magician, who also nodded to himself and flew into the sky with a broom.

"Congratulations, Mr. Magician!"

Ellie knelt directly on the ground from a distance, and the surrounding knights who had benefited from Wang Yan's rebirth also knelt down to salute Wang Yan who had gone away in the sky. Their inner gratitude was beyond words.

Seeing this, the surrounding civilians also knelt down one after another. Although the magician and the knight with the Pegasus had already flown into the sky and disappeared, they were trembling with this power in their hearts. Is this the true strength of powerful magicians? , it's incredible.

"Looking at the direction they left, they should be going to the capital. I really hope to see them again in the capital."

Ellie raised her head and stared at the northern sky. Her expression was extremely complicated. In just a few days, the territory suffered a huge change. After getting on the right track, go to the capital to meet His Majesty the King, and truthfully inform His Majesty what happened here. If there is no accident, her temporary lord status can be kept forever.

"I thought you planned to spend the night here, do you really not regret leaving?"

After tens of miles away from the Red Stone Territory, the sky darkened, and Ilia and Wang Yan also landed from the sky. They landed on the highest point of a hillside. He looked at Wang Yan with a smile.

"What do you regret?" Wang Yan didn't know why.

"Don't you human beings all like the feeling of being hugged left and right, and being admired by beautiful women? I have seen this in many times and spaces I have experienced."

"Well, you think too much. The other party has just lost his spouse, so he will definitely not do anything irrational."

"On the contrary, I think if you stay there overnight, the other party will sneak into your room at night. I'm sure that a woman from the other party will hold you tightly when she meets someone she can rely on." Tight."

"You have a very thorough understanding of people's hearts, but it's a pity that you didn't see through me. I have someone I like, and she is still waiting for me to go back in the original time and space."

The two chatted for a while about the redstone collar, and then each entered the tent to rest. Even if the strength is as strong as Wang Yan and Ilia, necessary rest is still needed. Only special life forms do not need rest. Or an existence that is so powerful that it is unimaginable, the strength of the two of them has not yet reached that step.

Thousands of miles away in the capital of King Borodin, the palace is brightly lit. King Borodin received urgent news from the local territory after being notified by his subordinates. After reading the news, King Borodin’s expression No change, what about conflicts between local territories? This is already the tenth time this month, and he doesn't have enough knights to mobilize now.

"Guardian, how long do you think I can last?"

Hammer King Borodin stepped down from the throne and came to a knight in red armor. The opponent was his most loyal subordinate. He directly rejected the award and decided to stay with Hammer King Borodin to protect him. For the safety of the other side, there are many people who have the same idea as guardians. There are five people who are the most powerful, and they are called the guardians of the king.

"Don't worry, my king, no one can hurt you beyond me."

The guardian is well aware of the current situation of the kingdom. He feels that those are rebels who intend to usurp the throne. Death is their best destination. However, he needs to protect the king's safety, so he expresses that he is very helpless.

"You can protect my safety, but you can't protect the kingdom's safety. In fact, I'm almost unable to protect the kingdom now."

Hammer King Borodin's body was a bit hunched, he came outside the temple and looked at the bright night sky in a daze, how many times can he see such a night sky again?

"This subordinate is guilty." The guardian knelt on the ground on one knee.

"It's none of your business, get up."

King Borodin sighed. He has already issued the king's order today. This is the second time this year. After the last time the king's order was issued, very few lords came. There is no one in the lord. He doesn't know whether the other party received the Qin Wang Ling and did not lead the troops, or the Qin Wang Ling was robbed halfway. He is not omnipotent.

"Has the rebellious Feng Heyan returned?"

"Still on the way, the resistance forces in the three rebellious territories have been wiped out, and I need you, my king, to send another knight to take up the post."

"Well, how is the new round of knight selection going?"

"Most of the civilians support it, but unfortunately there are still too few civilians who are strong enough to become knights. It is the limit to gather a thousand knights in a short period of time."

Hammer King Borodin didn't speak anymore. He was old, no matter how much he used magic to maintain his body and face, he was still slowly aging. Ever since he passed out at the lord meeting, he understood his current situation.

After walking out of the meeting hall, King Borodin did not return to the bedroom. He asked the knight to take him to the library in the palace. Answer his doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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