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Chapter 615 The Troubled Redstone Collar (Part 3)

Chapter 615 The Troubled Redstone Collar (Third)

The appearance of the two had long attracted the attention of the human knights guarding the periphery. After seeing the two of them ascending into the air, it was obvious that both sides of the battle were standing there in a daze. What Wang Yan could see were the two sides. Wearing armors of different colors, it is estimated that both of them also distinguish between friends and foes through the color of their armors.

Wang Yan rose to a height of [-] meters. This height is no longer the height that arrows can reach. Unless there is a strong crossbow to shoot arrows to this height, Ilia flew directly to the most central area of ​​the town, which is the territory of this side. where the Lord's Mansion is located.

The battle in the lord's mansion here has come to an end. Teams of knights in yellow armor are vigilantly searching for possible survivors in the lord's mansion with red brick walls. After encountering them, they ignored the opponent's begging for mercy and surrender. , Kill him directly with weapons, no matter whether it is a man who has the ability to resist or an old man or a child who has no ability to resist.

"Mother, I'm so scared."

In the secret room of the lord's mansion, a group of knights guarded the door of the secret room and listened to the movement outside. After obviously losing to the knights of the Yellowstone collar, the lord's wife of the Redstone collar took the guard knights and children to hide here immediately. In the secret room, there are very few people who know this secret room, and they are all in this secret room at the moment.

"Don't be afraid, they won't be able to find here."

The lord's wife quickly covered the child's mouth when she heard the cry of the child. She comforted the child with a very low voice, and was very sad for the disaster that fell on the Redstone collar.

She never imagined that the lord of Huangshi who once called her husband brothers and sisters would kill him and his subordinates when her husband was at the banquet. What she was waiting for was not her husband who had returned from a long journey, but a fierce and powerful knight from Huangshi.

The group of people did not dare to make any noise, and stayed up from morning to noon. Just when the group of people felt that the knights from the Yellowstone collar had left, there was a dull knocking sound from the stone door that was put down in the secret room. The screams echoed in the secret room, and although the people around them quickly covered their mouths, the sound outside suddenly stopped.


A few minutes later, the half-meter-thick stone gate was suddenly blasted away from the outside by a huge force, and the knights from both sides stood together amidst the smoke and dust.

In order to protect the lord's wife and children, these redstone-collared knights fought bloody battles. When the smoke and dust cleared, more than a dozen yellowstone-collared knights had fallen into a pool of blood, and all the redstone-collared knights also fell into a pool of blood. They were wounded, and some were holding their wounds and leaning against the wall, unable to stand still.

"You're so brave, why don't you lay down your weapons and pledge your allegiance to me, I can spare your lives."

A deep male voice came in from outside the door, the voice was so gloomy and cold that one couldn't help shivering.

"Hey, you are a ruthless bastard, a villain who doesn't believe what you say!"

The lord's wife of the redstone collar stood up and came to her knights. She took out the powerful recovery potion she carried with her to help the knights heal their injuries.

After hearing the shouts from outside the door, the lord's wife roared at the door, and those knights who belonged to the redstone collar were resolute and did not change at all. In this critical moment, the more you can't betray your own lord.

"Don't want to come out? Wait until you light up the poisonous smoke to see if you can come out, and guard here for me. If you guard well, I will kill anyone who shows up on the spot!"


The voice outside the door came into the secret room, and everyone's faces showed sadness. Is there no hope?The secret room is only a few tens of square meters in size. Once the poisonous smoke floats in, they will all die in a few minutes.

"I really regret that I didn't dig a secret road leading to the outside of the lord's mansion, but it's too late to regret now."

The lord's wife of the Redstone collar showed a bitter smile. She held the crying child in her arms. There must be dozens of knights waiting for them to escape outside the door. Perhaps it is best to die here to meet her husband. The choice is just to implicate the child who is not yet ten years old. With the other party's behavior style, he will never let the child go.

"Report, traces of magicians appeared in the sky above the territory. Both of them flew into the Redstone Territory and are flying towards the Lord's Mansion."

The Lord of Huangshi, who was about to let someone light the poisonous smoke, suddenly saw his subordinates rush in in panic. Before he could reprimand him, the knight explained the reason for his panic.

"Magician? Or is it flying?"

Huangshi had a very bad feeling in his heart, could it be that guy Hongshi's friend?But I have never heard the other party say that they have magician friends.

"I hope it's a magician passing by here, come and come with me to meet Lord Magician."

Huang Shi turned his head to look at the entrance of the secret room, which was half buried by the broken stone door, and left angrily. The people inside took advantage of the terrain to guard there. The subordinates went to die.

The footsteps outside the door were getting farther and farther away, and the people in the secret room looked at each other and didn't know what happened. A knight near the stone door came to the lord's wife and told what he heard. He only heard the words of the magician. Could it be Madame's plea for help?
"I do have a friend who is a magician. It's a pity that the other party is far away in the capital. Even if he flies, he can't get here so quickly. It should be a magician passing by here. I really hope they can find out what's going on in the territory and don't be fooled by insidious people." Blinded by the treacherous Yellowstone."

The lord's wife of the red stone collar looked out of the stone gate full of sorrow, thinking whether she should take this opportunity to rush out of the secret room.

"Everyone, listen to me. I will go out first to attract the attention of the knights outside the door. You should seize the opportunity to rush out. The number of knights left outside the door by Huangshi is bound to be small. You must seize this opportunity."

"But ma'am, there must be at least a dozen knights outside the door. What if they attack you without any explanation? It's too risky."

"Am I an apprentice magician? There is no problem with self-protection for a short time. I need to ask you to take care of the safety of the children later. Really please."

"I will swear to protect the lord's children to the death."

"Okay, I'm going."

After a farewell conversation, the lord's wife took off the aristocratic robe that was in the way, tied the sleeves together tightly, and pulled out the hairpin from her head. The wooden hairpin is actually the opponent's staff. It seems to be short, but it has the same effect as a real wand.

"Listen outside, I am the wife of the lord of the Redstone Territory, you go and tell Huangshi, will you spare our lives if we surrender?"

"Here... I'm going to inform the lord." The suspicious conversation of the knights came from outside the door, and soon there were footsteps going away.

(End of this chapter)

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