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Chapter 597 Killing Gu Worms in the Mine

Chapter 597 Killing Gu Worms in the Mine

In the early morning, the morning sun was projected on the earth. Outside this small town a few kilometers away from the mine, there was still unburned charcoal fire emitting light blue smoke. The corpses of those Gu killing insects had basically been burned to ashes. The remaining bits and pieces will eventually be buried in the ground together with the ashes, nourishing the land.

The blacksmiths who had been busy all night finally forged thousands of throwing spears before dawn. At this moment, those throwing spears had been neatly tied to the ox carts, and it took five ox carts to install those throwing spears. .

The blacksmiths with bloodshot eyes gathered together to watch the harvest of a busy night. Everyone had expectations for the future. They hoped that the spears that had been forged all night would eventually help the lord and his knights defeat the mines. Those man-eating monsters.

Wang Yan woke up early in the morning. After entering the game and flashing a few dungeons, he heard a knock on the door. He put away his laptop, pushed open the door and saw the fully armed Rose Knight and her four Subordinates, not far away, Tieshan is already summoning his troops to prepare for departure.

"Your Excellency Wang Yan, you can go now."

Hongwei nodded to Wang Yan, the two of them walked around the town last night, and even talked to each other for a long time, seeing each other today, both of them felt like they had known each other for a long time.

"Okay." Wang Yan nodded in response. He has nothing to prepare and can set off at any time.

The knights lined up in a few minutes, and the knights who had already had their meals were full of energy on their horses.

They could see the expectant eyes of the townspeople on both sides of the road. After seeing the five ox carts full of spears and the blacksmiths with bloodshot eyes, the knights of the mine leaders were very excited.

The other party has worked so hard, they will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations, and they will definitely wipe out those strange insects that have caused disasters in the mine.

The townspeople basically all walked out of their homes. They followed the knights on the streets of the town, and finally came outside the town to watch the lord and his knights leave for the mine.

The logistics staff were sitting on the ox carts and driving the hardworking oxen. In addition to the throwing spears just built last night, other logistics materials were also supplemented, including the weapons and equipment for the knights to fight, and they were donated spontaneously by the leaders. All kinds of food, piled full of several ox carts.

More than half an hour later, the team came to the mine again. Wang Yan sensed the outside of the mine with his mind and found that several Gu-killing insects came from the mine to the outside of the mine one night. When it exploded, the knights who had distributed their spears shot several volleys to nail the Gu killing insects to the ground, and killed them completely with a few battle axes.

Some of the throwing spears broke directly, but in the end they took back dozens of them. After cleaning the battlefield, everyone ignored those Gu killing insects that had been chopped into several pieces. A passage in the center of the mine leads into it.

This passage is the largest passage in the mine, and it has been expanded to nearly ten meters over the years. There are thick logs around it to support the top of the mine. If you encounter Gu killing insects here, there is enough space to fight.

The mine is quiet, and every tens of meters ahead, there will be logistics personnel following to fill up the oil lamps on both sides of the mine and light them. Everyone has withdrawn from here for two days. The fuel had long been exhausted, and even the wick was burnt to ashes.

Wang Yan was at the forefront of the team. Even though Wang Yan had told Tieshan that he did not need protection, Tieshan still sent eight knights to surround Wang Yan in the center.

Because only Wang Yan can perceive those strange insects hiding in the ground, everyone now relies on Wang Yan the most. When necessary, these knights who guard Wang Yan will use their lives to buy time for the magician casts magic.

If the monsters that caused the mine disaster could be wiped out, even if they died in battle, they would be willing to die. The lord will definitely give enough compensation to the family of the knights who died in battle, so that they don't have to work hard for their lives in this life.

Facing such a knight who is not afraid of life and death, what else can Wang Yan say, he sighed and continued to set off.

His eyes seem to be closed, but the mind-eye skill is used. Everything that happens in the mine within a radius of one kilometer from him is perceived by the mind-eye skill, but the mind-eye skill is not so strong on the mine itself. After all, it is real. If there is no fluctuation, Wang Yan's perception of ten meters deep is already the limit.

At this moment, there are about five Gu-killing worms that Wang Yan can perceive, but they are all hundreds of meters away. Wang Yan just reminded everyone that there are Gu-killing worms waiting ahead, and the knights held their spears and held them tightly. Without the weapons in their hands, the horses would definitely not be able to enter the mine, so the knights who entered the mine this time all came on foot, so that fighting in the mine environment was more flexible.

During the walk, apart from the sound of steel boots trampling on the ground of the mine, the only sound that could be heard was the breathing of myself and my companions. The deeper we went into the mine, the quieter the surroundings became, and we could vaguely hear the sound of crying , and there is the sound of water droplets falling from the roof of the mine.

The mine road does not always lead straight ahead, it bends and often turns. Wang Yan can see the faint metallic luster on the walls on both sides of the mine with the help of the dim oil light. Now the knights around him are wearing Most of the plate armor and the weapons in hand come from this mine, which is the most precious wealth in the mining area.

"Here we come, ready to fight."

Wang Yan shouted lightly, and the surrounding knights held their spears and looked forward vigilantly. The function of throwing spears has been fully verified outside the mine. It can indeed cause enough damage to the Gu-killing insect, but at least a dozen spears must be thrown at a time to restrict the movement of the Gu-killing insect. After all, it is too large.

Wang Yan had already discovered this Gu-killing worm, but he told everyone about it after getting closer. When he found it, it was drilling a hole in the wall of the mine. Gu-killing worms are also very sensitive to sound. After the sound of more and more rapid footsteps, it has retreated from the drilled passage, erected its upper body, and blocked the path of everyone moving forward.

"Be careful not to let it get close to 15 meters. This range is the range of its spikes. Don't be stingy with anything after the battle. Even weapons can be thrown as throwing weapons. The goal of our trip is to kill the mines at all costs. killing Gu worms."

Tieshan began to mobilize before the battle after seeing the Gu-killing worm illuminated by the dim light of the oil lamp, and the following knights responded one after another. This mine road is too narrow. If it is wide enough, the light It can be killed by throwing a spear.

 There will be another update after midnight, book friends who still have a monthly pass remember to use it today~
(End of this chapter)

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