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Chapter 585 Arad before ancient times (high order 1450 plus more)

Chapter 585 Arad before ancient times (high order 1450 plus more)

After seeing some special things in the knight team, Wang Yan became interested.

artillery?Does the Borodin Kingdom already have offensive weapons such as artillery at this time?

That's right, what Wang Yan saw was the kind of artillery with two wheels and a long barrel. Wang Yan didn't know what kind of ammunition these artillery fired, but he could tell from the diameter of the muzzle that it was a kind of A very powerful weapon, even the Golden Knights are vulnerable to artillery.

"This is the Thunderbolt Cannon. It was made from the drawings left by a passing traveler. This thing is too laborious. The barrel requires a very strict forging process. Except for the production of the barrel and the configuration of the shells, everything else must Keep it simple."

"I didn't expect Lord Iron Mountain to have such a good thing in your territory. It's really well hidden. I didn't even know about it."

Rose Knight was a little surprised looking at those cannons called thunderbolt cannons. This kind of thing is rarely seen in the branch territory, and the number of the kingdom itself is not much. The crafting method of this weapon will not be given to the lords below.

"Hehe, I didn't dare to say anything, but this time I must take them with me. In the future, I plan to stay in the mine to guard the safety of the mine. The mine has stopped production. This side is too passive. The entrustment of other territories is okay. The tax paid by the kingdom has not been collected yet."

Tieshan is also cruel. If he can't solve the mine's troubles this time, he doesn't know when the next time will be. He can't ask the kingdom for help.

The kingdom might send someone to come, but his position may not be stable in a long time. After all, even one territory can't be managed well enough to pay the kingdom's taxes, so it's better to change someone to control the mine.

Half an hour after the luncheon, hundreds of knights from the Mine Leader completed their assembly. This time, Wang Yan and the Rose Knight all rode on the horses prepared by the Mine Leader, because the Rose Knight didn’t know how to go to the mine. Instead of flying aimlessly around in a helicopter, it is better to follow the knights of the mine collar.

"The mine is about [-] kilometers away from here. If all goes well, it can be reached in two hours."

Tieshan sat on the back of his mount and looked at the team behind him. This was a horse that was half a head taller than ordinary horses. It took a lot of effort to find this war horse, and paid a lot of gold coins for it.

It would take less than an hour to arrive at the mine on a fast horse, but due to the delay of the convoy, everyone's speed was not so fast, but this is an acceptable time, two hours of effort, it will not pass quickly Is it?

A team of a hundred people set off from the lord's mansion in the mine collar and walked towards the north gate. The mine is located in the north of the mine collar. After seeing the lord and his knights set off towards the mine, they already knew what happened in the mine. The leaders of what happened showed excitement on their faces.

Is the lord finally going to personally lead people to exterminate those man-eating monsters that haunt the mine?You must return safely.

Wang Yan sat on the back of a black war horse and walked leisurely forward. The war horse would keep up with the horse in front almost without being steered. Riding a horse was a novel thing for Wang Yan. When he arrived in Ala Not long after that, the German mainland exchanged for off-road jeeps. When traveling, there are faster off-road jeeps, so there is no need for horseback riding.

The rose knight rode the horse and came to Wang Yan's side. After thinking for a long time, she still wanted to ask about Wang Yan's origin. After all, all the things Wang Yan revealed were too amazing, and they were not accessible to ordinary magicians. Yes, did the other party obtain the treasure of the ancient magician?
"Where is the treasure of the ancient magician?"

Wang Yan admired the Rose Knight's ingenuity after hearing the question from the Rose Knight. He just wanted to ask the Rose Knight about the history of the Borodin Kingdom before, so he used this excuse to ask: "Do you have any idea about the story before the kingdom was established?" Do you understand? Who were active in this land at that time?"

"You are asking the right person. If you ask that rough fellow Tieshan, he will definitely answer that you don't know."

Hongwei smiled. As an apprentice magician, she likes to study books written by various magicians the most. She has also collected a lot of ancient books and knows a little bit of historical stories. She doesn't know why Wang Yan asked this question. After all, in From Hongwei's point of view, magicians must be profound.

"As far as I know, before the kingdom was established, there were also kingdoms of much larger size on this land. It's not so much a kingdom as it is a slightly larger territory."

"Basically, a place with tens of thousands of people dares to call itself a kingdom. Because of the distance, it will be very troublesome to fight with each other. So I don't know how long this history has lasted. In the end, my king ended the era of celibacy and kingship, and brought this area The land is completely united."

"Earlier, there were many tribes in this land, and they believed in various existences, such as powerful elves and angels."

"There are more powerful beings who claim to be gods, but some are indeed comparable to gods. Their origins are unknown, but they can give power to those who believe in them. It is for this reason that the world at that time belonged to various powerful creatures. Or the world of the gods."

"For example, the Goddess of War?" Wang Yan tentatively asked, could it be that the heritage equipment has such a long history?Appeared at the beginning of Arad's existence?

"Yes." Hongwei nodded, and she continued: "The goddess of wisdom, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of vigil, the goddess of life, the goddess of war, and the goddess of soul control are all powerful existences of that era, and there are also various angels and elves. .”

"This is what I read in ancient books. It is really hard to imagine how humans in that era survived and continued their civilization to this day."

"Human beings may have a short lifespan, but they will pass on the torch from generation to generation, taking the essence and discarding the dross. All the things that we take for granted today may have been acquired at the cost of life at that time. of."

Wang Yan nodded and said that he probably understood the era that Rose Knight was talking about. It should have happened when the ocean had just been pushed into the sky to reveal the continent of Arad, and civilization had sprouted and grown on the ground.

Because of the uneven magic power, some places have very strong magic power, so there are all kinds of powerful elves, and even more powerful self-proclaimed gods.

For Wang Yan, who knew the background of the story of the Arad Continent, this kind of god was nothing more than a stronger existence in the eyes of ordinary people, and it was far worse than the existence of the apostle.

(End of this chapter)

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