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Chapter 577 The Restless Iron Mountain Lord (Part 1)

Chapter 577 The Restless Iron Mountain Lord (Part [-])
The mining area is located in the southernmost part of the Borodin Kingdom.

There are abundant iron ore veins in the territory of the mine, and the lord Tieshan grew up on this land since he was a child. He used the extremely strong iron ore to temper his body when he was young, and he has forged a body that is comparable to ore. strong body.

Iron ore is the most important resource in the mining domain. Its appearance not only allows all the knights in the mining domain to have thick plate armor for self-defense, but also can use the forged steel blocks as the tax paid to the kingdom by the domain, and several nearby The territory is all about getting enough ore at a cheap price in the mine to build equipment for the knights.

It's just that now the always calm, calm Lord Iron Mountain who is comparable to a mine is walking around in the Lord's mansion anxiously. This afternoon, the mine steward sent new news. There were only a dozen of them, so how could he sit still.

Not to mention the start of the mine now, there are no living people within a radius of five miles. Several mining villages living nearby and the knights who protected them have been evacuated from the mine. Now it has become the kind of giant bugs Let alone people, they even ate several horses.

Iron Mountain is very worried now, worried that the knights who went to several other territories did not bring back good news, worried about the safety of the people and knights near the mine, and worried that the steel blocks that will be handed over to the kingdom in the near future are still [-]% short.

If the work cannot be started within half a month, it is very unwise to find a way to smelt a batch of well-built equipment and remelt them into steel blocks to deal with the offerings in the summer, but Tieshan has no choice but to send his subordinates Going there to fight against those bugs resulted in heavy casualties, so they could only find a way to move in reinforcements before making plans.

"My lord, the knights who went to the Rose Territory have returned."

The steward of the lord's mansion hurried in from outside the door, bringing what Tieshan had been waiting for.

"Bring it quickly."

Tieshan strode out of the house and stood at the door looking out. It has been three hours at night. This is the first team of knights who returned. The mine collar is the closest to the rose collar. return.

A few knights that Wang Yan saw at the Qiangwei collar came hurriedly, and saluted Tieshan from a few meters away: "I have seen the lord."

"Get up, what's going on, did Rose Knight agree to send someone to help?" Tieshan's face was full of anticipation.

"Lord Rose has already agreed to Lord Lord, and she will personally bring people here tomorrow."

Seeing that the lord is so anxious, these knights who set off at noon were full of doubts, why the lord is more anxious than before.

"That's good. The number of those bugs has increased several times. Now I have evacuated all the people near the mine. Rose Knight is an apprentice magician. Do you recognize what those bugs are?"

Tieshan said with a bitter face the news that he only got this afternoon, and the knights who set off early also showed worry. The few giant worms had blown up the mine before, and now there are more than a dozen of them, and the centurions have passed. may not necessarily be resolved.

"Lord Rose didn't see what it was, but Lord Lord, we met an official magician in Rose Land, and he pointed out that this kind of insect looks like something called Gu killing insect. It is said that this thing is swarming Active, without much consciousness, the big ones eat the small ones, and the small ones eat each other to grow, it is a very evil creature."

"Kill Gu worms!" Tieshan was startled, as soon as he heard the name, he knew it was a very scary thing.

After listening to the knight's narration, his face became ugly: "That's true. The mine consul reported this afternoon. He saw a group of white larvae that were biting and devouring each other."

"That's what to do." Several knights looked sad. They will set off for the mine tomorrow. This time, all the knights of the mine leader will set off there, and there is no longer any delay. The mine will be shut down for as long as one day. A day of trouble.

"How old is the official magician? Is he a magician from the kingdom? Did he mean to come and watch?"

Tieshan asked the knight. If he had the help of an official magician, he would be more confident. The magician's fireball technique could easily break through the protection of the giant insect's skin.

"In his 20s, he is a very young man. He wears a very gorgeous magic robe. Even Lord Rose values ​​him very much. However, he said that he was passing by and staying here temporarily, and he does not know the origin of the other party. What is it?"

"Hey, let's see when the other two teams return. I can't even sleep. I can't feel at ease if I don't hear the news."

"My lord, please rest. I will inform you when someone returns."

The steward of the Lord's Mansion stood aside and tried to persuade Tieshan, who shook his head. He looked at the tired-looking knights and said, "You guys have worked hard on your journey, so take a rest early, and you will be leaving for the mine at noon tomorrow."

"Follow your orders, my lord."

Several knights had been driving back and forth for half a day, and now they were indeed very tired. After saluting, they hurriedly left to go to the camp to rest. It was already late at night, and after a night's rest, they would be refreshed the next morning.

More than an hour later, another team of knights who went to the neighboring territory returned. They bowed their heads in shame and did not dare to look at Tieshan's face: "I'm sorry, Lord Lord, we failed to complete the task."

"Hey, don't blame you, go and rest."

Tieshan looked disappointed. The territory this team of knights was going to was the largest in the vicinity. There were two golden knights who were father and son. This was the place he hoped for the most.

In the end, the other party failed to agree to his request. Even if the knights told the reward promised by the mine leader, they were unwilling to come. After all, their place is tens of kilometers away, and no matter how strange insects are, they will not disturb their territory. .

The last team brought good news, but the other party promised to come the day after tomorrow, which is good news anyway. This territory is the farthest away and would like to help. Tieshan is very grateful in his heart.

"Do you want to go to Qiangwei Ling to invite the official magician in person?"

Tieshan was still a little worried after the three teams of knights who asked for help returned. He paced back and forth in the house, and couldn't sleep well.

Now the most likely to help them is the official magician in the neighboring territory, but will the other party agree to his request?

"Come here, prepare the car, I want to go to Qiangwei collar in person."

"My lord, it's late at night, and you won't be able to enter the Rose Collar even if you get there. They will definitely not open the door late at night."

"No problem, we'll spend the night outside Qiangwei's territory. We will enter the territory early tomorrow morning to meet the official magician. Now we can only hope that the other party can help us."

"As ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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