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Chapter 572 The Light of the King, Shining the World (Part 1)

Chapter 572 The Light of the King, Shining the World (Part [-])
Rose Knight bowed and saluted and then raised her head. When Wang Yan left, she found that Wang Yan had changed into a brand new magic robe.

Now that she observed closely, she found that Wang Yan had even replaced his belt, shoes, leg guards and shoulder pads with new ones. She could also see the necklace hanging on Wang Yan's neck and the bracelets and rings on his hands. There were none when we arrived.

"Storage space!"

The rose knight trembled in her heart. She knew that this kind of props were dreamed of by official magicians, but the number of magicians who could make storage space in the Kingdom of Borodin was very rare, and the storage bags they made were not even enough for the magicians themselves. Of course, she, an apprentice magician, naturally couldn't have it.

"Is this the Kingdom of Borodin?"

Although Wang Yan already knew where he was now from the bullet screens of the audience in the live broadcast room, he still wanted to hear from the female knight.

"Yes, this place is illuminated by the glory of my king!"

Hearing Wang Yan talk about this, Rose Knight was full of reverence, and Wang Yan nodded.

The Rose Knight's performance may seem exaggerated to others, but Wang Yan knows that in the era when King Hammer Borodin was alive, the knights were proud of being able to die for the kingdom, and the kingdom would also give generously to the families of the knights who died in battle. Incomparable compensation.

So in the era when the Borodin Kingdom opened up its territory, as long as it was a knight of the Borodin Kingdom, almost all the soldiers of the enemy country surrendered without a fight. Those knights of the king completely ignored their own life and death. There is a deep fear in the kingdom of Borodin.

The Hammer King Borodin, relying on his shocking personality charm, led the knights under his name to expand the territory of the ancient Arad continent. The land of the Lord is also transformed into the territory of the kingdom.

However, after the kingdom stabilized, the local lords began to have different ideas. The Borodin Kingdom implemented a lord enfeoffment system. When the kingdom was established, he entrusted the high-level knights who had made great military exploits and allowed them to govern their territories. The bane of the decline of the Borodin Kingdom.

A major disadvantage of the enfeoffment system is that after the power is dispersed, the lords will be kings and hegemons in their respective territories and take credit and pride, which is very easy to cause the phenomenon of lord rebellion
Peace has only come to this land for a few decades, and wars have risen again. The reason why the Borodin Kingdom has no time to pay attention to the war between the Kingdom of Bier and the Kingdom of Calamity is because there is also a rebellion within the kingdom.

Wang Yan has no way of judging which year of Arad's old calendar it is now, because even the official has directly blurred the events before the first year of Arad's new calendar, and Wang Yan can know very little.

I only know that after the demise of the Borodin Kingdom, a new dynasty was established by the hammer king Borodin's subordinate, Belou Lee Grants. This is still seen in the background of the story of the female ghost swordsman's career transfer to the Dark Templar Knight. , As for the name of that kingdom, Wang Yan didn't know anything.

In the end, the various kingdoms that existed on this continent broke out again in order to unify this continent. In the past hundreds of years, in the 68th year of the Arad calendar, the Perus Empire conquered the mainland and completed the unification of Arad.

"This is really an era where the strong are king, I like it."

Wang Yan stood in place thinking, with a smile gradually appearing on his face. Herder probably didn't expect him to come here. Wang Yan knew that he had to seize this rare opportunity to improve his strength as soon as possible, preferably when he returned to the original time and space. Gain the power to crush.


Wang Yan sighed suddenly. He stretched out his hands. His body had accepted Di Ruiji's power and was resurrected by him. When Wang Yan was in a coma, he didn't carry resurrection coins with him. Those things were all in the account vault. When he woke up, he had obtained this body, no matter how unwilling he was, Wang Yan knew that he would never be able to return to the past.


The scene before being thrown into the space crack reappeared in front of Wang Yan. His face had an unconcealable look of anger. Wang Yan really wanted to kill Herder this time. The behavior of the other party made Wang Yan stand still. On the opposite side of her, if Di Ruiji hadn't followed him, he might have been torn into pieces in the turbulent flow of space.

"Want to collect the apostle's power to revive Terra? You need to destroy Arad to achieve this goal, don't even think about it!"

Wang Yan clenched his fists. At first, he thought that Herder might have some difficulties, and his nature was not bad to the bone, but after being thrown into the crack of space without explaining by the other party, Wang Yan knew that he would never be there again. Forgive her, no matter how many difficulties she has, she can't take her own life as a trifling matter.

"Lord Carey?"

Seeing Wang Yan standing on the ground with a cloudy expression and wondering what he was thinking, Rose Knight called out tentatively.

"Call me Wang Yan."

Wang Yan no longer intends to use an alias in this time and space.

In his eyes, Kaili is just a pseudonym, and also the name of the consciousness with partial memory. Wang Yan feels that if he has a way to return to the original time and space, then he must make his real name appear in that time and space.


Rose Knight didn't know what happened to Wang Yan. She only thought that Wang Yan's previous name was a pseudonym. After all, the other party was in a strange place, so it's normal to be more vigilant. She was even a little happy that Wang Yan could tell her this name, which represented the other party's name. Already trusted her.

"Although I know that my request is a bit presumptuous, but I still want to say it with difficulty. Can you borrow the magic robe on your body to show me?"

Rose Knight stood in front of Wang Yan and worked hard for a long time before she could speak her thoughts. After she finished speaking, she felt her face became hot, which was too embarrassing.

"This, no problem." Wang Yan smiled and took out a brand-new sacred magic robe, and did not say when he would ask the other party to return it: "Just take it and look at it, just return it to me after you finish reading."

"Thank you!"

Rose Knight accepted the magic robe handed over by Wang Yan in surprise, and she fondled the magic pattern embroidered with gold thread on it with fascination. For a magic apprentice like her, any unknown magic pattern was extremely precious.

Wang Yan was not the stunned young man who first came to the Arad continent, so he naturally had no intention of giving the magic robe to the other party.

He had sent a lot of things to Xuzu. At that time, his strength was weak, not as strong as the aborigines of the Arad continent, and he would do this in order to make friends with other people.

However, after his strength gradually became stronger, this kind of thing rarely happened. Even Baan, who is the Four Swordsman, Wang Yan thought for a long time before he decided to pay attention when he gave the resurrection coin to the other party. Of course, for people close to him, such as Kaili and Celia, it is natural to give whatever they have.

(End of this chapter)

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