DNF Live Allard

Chapter 562 The Lord's Invitation (Part 3)

Chapter 562 The Lord's Invitation (Third Change)

A series of ellipsis flashed across the live broadcast room. When the news of his re-broadcasting spread all over the Internet, many people were so frightened that their hands fell to the ground, and they immediately put down everything and clicked on the computer or It was the bamboo live broadcast platform on the mobile phone that entered his live broadcast room.

Sure enough, after seeing the very familiar anchor, before the audience sent their thoughts, they saw the conversations that kept floating in the live broadcast room.

"The anchor seems to have lost his memory."

"I also think, and what the hell is Di Ruiji messing around with?"

"What about the system? Was it erased by Di Ruiji? Is it so good?"

After some understanding, most of the viewers knew what happened. It wasn’t that the anchor hadn’t started the broadcast for more than half a year. It turned out that he had been wandering in the space channel for half a year. Maybe the time of the two time and space was different, and no one knew. How long has he been wandering in the space channel, and after waking up again, he has lost a lot of memory. He can't remember things on the earth or even the Arad continent, even the live broadcast room.

"Where is the anchor now?" This is something that many viewers are asking in the live broadcast room. Li Yue, who has watched today's live broadcast from beginning to end, naturally has the most say. The identity sent a barrage: "The anchor now seems to be in the ancient times of the Arad continent. I saw the words of the Kingdom of Calamity before."

"What? Borodin, the Immortal King?"

"You! Give it to me! Kneel down!!"

"O my kingdom! No matter the price, I will make you immortal!"

A series of bullet screens about Borodin, the immortal king, popped up. Kaili blinked after seeing it, Borodin Kingdom?Is that where he is now?How does the audience know more than he does?
"What's the origin of your audience?" Di Ruiji also saw the barrage. It sat on the throne of a luxurious palace constructed systematically in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. There was a light screen in front of it, and what was displayed inside was the scene from Wang Yan's live broadcast room. .

"I don't know either. I think they know more than I do. I don't understand what kind of dungeon games." Carey continued to glance and shook his head. There were too many people talking. A lot of meaningless things, just watching the dialogue, he may not be able to see through the whole day.

"There!" About half an hour after Kaili entered the town, a group of soldiers on fast horses passed by Kaili. One of them looked down when he saw Kaili standing by the side of the road. The cloth scroll in the hands of the eye has a crude portrait on it, but it can still be seen that it is five points similar to Kaili.

"Woo~" The knight tightened the reins in his hand, and the fast horse raised its front hooves and landed on the ground, and then several soldiers dismounted and rushed towards Kaili.

"It's coming for you." Di Ruiji reminded Kaili, and it felt the eyes of several soldiers on Kaili.

"Want to run?" Kaili asked Di Ruiji calmly in his heart. If the other party answered yes, he would turn around and run into the shop next door.

"What are you running for? The lord here probably knew about your arrival. Go see him. Why are you afraid of me?" Di Ruiji responded confidently to Kaili. He was not afraid of these seemingly mighty soldiers. Generally speaking, these soldiers are just like ordinary people in one breath.

"Your honorable mage, don't be nervous. I am the knight of the lord here, and I have been ordered to invite you to the lord's mansion." While Kaili was talking with Di Ruiji, several soldiers had already led The horse came over, and the leader of the soldiers let go of the reins in their hands to be caught by the people next to them, and came to Kaili and performed a knight's etiquette.

"Did the guard at the gate notify you?" Kaili looked at the entrance of the town in the distance and asked with a smile. He would not worry if Di Ruiji was there.

"Yes, the five people have already been punished by caning five times. If you are not satisfied, I will bring them back and hand them over to you." The knight said so, but he sighed in his heart. The five people He didn't even know how to recognize people, and unexpectedly provoked the existence of a suspected magician. Now he has received his punishment and is lying down at home.

"Forget it." Carey shook his head. Originally, he didn't care about what happened before, but he didn't expect the five people to be punished because of him. Who can blame this?
"Please get on the horse." The knight brought a white horse. Compared with the surrounding horses, this horse is much more docile. It should be an ordinary war horse specially trained for riding, and the kind that will not go to the battlefield.

Riding a horse is not difficult for Kaili. The horse is very docile. He just ran slowly with the soldiers in front of him. Sitting on the horseback, Kaili can see the civilians in front of him who heard the sound of horseshoes and quickly went to both sides of the road. They are in a row. After the people passed by, they gathered together and whispered, discussing the origin of this young man in an ordinary cloth robe, who was actually invited by the lord's personal soldiers.

"The lord likes to receive passing magicians like you the most, whether they are magicians from the kingdom or not, so you don't have to worry about your safety here." On the way to follow the knight back to the so-called lord's mansion, the knight in front put Slow down and walk side by side with Carey.

"Well, is this already the Kingdom of Borodin?" Kaili glanced at the live broadcast room and then at the knight beside him.

"Yes, are you a magician from the Kingdom of Calamity? With all due respect, the war between the Kingdom of Calamity and the enemy Kingdom of Bier is in full swing. I think a tragic war will break out sooner or later. If you like Let's settle here, give them ten guts, and they don't have the guts to step into the kingdom's territory." The knight tested Kaili's attitude, and Kairi shook his head: "Let's see again."

"Do human beings still like civil strife? It has been like this since ancient times." Di Ruiji sighed in the sea of ​​consciousness. According to what it can know, this land must be the Arad Continent long ago, which made Di Ruiji I don't know whether to be worried or happy.

The happy thing is that Herder will definitely not be able to find him in a short time, but the worry is that Kaili will go crazy knowing that he will have to wait hundreds of thousands of years before he can see familiar people and things.

The reason why he knew that this was the Kingdom of Borodin was that Kaili also saw the barrage from the audience in the live broadcast room. Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached one million. This is the number of people in a small country, right? , Carey was secretly surprised, his origin seemed to be more confusing.

"We're here!" After riding for about 10 minutes, under the leadership of several knights, Kaili was taken outside a huge manor in the center of the town, which should be what Di Ruiji described before. The lord's mansion was over, Kaili nodded secretly, and dismounted like the soldiers around him.

(End of this chapter)

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