DNF Live Allard

Chapter 555 Li Yue Weeping With Joy (Chapter 9)

Chapter 555 Li Yue Weeping With Joy (Ninth Change)
"Well, I'm Carey DeBonn. By the way, what is this live broadcast? Is it just for chatting? Are you from my hometown? Where is my hometown?" Seeing that the other party spoke again, Carey came Interested, Di Ruiji over there also sat upright again and looked straight ahead.


"Don't cry, I don't know how to answer you, my name is Carey DeBonn, I don't know where I come from and where I am, was my original name Brother Yan?" Carey scratched his head, he found that no matter what Whether it is talking or imagining, my thoughts will be turned into words and appear on that screen.

"You're really fine! Great, let me see you, quickly see your real person!" The man with the prefix 'little brother is really amazing' spoke again, obviously very excited, and all typed Kai I think it is a typo in the word.

"What do you think? Di Ruiji, help me out." Kaili looked at Di Ruiji, and the other party pointed his finger in front of him, showing surprise: "It's done! Can you still play like this? It's interesting."

When Di Ruiji started, Kaili saw that the picture in his mind began to change, from facing forward to facing the ground, and then he and Di Ruiji were both reflected in the live broadcast room, as if they were alone It's the same as looking down from a height of several meters in the air.

"Hey, hello, I'm Kaili." Kaili tentatively reached out and greeted the sky. Li Yue, who was in a locked room far away on the earth, covered her mouth and cried bitterly. Tears kept flowing from her. The corners of her eyes dripped onto the ground along her fingers. When she saw the doubts on the anchor's face in the live broadcast room, she quickly put down her hands and typed quickly in response: "Brother Yan, it's good that you're fine. I'm so worried about you!"

"So, I'm the anchor for your live broadcast?" Hearing the familiar voice from the speaker, Li Yue covered her eyes with her hands. She wiped away her tears and looked at the computer screen again. What she saw was still The actual appearance of the anchor who appeared in the live broadcast room, although the other party looked a little embarrassed.

"Yes, you are Wang Yan, and you are also Kaili DeBonn. Kaili is your alias." At this time, Li Yue just wanted to confide her thoughts to the other party. The day she turned off the broadcast from Wang Yan, the computer stopped working. It was closed, and it was broadcast 24 hours a day.

As the first die-hard viewer in this live broadcast room, Li Yue can say that many of her current accounts are given by the anchor, including the bullet screen website account with a large number of followers, including the staff of the Zhuzi live broadcast platform that she has become in reality. The salary and the bonus of the live broadcast room.

Li Yue really loves this anchor who has traveled to the continent of Arad and has been growing. The other party has accomplished things that she could not even imagine in her dreams. Seeing something completely different from reality greatly satisfied her own fantasy.

When other viewers thought that the anchor had already encountered an accident, she was the only one who sincerely believed that the anchor could survive this difficulty. She waited for a month, two months, three months, and waited for more than half a year. On this day It finally came.

Li Yue didn't know why the anchor started to call himself Kaili, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that the anchor finally restarted the live broadcast, he didn't die, he was thrown into the space crack by the apostle, and he was still alive and well!
"Haha, Kaili, is this your friend?" Di Ruiji spoke over there. He was very interested in the subtitles and barrage in the live broadcast room, as if he saw two people talking in person. For Di Ruiji, who knows how many years he has lived, there is usually nothing that can make him interested. Even if someone dies in front of him, he will forget it with a single oh at most. After all, he has never seen such a thing before. How many times, it is no longer a novelty.

"I don't know either. When she said she was my fan, she meant an admirer, right?" Kaili smiled and responded to Di Ruiji. This feeling surprised Kaili. He has turned into the ghost he is now. Even without lunch, there are still people who worship him.

"It's about the same, but there is no reason to watch your live broadcast alone. According to the memory I got, your live broadcast room has a maximum audience of tens of millions of people?"

"Ah? How much is this?" Carey was shocked, tens of millions of people?Doesn't that mean there must be people from a kingdom?Who was it before I lost my memory?

"Anchor, why didn't you start broadcasting until now? Also, do you not remember who I am?" Li Yue had a bad feeling after seeing the anchor who was talking to someone, maybe...

"Ah, is your name little brother so good? The name is a bit strange. I just fell into the lake yesterday and got the Raoshizi live broadcast system this morning. Di Ruiji, come here." Kaili shook his head after seeing the bullet screen. Shaking his head, he waved to Di Ruiji who was sitting on the stone beside him. At first he didn't know the origin of the other party to be frightened, but now after talking with him, he knew that the other party knew him before he lost his memory. I'm scared, anyway, he doesn't know who Di Ruiji is, so he treats him like a friend.

"Why are you calling me? I see you two are talking." Di Ruiji's villain phantom floated over and landed beside Wang Yan. Li Yue, who hadn't noticed Di Ruiji's existence, was in the live broadcast room. Shocked speech: "Di Ruiji!!!"

"Huh? You know me? That's right. You should have seen my real body before this kid passed out." Di Ruiji saw the barrage sent by Li Yue, felt the shock in the other party's text, and thought in the blink of an eye. Understand the reason.

Li Yue was really shocked. Why was the host thrown into an unknown space, and why did Di Ruiji, the apostle, follow him?She didn't have a good impression of Di Ruiji. Not to mention his ugly appearance, Neupera and Nosmar, who were still in the game, caused so many innocent deaths. Fortunately, in reality, the anchor moved ahead of time. The inhabitants of North Mare did not cause tragedy.

"Where are you and the anchor now?" Li Yue asked what she wanted to ask the most. She really wanted to know where the anchor was thrown by that villain Alice, and whether she could return to Hutton Mar. Whether it was Alice or Herder, yes If the anchor makes a move, he is a villain.

"I don't know. There seems to be a war on a plain. I felt a lot of wronged souls last night. Unfortunately, I only have a little power. The rest is used in the space crack to protect this little ghost. There is really no way to revive those wronged souls." Di Ruiji spread his hands and said that he didn't know the answer to the other party's question. It only appeared from Kaili's sea of ​​consciousness yesterday after feeling the cry of wronged souls. It's a pity that now It can only take care of itself and this brat, and it really can't do anything about those wronged souls.

(End of this chapter)

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