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Chapter 549 Herder's Conspiracy

Chapter 549 Herder's Conspiracy

Di Ruiji's huge body looked down at Alice's body. It knew that the spirit existing in the opponent's body now belonged to Herder. This body was Herder's clone and could carry part of Herder's power. When did the other party become Herder's pawn, Di Ruiji mourned for Alice in his heart, and the other party's fate would definitely not be very good.

"Di Ruiji, so what if you guessed it?"

"Is there a way for you to return to the Demon Realm? No."

"How much has your strength recovered? It's only recovered so little?"

"I'm afraid you have used your own power to resurrect those creatures who died because of you. Do you think you are still in the demon world? Look at how much power you have left now? [-]%? Or half of it?"

"I won't make a move. Even if you kill this chess piece, your final result is still unavoidable anyway."

"People on this continent will soon know of your arrival. They will challenge you day and night like ants. Can you kill a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand?"

"Despair? Yes, is this despair?"

"I forgot to tell you, because of the help of my strength, they can approach you, hehehehe, are you even more desperate?"

Herder borrowed Alice's body to keep stimulating Di Ruiji with words. She was not afraid that Di Ruiji would hurt herself if he shot. At most, he would kill this chess piece. If she wanted chess pieces, the Demon Realm would send a random batch of them. , and Di Ruiji is different, its strength recovers extremely slowly, after all, the strength that its own body can hold is too much.

"Why did you do this? Just because I hurt the creatures in the demon world?" Di Ruiji's voice became very low, making it difficult to hear what it was thinking.

"The creatures of the demon world? You mean those dirty orcs? Don't be kidding, does that count?" 'Alice' laughed contemptuously, and she spoke slowly because she was not worried that Di Ruiji could Tell this secret to the world.

"At the beginning of all things, the source of will. The gods came to the world, and they lived at the end of the world. Although they have great powers, no one knows."

"In the midst of loneliness and resentment, the gods decided to create their own world. Where there is creation, there must be destruction. Among them, sacrifices are needed to gain new life."

"Amidst the hesitation, the twelve gods stood up!"

"Among them, there are those who are not afraid of death, some can always float in the air, some blood stains steel blades all the year round, some can transform into various forms, some have evil blood in their bodies, and some, They have infinitely long bodies, some can hold thousands of weapons at the same time, and some are full of flames."

"It's still a few short, and I can find all the divine powers of creation."

"As long as they all die at that time, here, they will be able to regain their lives!"

After listening to Herder's narration of the shocking secret, Di Ruiji looked at the demon world built by magic in Herder's hands, and finally realized that all the existences called apostles were nothing more than Herder's It's just a tool for rebuilding the Demon Realm.

"Have you forgotten that you are also one of the apostles?" Di Ruiji had nothing to say for a moment, what else could he say?Herder didn't target only one of them, but actually wanted to catch all twelve apostles.

"Me? I'm a resident of Terra, an apostle? Don't you believe the joking title?" Herder said this in Alice's body, and she looked up at the sky and laughed , laughing very freely, she was laughing at those still ignorant existences.

"Hehehehehe." Di Ruiji also laughed at this time, laughing more happily than Herder.

"What are you laughing at?" Herder suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I'm laughing, you have exhausted all your tricks, and you haven't counted the appearance of that person beyond fate. I laugh at you for not even knowing that there is only one shadow left of me now. I laugh at you for not being able to accomplish this goal even in a hundred or a thousand years. .”

Di Ruiji stopped laughing wildly, his body suddenly faded, and finally disappeared into smoke. At the last moment of his disappearance, he left a sentence: "My remaining power has been thrown into the space crack by you along with people beyond fate. It’s gone, you will never be able to gather all my strength, hahahahahahaha~”

"Damn it!" Herder manipulated Alice's body to look around, and even walked into the center of the village of Letherfine to sense it carefully. She really couldn't sense the existence of Di Ruiji. Before the other party turned into a whirlwind and came over, Unexpectedly, he has unknowingly attached his power to that person beyond his destiny.

"Damn, where did I throw him?" Herder manipulated Alice to open the space again, trying to find Wang Yan's figure in the cracks in the space. Unfortunately, the delay between her and Di Ruiji's shadow, Wang Yan had already I don't know where I wandered in space.

You must know that space and time coexist. In other words, he can appear thousands of years ago, and he can also appear thousands of years later. Every second is a different space. If you want to find the other party here, it is A thing that is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Don't think you can escape like this!" Herder finally left these words unwillingly, and looked up at the surrounding humans who were watching here suspiciously. She snorted and chose to leave Alice's body. In the next second, Alice His body was limp to the ground.

Looking up, what can be seen is Bahn and his party rushing towards the place where Alice fell. As for the members of the brutal hunting team?When Di Ruiji disappeared, he opened the space door and left.

Earth, when they saw the scene in the live broadcast room where the anchor was thrown into the crack of space under the control of Alice, everyone did not expect this. Immediately afterwards, the screen of the live broadcast room went black, which meant that the anchor had exited the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room of tens of millions of viewers exploded. I don’t know how many diving viewers sent bullet chatter to express their shock. Even the server with the bamboo live broadcast platform was almost sent hundreds of millions of bullet chatter by short-term viewers. Fried.

"What's the situation, the anchor was thrown into the space crack by Alice? The anchor died?"

"That's not Alice. I'm sure it's Herder. Didn't you hear what she said? She said that the anchor is a person beyond fate. She can't take action against Di Ruiji but can punish the anchor. That's why the anchor is thrown away." To the space crack, it's over, the anchor may have hung up!"

"Is there really no hope? You won't be able to see the anchor's live broadcast again in the future, right?"

Accidents are always unexpected. The accident that happened in the live broadcast room detonated the Huaxia Network in an instant through various publicity. At this moment, all the people who follow the Internet in Huaxia basically know about it. It's a pity that the residents were killed, and I don't know how many people sighed for it.

(End of this chapter)

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