DNF Live Allard

Chapter 546 Arriving in Letherfine (Part 5)

Chapter 546 Arriving in Letherfine (Fifth Change)
Pete's body was finally found by Wang Yan. After blasting a tunnel, the two giant rats carrying Pete's body struggled to death, and Pete's body was even split in half by the hand cannon.

The Scar Rat, who was fighting with A-Gump, suddenly roared and started to attack A-Gump desperately. He didn't have any intention of defending against the attack, but began to fight with his life.

A-Gump left only used the huge sword to block the opponent's attacks a few times, and the hidden dragon giant sword swung it to split the scar mouse into two. If the strength and speed were not fast enough, A-Gump could kill him with a few left strokes.

The body of Scar Rat whose body was completely separated sprayed out purple-black blood. A-Gump took a few steps back to avoid the blood. He looked at the remnant of Scar Rat lying on the ground twitching, and shook his head after confirming that the other party was really dead. , It turned out to be really a mouse, in vain he thought it was a monster turned from a human.

"It's done!" A-Gump said coolly after returning to Bahn, the hidden dragon giant sword was carried on his back again, his arms were folded in front of his chest, Bahn smiled and said nothing, Forrest Gump has always been like this, Bahn has long been used to it.

Over there, TEDA has become alive again after being treated by Obeis' purification and healing techniques, and he also knows why he suddenly became weak. Only this power increased greatly, he really didn't dare to imagine how miserable he would die if he rushed forward with the state added by Obeis, I'm afraid the opponent could resist all his attacks and eat him directly.

Taida asked Obeis to refill the holy light in the armor. After confirming that the holy light could be imported into the armor again, Taida breathed a sigh of relief. His grandparents are using it, if it breaks in his hands, he will be very sad.

"Should be able to see the apostle right away." Taida clenched his fists again. After the previous blow, he had a little understanding of the apostle's power. Only the monster resurrected by the other party can have such a strange power. The apostle himself It will definitely be stronger than the monster it resurrected.

After killing the Scar Rat, a group of hundreds of people came directly to the entrance on the east side of the village of Letherfin. Wang Yan could see that the buildings here had been turned pitch-black by the plague, although they were not yet as large as the North Mar municipal building. He accepted Di Ruiji's power like that and directly became a monster, but sooner or later he would become such a monster-like existence.

There was already a group of people in colorful clothes blocking the entrance of Letherfine. The two sides were facing each other at a distance of [-] meters. After seeing the costumes of the group opposite, Wang Yan guessed the origin of the other party. Obeis and Teda in the Orthodox Cult even exclaimed: "It's them again!"

"It's those people who I met in Neupera. The other party called themselves the Violent Hunting Group and promoted the apostles as the existence of the savior. However, after we took action, they fled there in embarrassment. I didn't expect to see them here again. "Obes came to Barn and told about the origin of this person. On the other side, Lobach also got the news. Her brows were tightly frowned. She had already known about it from Queen Skadi, but It was the first time that he faced off against the members of the Violent Hunting Squad.

"Humans, go back, you can't pass through here." The voice of the conjurer Nazaro floated in a very low voice, and many soldiers were confused when they heard the voice of the other party, until Barn shouted loudly. Waking up from confusion.

"Go back? You take yourself too seriously, can you stop us alone?" Barn shouted loudly to the front, interrupting the conjurer Nazaro and awakening his own soldiers, those soldiers After waking up, they were terrified, and their spirits were barely controlled by words alone. The other party was really terrifying.

"Do you think this is the full power of the Violent Hunting Group? You underestimate the Violent Hunting Group. I know who you are. One of the four sword masters in the mainland, Bain Sword Master, right? The leader of the Imperial Iron Wolf Knights , the one next to you is A-Gump Zuo Juggernaut, one of the Four Juggernauts." The conjurer Nazaro let out a deep laugh, which was as piercing as fingernails sliding on glass, making people extremely uncomfortable.

"It's good to know." Barn raised the weapon in his hand.

"Step aside!"

"Or, die!"

"A-Gump Zuo Juggernaut, I want to tell you something, do you want to know the whereabouts of Master Soderos?" The magician Nazaro glanced at Bane and was unmoved. He turned to look at A-Gump. Gan Zuo asked this passage in a low voice.

"Soderos!" Everyone present trembled in their hearts. It was a god-like existence. The other party had no opponents when he was in his 30s. That's right, there was no one in the entire Arad continent. an opponent.

Whether it is a swordsman, a magician or other professions, there are only a handful of people who can fight Soderos undefeated for several rounds, but the opponent chose to withdraw his sword after being famous in the Arad continent, and completely faded out of everyone's hearts. Sight, no one knows where he is now.

"Isn't it the Tower of Despair? Is your leader Azera awake?" Just when A-Gump's left face changed drastically and he wanted to ask, Wang Yan's lazy voice sounded from the side, and everyone turned their attention to Wang Yan. Yan, Alice was even more surprised. Few people knew about the fact that Soderos was practicing in the Tower of Despair. She was the leader who led the other party into the Tower of Despair. Know this too.

"Who are you?" The conjurer Nazaro looked at Wang Yan. At first he thought that Wang Yan was just a follower of A Ganzuo or Bain. To tell what he was hiding.

"The Tower of Despair?" A-Gump left murmured. He was lucky enough to meet Soderos, and the other party taught the still young A-Gump a few tricks. I forgot the matter, but Aganzuo couldn't forget the existence of Soderos. He wandered around the mainland these years, and there was probably a reason why he wanted to find Soderos.

"You guys like this definitely don't know me, and you don't even know if you tell me. I have talked to your leader Azera." Wang Yan's words are not lying. In the game, players must choose On one side, Azeroth's brutal hunting group is joined by many players. Wang Yan did talk to Azeroth, but it was only in the game.

"You lied, the leader has fallen into a deep sleep and hasn't woken up for a long time." The magician Nazaro would not easily believe Wang Yan's words. He only thought that Wang Yan was lying, and he sentenced the other party to death in his heart. Wait a moment Kill the person who spoke rudely immediately after the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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