DNF Live Allard

Chapter 541 Witch Ajialu (Part 5)

Chapter 541 The Witch Ajialu (Fifth Change)
On the other side, the soldiers from both the empire and the principality thoroughly investigated the village of Hamulin after a half-day repair, and even tore down all the buildings before leaving.There is no way to do this. These plague-infected villages are definitely uninhabitable. Instead of being occupied by evil forces, it is better to push them clean. Perhaps it will not be long before the wind and snow can completely bury this place. .

After solving the troublesome village of Hamulin, Wang Yan and his party did not encounter a decent resistance force. When the team was stationed again at night, they were still attacked at night, but all the resurrected lives who attacked the camp at night were killed. If they could run away, they almost harassed everyone in the camp with a mortal heart.

Like Pete, there were quite a few beings who received the ability bestowed by Di Ruiji's power, but in the end they only caused some minor troubles and were cleaned up. After everyone cleared out a village with resistance again at noon the next day, here The concentration of the plague has reached the point where it is almost intolerable, which means that everyone is close enough to Di Ruiji.

Hearing the continuous coughing around him, Bane knew that he could not let his subordinates go forward, otherwise they would all die here. He immediately ordered everyone to return the same way, and finally exit the scope of the plague and wait for his return in a safe place. After the priests of the temple escorted these soldiers for a distance, they confirmed that everyone’s plague was temporarily purified and then returned here. The next road can only be left by the soldiers themselves. With a lot of antidote, the concentration of the plague must be lower the further they go out. As long as they don't encounter monsters, they won't have any trouble.

After most of the soldiers from the Empire and the Principality left, only 100 people remained here. This is the number of people arranged by the three parties at the beginning. There are also Wang Yan and A-Gump Zuo, and Alice, the mysterious fortune-teller who has never made a move along the way.

Before everyone moved forward, they took out the shelter of Herder configured by Alice, and Alice also spoke out at this time how long the props could last.

For three days, the props she configured can only protect the people for three days, which means that within two days, the problem of the apostles must be solved, otherwise they will have to go back the same way, or the plague alone will kill [-]% of them here .

"Is there only three days? Hurry up, let's go." Regarding the bad news, Bahn accepted it calmly, and the others had no objections. If it didn't work out, he could only go back the same way and wait for the next exploration. No one can predict how strong the apostle's power will be.

This place is close enough to Letherfine. After advancing for about five kilometers, the surrounding plague has formed purple mist-like existences and drifted away. At this time, milky white halos flashed on everyone. Keep these plagues out of the body, otherwise these plagues alone are enough to poison any living body.

About twenty figures appeared on the road ahead, which stopped the centurion. Those figures were standing quietly in an environment full of plague without any defensive measures. There is only one possibility for this situation. These are A life resurrected by the power of the apostle Di Regis.

Ajialu stared blankly at the team of hundreds of people who appeared in her field of vision. Those around her were the last companions, and the rest were all killed in the previous night attack, or they voluntarily stayed with those humans to go forward. Blocking their footsteps on the road, now Ajialu can no longer feel the breath of those companions, they are truly dead from the world now.

On the other side of the queue, Wang Yan looked at a figure in front of him in a daze. The owner of this figure had long hair that fell down to his calf, and there were three red, green and blue beads floating around him. This look reminded Wang Yan of a person, or Said to be a lord in a dungeon game.

"Witch Ajialu!"

Wang Yan murmured, this is the female lord of the Village of Doubts in the game, and the other party was resurrected because of Di Ruiji's power, and her reputation is quite high in the dungeon game.

The two parties did not intend to speak, and moved their hands immediately after seeing each other. Wang Yan felt the icy snowflakes falling from the sky. He looked up and saw the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and the extremely sharp ice spikes hidden in the snowflakes. .

"Pay attention to your head!" Barn and Lobach also instructed their subordinates to avoid the snow and ice in the sky at the same time. Over there, the blue magic bead in Ajialu's hand was shining with azure blue light. The snowstorm in the sky was all because of this magic bead And appear.

A thick layer of snow quickly piled up on the ground, and everyone felt the coolness. Alice, who had never made a move at this time, finally made a move. She plucked the ukulele in her hand. Ajialu, who was manipulating the Blue Magic Orb, Suddenly, he couldn't sense the magic power around him, and the heavy snow all over the sky disappeared, and even the snow layer under the ground disappeared. All of this turned out to be false, but the ice thorns that could cause harm to people were real.

"Damn it!" Ajialu put away the Blue Magic Orb angrily. She looked at Alice, and Alice looked at her calmly. As a demon, Alice's mastery of magic is unimaginable to outsiders, let alone just knowing how to release magic. Ajialu, even a great magister wouldn't be able to be prestige in front of Alice.

After the ice and snow disappeared, the two sides really entered into a deadly battle. One-on-one, the soldiers of the Empire and the Principality would have a hard time dealing with the resurrected monsters, but their number was more than five times that of the opposite side, and there were priests from the Great Church With the help of holy spells on the side, after being inspired by various holy spells, the soldiers possessed far more strength and speed than before. Several people resisted one person on the opposite side together, and the two sides fought inseparably.

Aganzuo and Bane each found their own targets and killed them quickly. After receiving a series of blessings from Obes, Taida rushed into the group of resurrected monsters with a loud shout. Hurricane Scourge was summoned by him to block the sight of those monsters, his body quickly shuttled through the crowd of monsters, with Obes behind him, he was not worried about getting hurt at all, as long as he saw evil, he would be so impulsive.

About 10 minutes later, the results of the battle between the two sides were separated. Obviously, all the monsters without healing were killed, and the soldiers were rescued after a few casualties. stand up.

When there was only Ajialu left on the opposite side, Alice finally let go of the magic blockade on Ajialu, and she walked towards Ajialu.

Ajialu is very nervous, because she is the only one left now. She has never experienced or even seen so many warriors in the past 20 years, but now she is standing on the opposite side of these warriors. Being able to stand firm means that she is counted I am bold.

 Explosive update on the 25th, more than ten chapters will be updated on the same day, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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