DNF Live Allard

Chapter 529 Mine Village (Part 3)

Chapter 529 Mine Village (third update)
"Who are you? Where is this place? Why did you come here?" Di Ruiji roared in a low voice. The meaning of this voice must not be understood by ordinary people, but Nazaro has a way to understand this language.

He saluted respectfully again: "I am Nazaro, a member of the Violent Hunting Squad. This is a village in Nosmar, a town in the Principality of Belmare in the continent of Arad. The reason why the Violent Hunting Squad was originally established was to protect Lord Apostle!"

After hearing Nazaro's words, Di Ruiji was a little dazed. It looked at Yuris who was coming from behind. The other party also heard the words and was standing behind him as if thinking.

"So this is no longer the Demon Realm?" Di Ruiji raised his head and looked into the distance. He could see the transparent magic circle above his head and a magic circle above the sea supporting the sea. The sky here is completely different from the Demon Realm. Di Ruiji Regis also figured this out after Nazzaro spoke.

"Yes." Nazzaro looked down at the ground. He could see the purple aura rising from the opponent's legs. This aura was very familiar. He immediately remembered the list of apostles mentioned by the leader: "You are Di Sir Regis?"

"It's me." Di Ruiji didn't expect the other party to know its name. It has never been to the Arad Continent. Naturally, it doesn't know where the Arad Continent is and how far it is from the Demon Realm. It can be said that it knows nothing about it. Know.

"It's just right, tell me about this piece of land called Arad." Di Ruiji lay down directly, even though they are all two or three meters high, the apostles have different sizes, they are not Taking body size as a factor to measure strength, Di Ruiji is considered relatively large among the apostles.

The biggest one must be Anton, who likes to devour energy. When the other party came to the demon world, it was really earth-shattering. Even Di Ruiji, who was dispatched to the wilderness, was shocked. If it weren't for the agreement with other apostles, it You must go to see how powerful that huge tortoise is.

Nazaro respectfully told the historical story of Arad Continent. The more Di Ruiji heard it, the more startled he became. This place is actually the inner space of a planet. Looking up at the sky, what he saw was the endless sea water outside the magic circle. The existence that gives living beings an environment must be very strong.

"So, you were born after Sherlock died on this continent, didn't you?" After listening to Nazaro's story, Di Ruiji couldn't see what he was thinking on his face. When the news of Locke's death came, Di Ruiji was extremely shocked. It is said that he had been competing with the huge Anton for the energy of the center of the earth's orbit. Naturally, his strength was terrifying. The strong man on this continent actually possessed such Is it strong?

Most of the things that Di Ruiji knew about the Demon Realm came from the reports of his subordinates. It is true that it cannot leave the place designated by other apostles, but it can be attached to its subordinates, so Di Ruiji also knows more or less what happened in the Demon Realm over the years what's up.

"It's like this." Nazaro's voice was very low. They were actually part of Sherlock's power. Nazaro obtained the ability to clone, and some other companions obtained the ability to change form, but usually they all There is no talk of the being who gave birth to them, because they would not have been born without the death of the other.

Di Ruiji nodded. Through Nazaro's narration, he had some understanding of the continent of Arad. This continent is huge, not much smaller than the Demon Realm. The main top power is magic and martial arts. When thinking of magic, Di Ruiji Regis couldn't help thinking of Herder, that hateful woman who was thinking about some huge conspiracy.

For Herder and even other apostles, Di Ruiji didn't know much about it. There was no way, it was completely squeezed out by all the apostles. If Di Ruiji wasn't used to the loneliness of the birth planet, then it really couldn't adapt to this kind of exclusion The situation, after all, loneliness is very scary.

"Your strength hasn't recovered yet. I'm worried that the Principality and the Empire who discovered the situation here will send masters and legions. They are very likely to attack you. You must know that your appearance has turned a large area around you into death. Domain, I hope you can leave with us to a safer place."

Nazaro carefully stated his intentions. He hoped that Di Ruiji would agree to his request. It would be great if the other party could go to the Canyon of the Dead, where they would not be afraid of any country on the mainland.Because the base camp of the Violent Hunting Squad is in the depths of the Canyon of the Dead, you must know that Soderos, who was once famous in the mainland, is also a member of the Violent Hunting Squad. If he really went there, the other party might also walk out of the Tower of Despair.

"No need, I'll just recover my strength here and wait for the time to return to the Demon Realm. I appreciate your kindness, but I'm worried that it will cause more casualties. There seem to be only a few signs of biological activity here, so it's suitable for me to stay. "Di Ruiji shook his head, and did not accept Nazaro's proposal. The reason why it was unwilling to move was that it would cause more deaths. It was like this in the Demon Realm. Wherever it went, wherever the plague spread, it Never want this to happen again.

"Your decision is what I will obey to the death. I still have some companions outside. Do you want to see them?" Nazaro sighed inwardly. I had already thought of this possibility when I was there, and the way now is to find a way to delay the people who came here as much as possible, so that Lord Di Ruiji can recover more strength.

"This is Uris, please take a look at the arrangements." Di Ruiji lay down on the ground and closed his eyes. Seeing this, Uris and Nazaro walked aside and talked in a low voice. It didn't surprise Nazaro, on the contrary, he was even more delighted. If he could buy enough time, this one would be enough to deal with the human fighters who might come here.

There is a mining village ten kilometers northwest of North Mar, not too far from the place where Di Ruiji descended. Because the location is too remote, the people here were not discovered by the Knights of the Principality. There is no intention of leaving the land where I was born and raised to go to other places.

"Cough, cough, cough~" At this moment, there are coughs everywhere in this village, and all kinds of hoarse screams echo in the village. Di Ruiji's plague has spread here, and the few villagers who were originally infected are all infected. The plague is now experiencing the most painful last moment of life.

As the female village head of the mining village, Ajialu was also infected with the plague. It was too late when she found out, even if the antidote was administered, it would have no effect. The plague had already entered the body and could no longer be removed. Ajialu Closing her eyes in pain and waiting for the last moment of her life, she kept praying in her heart that she could still see this land after death.

(End of this chapter)

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