DNF Live Allard

Chapter 512 I'm going to cheat you (Part 1)

Chapter 512 I'm going to cheat you (first update)
Half a minute later, the natural magic power that expanded to more than one meter in the center split into three thin lines and connected to the three people and began to decrease slowly. Finally, the huge magic power disappeared and was completely absorbed by the three people.

"What kind of ceremony is this?" After Celia opened his eyes, Wang Yan asked softly, he didn't know what happened yet, how could Celia act like this after seeing the little lanterns.

"This is the natural magic power summoning formation that my elves and the same race can only use when they meet for the first time. I have this in my memory. It is really amazing. My natural magic power has increased by as much as [-]%." Celia felt After improving his magic power, he happily explained to Wang Yan.

The little lantern and Kong Kongyi over there didn't know what happened. They didn't know what happened until Wang Yan reminded them to release an ordinary magic, and the little lantern raised a hand to summon a huge water polo. Her strength It has actually improved several times. The water polo she condensed originally was only the size of a fist, but now it is as big as a washbasin!

"Wow, Kong Kongyi is flying!" Kong Kongyi opened her mouth and spit out a huge bubble that directly enveloped her whole body. No one knows how she did this. She actually stepped on the inner layer of the bubble. Ascended into the sky, people were still walking around in the bubble, Wang Yan and the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Half a minute later, the blisters burst, and Kong Kongyi let out an ouch in midair, and a jet of water gushed out of the ground to hold her back. Kong Kongyi landed slowly, with an excited expression on her face: "I'm fine now!" Powerful!"

"Stupid Kong Kongyi, come here!" The little lantern beckoned to Kong Kongyi, and the other party walked over without knowing why, and was pulled by the little lantern to come to Celia, and the two saluted Celia together , And then actually started a more mysterious ceremony, the two held hands and sang a song.

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty, Empty Empty, Empty Empty;

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness;
Empty emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness, emptiness emptiness.

The lyrics Wang Yan heard were like this. He had heard it when he was on earth, so it was a little bit better. Kaili was dumbfounded. Even the movement of Shaying Bailey to smoke stopped, and Celia But with a smile on his face, he seemed to understand what the two were singing.

"So, what exactly is it singing about?"

"Brainwashing Divine Comedy, I'll pit you."

"A look of bewilderment."

"Both faces are dumbfounded."

"[-] looks dumbfounded."

After the little lantern and Kong Kongyi stopped panting, the relationship between the two of them and Celia had risen to an extremely close level, and Wang Yan couldn't figure out why the mermaid could have a relationship with the elf. One is an elf in the sea, and the other is an elf on land?

"So, Kaili, you are here to build a house, just to the west of the tree house?" After talking with Wang Yan for a few words, Celia was full of surprise. She looked behind Wang Yan, and there was nothing but an off-road jeep Bring, by the way, and Kanina, the little girl who rides around on a bicycle.

"Yeah, the environment here is very good, the air is very fresh, and it's very convenient to visit here because you're close." Wang Yan explained with a little embarrassment, and Kaili on the side covered her mouth and snickered.

"How are you going to build the house? Is it magic?" Seeing that Wang Yan was empty-handed, Celia asked curiously. Could it be that he used magic like her?But she built a tree house relying on the trunk of a giant tree, and there is a lot of open space to the west.

"It's even more amazing than magic. Let's go, I'll take you to see it." Wang Yan pretended to be mysterious and shook his head. His house is still in the points mall of the live broadcast system. It is enough to exchange it out, and Seria can build the tree house even faster.

A group of seven people walked towards the west side of the tree house. The staff of the city hall had already planned the land here. The two pieces of land purchased by Wang Yan were connected, and the iconic boundary line could be seen around. It has been planned here, but in the end, no house has been built.

"I'm going to do a magic trick next time. Keep your eyes open and don't blink." Wang Yan took the lead to clean up the debris on the land. He motioned for others to retreat to the street, while he stood in front of the boundary line of the land and opened the door. The credits mall of the live broadcast system that has not been used for a long time.

The props in the Points Mall have not changed much from when they were in Xuzu, and the live broadcast system has not responded to Wang Yan for a long time. I found the product 【Luxury Apartment】.

[Luxury apartment]: A luxury apartment with a private swimming pool, all home appliances and some entertainment tools are provided as a gift, and there is also a wine cabinet full of fine wines. (Price 1 million points)
Wang Yan's elusive [-] million points is no longer an obstacle after several months of live broadcasting. Now his live broadcasting points have exceeded [-] billion, and buying this kind of product is just a drizzle.

"Buy!" Wang Yan pressed the purchase button of [Luxury Apartment], and [-] million points were immediately deducted. In the next second, the long-lost system prompt sounded, and at the same time, an illusory villa with a courtyard appeared in front of Wang Yan. It looks like when building a house in a strategy game.

Wang Yan moved a few steps and arranged the location of the villa neatly. In the next second, he chose to place it. Under the shocked gaze of the six people behind him, a huge villa appeared out of thin air and landed firmly on the ground. On the ground, even the ground that was originally gravel was directly transformed into the front yard of the villa with flower beds and lawns.

"Am I dazzled? That's how a house appeared?" Kaili stared blankly at Wang Yan and the villa in front of her with her mouth wide open. She could swear that just a few seconds ago there was an empty lot, but now it has become a vacant lot. A villa with a flower garden and lawn, this is only the front yard, the villa and the backyard have not been seen yet.

"Wow, what a beautiful house." Xiao Lantern and Kong Kongyi didn't have a deep concept of houses, but they were also very surprised to see this villa appearing out of nowhere in front of them. They looked at each other and twisted their bodies to pass Wang Yan , entered the villa from the open main entrance.

Wang Yan took a deep breath and waved to the people behind him. He also walked towards the villa, and the people behind him hurriedly followed. The surprise in his heart has not subsided until now.

(End of this chapter)

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