DNF Live Allard

Chapter 502 How can military matters be trifling (Part 1)

Chapter 502 How can important military affairs be a joke (first update)
The five soldiers of the empire had been in the city for more than ten minutes. They sat down in an inconspicuous place and made eye contact.

As graduates of the Imperial Military Academy, they can speak other languages. They can speak a few words in Xuzu language, Belmar Principality language, or Dark Elf language. When they just sat down, they complained a few words in the Principality language. Arousing the vigilance of others, these few are indeed the elite soldiers of the empire.

When Wang Yan found the five people, the five people were still talking quietly, their hands were folded so that it was impossible to see where they were placed. When Wang Yan sat aside, the five people immediately He became vigilant, but seeing that the other party squinted his eyes and fell asleep after sitting down, he also let go of his inner vigilance.

About half an hour later, the five people looked at each other and got up and walked towards the city. The surroundings were quiet, most people closed their eyes and rested, and the few who hadn't slept just mumbled when they saw the five people leave. , Wang Yan still closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep, but he was actually perceiving the movements of the five people with his mind.

The moment the five people walked out of the city gate together, Wang Yan opened his eyes, and walked a distance of more than ten meters to the side of the five people in a blink of an eye. Before the frightened five people took out their weapons, Wang Yan raised his hand and threw a net The five people were tied tightly, and a tent appeared out of nowhere in the next second. Wang Yan stepped forward to open the tent, and threw all the five people in the net into it with his backhand.

"Hey, it seems that the mechanical Giselle is still inside." After closing the tent and putting it away, Wang Yan remembered this matter, but he has no time to take care of this matter now, so he should hurry out of the city.

He used his camouflage skills and disappeared in place. Only a few people saw his attack. When Wang Yan disappeared, they all rubbed their eyes and shouted together in the next second: "Ghost~ "

Wang Yan ignored the commotion in the city gate, and they would recover after a while at most. After using his camouflage skills, he found a secluded place, set up a broom and flew into the air, aiming at the Delos Empire army outside the city. The resident flew away.

At the moment, in the Bahn tent in the center of the Imperial Legion's garrison, the four Imperial Legion commanders who were summoned temporarily by Bahn were all stunned. They couldn't figure out why Bahn, who had previously agreed to send troops, would back down an hour later. Well, how can important military matters be such a trifle?

"Captain Bahn, did you meet someone just out of the camp?" The commander of the Fourth Imperial Army looked at Bahn suspiciously. People called here, saying that they want to give up the attack on Hutton Marr, is this a joke?

Bahn also had a headache. He didn't know how to explain to these people. Could it be that he gave up fighting for his own selfish desires?The other party will definitely impeach him to the Empire Communications after he leaves. If the three of them jointly impeach him, Bahn will probably be investigated after returning to the Empire.

"Ahem, I just heard something. An apostle is about to appear in the principality's territory. I changed my mind temporarily. I will settle the matter of that apostle before discussing whether to send troops to the principality. You must know that it is an apostle. , although I am the youngest among all of you, I have seen the power of the apostles with my own eyes, and it is not something that few people can solve."

As a last resort, Bahn could only move out the apostles he learned from Wang Yan, and began to introduce Di Ruiji in a decent manner: "The sixth apostle, the black plague Di Ruiji, represents plague and disaster, and it can turn life into Dust, a creature of deadly pathogenic bacteria, is terrible."

"Apostle!" The four people, including Jiangyou, looked at each other nervously and excitedly. They could see unconcealable excitement in each other's eyes. The leader of the Iron Wolf Knights, Bahn, was in front of them. On behalf of the empire, he explored the mourning cave where the apostle existed, and after working together to kill him, he gained great credit, and was directly rewarded as a baron by the empire.

You must know that Barn was only 17 years old at the time, and their legionaries had spent half their lives to get to this point. If, if they could not send troops to the principality, they would be able to make great achievements, and idiots would think of going to war. Advantage, if the empire wants to take down the Principality Legion outside the city of Hutton Marr, thousands of people will be killed or injured.

After occupying Hutton Marr, the real big trouble will be waiting for them. They have to ask the magicians in the legion to work together to open a temporary channel to return to the empire to report the news, so that the empire can send more officials to manage the principality.

After all, those who come from the military academy will not be afraid of anyone in war, and they don't have much experience in management.

"It's broken. I've sent people to blow up the magic cannon on the wall of Hutton Mar. There is no news yet. I don't know if they have sneaked into the city."

After the excitement, the three legion commanders changed their colors together after calming down. Like Bahn, they thought of the soldiers who were sent out. Naturally, the other party did not know what happened in the garrison. The magic cannon on Hutton Mar's city wall has blown up.

"Don't worry, someone has already solved it. If it hasn't been blown up to now, basically nothing will happen." Bain waved his hand to signal the three of them not to worry. He just realized how miraculous Wang Yan's method is. , the other party seemed to know everything, and even revealed the secrets he kept in his heart. Up to now, Bahn still has a lingering feeling in his heart.

"That's good, but Captain Bahn, is the news that the apostle is coming is reliable? Where did you get it? Is the person who reported the news reliable?" The three breathed a sigh of relief, after all, Bahn would not If you lie about this matter, the other party may have sent someone to solve this matter in advance.

"The news must be credible. I believe the other party. As for who it is, I can't tell you. Everyone, please report the news as soon as possible, and temporarily cancel the decision to send troops tomorrow. When will you send troops? Wait for the news." Bain stood up, himself His heart was in a mess, he was really not in the mood to delay with the others, and he had to go outside the camp to wait for Wang Yan's visit again.

"Okay then, since you have made this decision, Captain Bahn, I will abide by it for the time being, but within three days you must bring the other party, or show me the apostle's information, otherwise If so, we have no way of confirming the authenticity of this news." The three of them except Jiangyou looked at each other, got up and said to Bahn, and strode away from Bahn's tent without waiting for Bahn's reply.

They must notify their subordinates as soon as possible to cancel the decision to start the war tomorrow. Although they know that this news will surely cause many soldiers to complain about them, there is no way to do it. The news of the world arrives?

(End of this chapter)

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