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Chapter 486 Do your best and obey the fate (high order 750 plus more)

Chapter 486 Do your best and obey the fate (high order 750 plus more)

Celia comforted Lori Ann a few words, and did not forget to complain about Kaili. Now that the army of the Delos Empire is under pressure, such a big thing has happened. The other party does not know what he is doing in the heavens. Celia will not complain a few words. Strange.

"Did Her Majesty guess wrong? The empire didn't mean to completely capture the Principality? Why did they let them enter Hutton Mar?" Paris watched as Lobach led Barn and the others into the city gate and disappeared from sight. When she expressed her doubts, everyone shook their heads in silence. Who knew?

"Your side really gave us a big disarm. With so many civil warriors gathered, is it because you are afraid that the empire will completely capture Hutton Marr? Captain Lobach, you can tell Her Majesty the Queen, the Emperor of the Empire will not He didn't mean that, he just told me to find the murderer, and find a few more people to bring back to the empire."

After entering Hutton Mar, Bane controlled the mount to slow down. He hadn't been to Hutton Mar for many years, and the environment of Hutton Mar was still so peaceful and peaceful, except for the pedestrians who passed by on the road. Unsatisfactory actions and direct gazes.

"I will tell Her Majesty the Queen the truth." Lobach breathed a sigh of relief. As Bahn, he certainly would not joke about such a national matter. It seems that Her Majesty really thought too much.

"However, who is the Juggernaut looking for? It won't be the same people who escaped from the experimental field back then. They may have survived in the boundless Gran's Forest." Lobach put down his worries, eyes She lied without batting an eyelid. She had contact with that group of people yesterday, and many of their sword skills were taught by Lobach. Unlike Bahn's standpoint, she naturally would not inform them of the news. bahn.

"You can become Her Majesty's knight. I doubt what you say." Bain glanced at Lobach, smiled and did not delve into the truth of the other party's words. He knew that he would never get anything important from Lobach. News, it's strange that the other party didn't tell lies to lie to him.

"Your guess is a bit off, but it's not about looking for those test items, just looking for some researchers who left the test site. They must be in Hutton Mar now. I have clear evidence to prove this." Bain said Knowing his own purpose of coming, he was not worried that Lobach or the Principality would stop him from finding these researchers who originally belonged to the empire. He just said that the other party had stolen the test site materials, and no one had anything to talk about.

Lobach was startled, did he come to see Norton Alchemist?The Norton team is now well-known in Hutton Marr, and a series of research has benefited many people, such as the logging robots purchased by the city hall, and the automatic pistols with strong close-range lethality, the Imperial Knights are all Include the hand cannon forged by the disciples led by the master craftsman of Xibo into the new list of military equipment.

In addition to these, there is also the Sorcerer's Stone that many warriors are scrambling for. After the Norton team launched the magical product of the Sorcerer's Stone, the West Coast Magician's Union also launched a new equipment such as the Sorcerer's Stone. Two At the same time, the city publicized the enhancement effect brought by the Sorcerer's Stone. I don't know how many warriors have experienced the enhancement effect brought by the Sorcerer's Stone and are unwilling to take it off. It is normal that this kind of strength improvement that can be directly felt is welcomed by people.

Bain glanced at the pensive Lobach. He did not entrust the other party or ask the Principality to come forward to find those researchers.

Bahn didn't know that the Norton team had already been famous in Hutton Mall, otherwise he would definitely regret telling Lobach about his mission. You must know that Lobach knew Norton. Although the two had never met, they were in the Norton team When her reputation was revealed, Lobach naturally received the results of the investigation about Norton, and learned that Norton was a member of the Imperial Alchemy Guild. She also vaguely remembered seeing Norton, a short alchemist, at the proving ground.

"No matter what the reason is, I can't let them find the Norton team. I have to find a way to leave and inform the Norton team and Paris. It seems that these two forces currently belong to Kaili. That troublesome guy is really indispensable everywhere." After Lobach decided to pay attention, he also had some headaches about Carey's existence. Bahn's two tasks were related to the other party. Now he ran to the heavens and left this mess for her to deal with. She would be blamed if she didn't hate Carey.

"Bahn Juggernaut, we will be at the city hall soon. Do you need to visit Her Majesty the Queen? She is in the palace not far to the north of the city hall." Lobach stopped his mount outside the city hall and looked at Bahn and asked. , Barn shook his head: "No need, if you are busy, Captain Lobach, go there first."

"Okay, you pay attention to protect the safety of Bahn Juggernaut, did you hear me?" Lobach signaled his guards who had been following him to stay. On the one hand, he could keep an eye on the movements of Bahn and others, and on the other hand, he was also afraid of the dukedom Warriors will do excessive actions, such as provoking Bane and his party, as for protecting the safety of the other party?Don't be kidding, it's just talking, the people in Hutton Mar who can fight Bahn can be counted on one hand.

"Yes!" Lobach's guards shouted loudly. In fact, they were also afraid that some warriors from the Principality would cause trouble. Without them standing aside, who knows if someone would throw rubbish on the street to deliberately block Baan and his party People's hearts are unpredictable, and if they wander around in Hutton Mar, something will happen.

Watching Lobach ride his horse away, Barn shook his head. He always felt a bad premonition, and he didn't know the reason. Could it be that things would become troublesome if he got involved with Carey?Bane thought to himself with a wry smile.

"Quickly, go to the back street and inform Norton's team, saying that the Imperial Knights are looking for them, let them leave there as soon as possible, it is best to let Paris protect them." Lobach and his party disappeared in their room after leaving Barn. After falling into sight, the dark servant who has been following along is recruited. The other party is only wearing the costume of an ordinary warrior, but his real identity is the most elite part of the Knights of the Principality. They are also the ones who are responsible for protecting the safety of Queen Skadi.

"Yes!" The dark servant responded in a low voice and quickly disappeared into the street. Seeing this, Lobach was slightly relieved. She had done everything she could do, and the rest needed Norton and the others to pay attention to. She turned and continued. Heading towards the palace, we must see Her Majesty the Queen as soon as possible to express the intention of the imperial army's arrival. She must be very worried now.

(End of this chapter)

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