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Chapter 484 Sure enough, the protagonist loves to cause trouble (Part 2)

Chapter 484 Sure enough, the protagonist loves to cause trouble (second update)

"It's good that you know, Your Excellency Barn." Lobach also rode a white horse to the stall and stood still. She was the commander-in-chief of the principality, and she was the only one who could talk to Barn with this status.

"We seem to have met somewhere before, I know you." Barn narrowed his eyes and looked at Lobach. His double-edged giant sword, his eyes are extremely firm, and there is even a trace of admiration?
"Yes, the Bilmark Empire Proving Ground. I used to be stationed there, but now I am a member of the Knights of the Principality of Belmar. The fallen empire no longer needs me to serve." Lobach chuckled She told a lot of stories that her subordinates didn't know, and the people behind her were surprised. How could Captain Lobach still have such a story?
"It's you! I remembered, back then you let go of those experimental subjects, and you broke away from the Imperial Knights and were wanted by the Empire, right." Bain's eyes widened, and he looked at Lobach in great surprise. Unexpectedly, the imperial swordsman who fled in embarrassment under the pursuit of the empire back then has grown up to the present. Presumably the strength of the opponent should be very good, otherwise Queen Skadi would not entrust him with important tasks.

"Yes, what the empire has done has made me unable to serve it anymore, Sword Master Barn, I have a doubt, why did you come all the way to Biermark to set up the empire test site? Is it really just because of the imperial emperor's order?" Lobach actually respects Barn very much in her heart, after all, she grew up in the Imperial Knights, and she left to join the Principality only because she was too disappointed with the Empire. There is no prejudice against Barn, the sword master of the empire.

"I can't tell you this. Are you here under the order of Her Majesty the Queen to lead troops here to stop us from entering Hutton Marr? Have you really considered the consequences of stopping the Imperial Army?" Bain shook his head. , he couldn't answer this question, it was a secret he buried in his heart and would never mention it to outsiders.

"Yes, the empire abruptly sent four legions to the principality's territory without giving any notice to the principality. Although the principality is now a vassal state of the empire, Her Majesty the Queen has reason to suspect that there is something wrong with your intentions. Now, Sword Master Bain, you Please tell me the reason why you brought your troops here." Lobach took a deep breath, she thought that Bahn had to carry out a series of experimental activities because he wanted to obey the orders of His Majesty the Emperor, and she didn't intend to do so , Now it seems that maybe she was wrong.

"My reason for coming? Hehe, the head of the Seventh Legion sent by the Empire to be stationed on the territory of the Principality was killed while exploring the sky city on the west coast. Long Yan was furious after His Majesty the Emperor found out, and ordered that the murderer must be found and brought to justice." Killing on the spot, I don’t know if this reason is enough?” Bain put on that half-smile expression again, as an imperial nobleman, a commoner-born swordsman like Lobach was far from qualified to compete with him in the empire. Talking, that is, the other party joined the principality and became the head of the principality's knights, so that Bahn can barely pay attention to it.

"Her Majesty the Queen has known about this for a long time. This is an accident. The head of your country's Seventh Legion clashed with the team of the Magician's Union exploring Sky City. The results of this investigation have already been delivered to your Seventh Legion." Lobach shook his head, telling the information he knew.

"It seems that you still don't know what happened. It's not the Wizards Guild, it's a swordsman named Kaili. I don't know if you recognize him, but now, please let me and my subordinates enter Hutton If you find him in Mar, you don’t need to bother Captain Lobach with this kind of thing, you should train your subordinates more so that they don’t tremble when facing opponents.”

Bahn took a deep breath, and he told the truth of the matter. After all, the Seventh Army of the Empire entered the Sky City with the head of the army, and there were hundreds of people who witnessed Kaili killing the head of the general. They all insisted It was the swordsman named Kaili who killed the head of the regiment, and it is impossible to collude with the confession at the same time.

Barn himself naturally didn't want to take action against the young man named Kaili, but the emperor Heinrich III's order had been issued. As long as he didn't plan to leave the empire to wander now, he had to obey this order and fight with Kaili. The slight relationship in Li has become less important in front of this order.

"Kerry?" Lobach was taken aback. She didn't know why she got involved with that mysterious young man. The other party had been to the palace several times with Forrest Gump Left Sword Master. Lobach even personally investigated the other party's identity. , I just couldn't find the other party's real life experience, but judging from the fact that she and the Celestial Game Kelly are considered siblings, they might really be from the heavens.

"He is not in the Principality now. He left Hutton Mar with his sister Kelly two months ago. He has not appeared during this time, and it is said that he has returned to the heaven." Lobach asked his subordinates to bring a record book , These are the records of some people who need to be observed in Hutton Marr. Carey is on it, the backstreet king Paris is also on it, and even the movements of powerful fighters such as Forrest Gump, GSD, and Feng Zhen, can be found here.

After reading the record booklet, Lobach read out the record about Carey. This record has not been updated more than two months ago, because the other party and Kelly disappeared in Hutton Marr at the same time, but there are rumors that the other party returned In Heaven, there is no way of knowing whether this news is true or not.

"Heaven!" Bane's heart was excited, he couldn't help but look up at the sky, through the transparent elven magic circle in the sky, he could see another magic circle in the sky, for the elven magic circle that enveloped Hutton Marr, Barn couldn't help but look up. En is extremely admirable. It is normal for the great sage Mar, who arranged this magic circle, to be admired by the world for hundreds of years. The magic power here is much stronger than that in the empire.

"So, Bahn Juggernaut, please take your subordinates to station temporarily or retreat. When Kaili appears, I will meet with him as soon as possible to ask the specific inside story of this matter. I will definitely inform you when the time comes. Is it okay for you to come and ask the other party in person?"

Lobach looked a little nervously at Barn expressing her thoughts. She didn't know if Barn had any other more secretive tasks besides the revealed intention, such as completely occupying the capital of the principality, Hutton Marr, so that the principality existed in name only. .

Barn was silent. He didn't know whether he could believe Lobach's words. After all, he was carrying the mission of His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, and he had a reason to enter Huttenmar.

(End of this chapter)

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