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Chapter 480 Lori Ann Returns to the Family (Part 3)

Chapter 480 Lori Ann Returns to the Family (Part [-])
As the head of the Principality Knights, Lobach was shocked by the number of warriors who kept arriving. She never expected that so many warriors from the Principality would stand up for the country when the empire's legion was in danger. share worries.

Although the vast majority of warriors have the strength of Tier 2 and Tier 5, and only a few skills are mastered, the number is too much. Just the warriors whose registered residence is New North Mar is more than With [-] warriors, plus Hutton Marr's own warriors, the number of warriors is nearly [-], plus some warriors who have not yet arrived, it is not a problem for the number of warriors to exceed [-] in the end.

This number is already greater than the number of soldiers in the principality, but compared with the neatly lined up legion, the warriors are gathered in groups of three or four, and a few groups with more than a hundred people seem to have various equipment , the motley crew is undoubtedly revealed.

Every martial artist who signed up received a subsidy of [-] to [-] gold coins according to their level on the second day. Queen Skadi was also cruel, as long as she could stop the Imperial Army at Hutton Marr, no matter how much she paid The price is also worth it, otherwise, if the opponent invades the city, all the resources of Hutton Mar will be accepted by the opponent, which is a very certain thing.

In addition to the gold coin subsidy, there are also some medicines and equipment assistance according to the needs, which made many warriors reaffirm the idea of ​​stationing here. It seems that the Principality attaches great importance to these warriors who actively stand up, which makes them even more Have the confidence to stay here to face the arrival of the Imperial Legion.

On the morning of the third day after the announcement was posted, the knight Lobach who led his troops stationed at the east gate of Hutton Mal received a report from the scouting soldiers. Don Mar.

"Everyone, the imperial legion is here. They have already set foot on the seaport on the west coast. Without everyone's assistance, they can easily enter the homeland behind us. But with you, I swear as the head of the Principality's Knights, We must stop the empire's legion on this land, and we will never retreat until we die!"

"Until death!" After Lobach's voice fell, everyone around stood up one after another, and members of the Knights also shouted loudly.

"Until death!" An increasingly loud voice sounded outside Hutton Maldon's gate.

After leaving the Magician's Guild, Lori Ann flew all the way back to Hutton Mar with a broomstick. She returned to the Cornalo family for the first time after several years, and received a grand reception.

As the only daughter of the Cornaro family, Lori Ann has lived a luxurious life since she was a child, but after she was ten years old, she began to hate this life where she could see death at a glance. After running away from the family again, she boarded a carriage to the west coast and came to the extremely prosperous west coast.

The magical atmosphere on the west coast is very strong, and you can see magician apprentices passing by on the street. Out of curiosity, Lori Ann went to the Magician Academy to sign up as one of the students. After learning about this, the Cornalo family was naturally in awe. However, Shalan, the headmaster of the Magician Academy, couldn't bear to let her go, because Luo Lian showed a superb talent in magic after only entering the academy for a few days.

Since then, Lori Ann has gotten rid of the shackles of the family. She started washing and cooking alone, making beds and making quilts. After the initial period, she fell in love with magic completely and got used to the life of a magician.

Because the future is no longer the kind of day where you can see the end at a glance. After being exposed to magic, no one knows what her future will be. This is exactly what Lori Ann has been looking forward to.

As she grew older, Lori Ann's talent in magic gradually became apparent. She became the chief apprentice of the Magician Academy, and finally graduated from the Magician Academy with honors. Before she graduated, she had already become a great magister. He also joined the Magician's Guild and became a member of it.

I have not been in touch with the family for so many years, and even after becoming an awakened magician, I have not shared the family's worries. When I returned to the family and saw the faces of my father and mother who were much older than I remembered, Lori Ann hugged them and cried bitterly. , her parents patted Luo Lian on the back lightly, and did not ask Luo Lian why she hadn't come home for so many years. They knew that their daughter had grown up and had the right to choose her own life.

"When I came back this time, I actually accepted the task of Mentor Sharan to mediate the upcoming war between the Principality and the Empire on behalf of the Magician's Union, so I can't stay at home for a long time. I'm sorry, mother." Afterwards, Lorian wiped away the tears on her face and told her why she returned to Hutton Marr today. The Patriarch of Cornalo, who was holding the tea on the opposite side, shook his hands. Hold the teacup firmly with one finger, then put it back on the tray.

"I heard that you are already a great magister? Since President Shalan entrusted you with this task, she must be very relieved of you. Go, the family has never had any troubles, but you will come back again. Is it?" Luo Lian's mother, a graceful and luxurious lady, held Luo Lian's palm in her hand reluctantly, she was really afraid that she would never see her daughter again after this visit.

"Don't worry, mother, I'm sure I'll come back safely. Instructor Shalan has said that she will personally stop the outbreak of war when necessary." Lori Ann nodded. After returning to the family, she gradually recalled her childhood She spent a pleasant childhood in the family, and she is already sensible as an adult. Although she will not be able to stay at home for a long time in the future, it will definitely be no problem to come back and have a look when she has time.

"The empire is coming in a menacing way. You have to be careful. Her Majesty the Queen issued a notice calling for warriors to go to the East Gate of Hutton Mart to resist the empire's legion. I heard that tens of thousands of warriors have already gone there. You have to bear in mind that the kingdom It is not so easy to break out of a war with other countries, just follow President Shalan's instructions to remain absolutely neutral, and don't be arrogant." The head of the Cornalo family repeatedly urged Lori-an, and Lori-an nodded in response.

"Father, mother, I'm going. You wait for my good news. I will return to the family when the empire's legion has retreated. At that time, I will definitely be able to stay at home for a while." Lori Ann was not in the family. How long did she stay in Zhongduo? After seeing her parents, she was already very satisfied. It was time to set off for the east gate of Hutton Mal to wait for the arrival of the imperial army.

"Be careful in everything." The two came to the courtyard and watched Luo Lian step on the broom and fly into the sky together with the servants. Many servants didn't know that their eldest lady was actually a powerful magician. Afterwards, they all talked about this matter in low voices, talking about the little dragon that the eldest lady kept close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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