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Chapter 476 Why do I have to stand up? (monthly 330 monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 476 Why do I have to stand up? (October 330 monthly ticket plus update)

When GSD led his disciples past Fengzhen's Fengquanliu martial arts gym, Fengzhen, who had been hesitating all the time, shook his body, gritted his teeth, and shouted to the disciples who had been gathering around him: "Everyone , Take your weapons and prepare to go!"


Kanina stood blankly at the door of the grocery store. She didn't know that she just had a meal, so why did she go out and look again, and all she saw were people who were thinking about going east. Why did they have such a smile on their faces? With a firm expression, what are these people walking towards the east for?
"Kanina." At this time, Kanina's father, Dulf, came striding from the street. His expression was very serious, a seriousness that Kanina seldom saw.

"Father, what's wrong with them?" Kanina pointed at the pedestrians on the street in confusion. Although she didn't know what happened, she was very flustered and had a very bad feeling.

"My dear daughter, they are all preparing to gather towards the east gate of Hettonmar in order to protect the land under their feet." Dulf had just returned from the city hall bulletin board, so he naturally knew what happened.

"What? The empire's legion is about to arrive at Hutton Mar, my God!" Kanina panicked after learning the truth of the matter, and it was difficult for anyone to keep calm the first time she knew about it. What's more, she is just a 14-year-old girl.

"Kanina, can you stay at home well? Don't make bread these few days. There is still a lot of food at home. Don't you keep saying that you are tired? Can you rest for a few days?" Dulf was distressed. , squatting down and looking at the red-eyed Kanina, this is the eldest daughter he owes the most. Dulf feels that he must love her well in this life, so that she will not be hurt in order to make up for it.

"No, are you going to the east gate too? Take me with you, father, I will never be separated from you again." Kanina stretched out her hand to hold Dulf's thick palm, and she held him tightly She didn't want to let go of her fingers. She was really afraid that she would never see her father again after he left this time, and that she would lose hope of living.

"Silly boy, I'm just going to have a look, and I'll be back before dark." Dulf showed an ugly smile.

"No, take me with you, or don't go." Kanina still refused to let go of her, and Dulf had no choice but to hug her and put her on his broad shoulders: "Okay then, I'll take you with me." In the past, but you have to listen to me, don't be stubborn, don't refute, when I let you come back, you have to come back, do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, father, I have this." Kanina reached out and grabbed the necklace on her chest. This is the blessing necklace of the goddess of luck. She originally had two, and later gave one to Celia.

"Well, let's go when I get the weapon." Dulf stretched out his hand to tease Kanina, then put it down, went into the shop and carried his hunting bow and arrow and dagger on his back. Before going, he found a pair of small wooden crosses from the storage box, and after carefully putting them into his breast pocket, Dulf showed a firm expression.

"Let's go, my dear girl."

"When I close the door, all right, let's go."

The two left the grocery store and came to Kaili's enhanced shop before walking far to the east. Kanina stopped and looked at the enhanced shop that was still closed and couldn't help showing disappointment. It had been two months. Why hasn't Sister Li returned with Brother Kaili?Don't they plan to come back?

"Kanina!" There was a shout from behind. Kanina turned her head and saw Celia flying from the sky with her feet on a broom. The other party seemed to be alarmed by the crowd on the street, and she was still puzzled at the moment. What about the color?

"Sister Celia, are you going to the east gate too?" Kanina let go of Dulf and asked in front of Celia when Celia landed on the ground.

"What's the matter? I've been meditating in the hotel, but I vaguely heard more and more noise on the street, so I came out to see what happened. Are they all going to the east gate?" Celia Before going to the bulletin board, she planned to go to the Moonlight Tavern to find her fellow clan Socia's. After self-awakening, her relationship with Socia became closer, and the two had been in contact during this time.

"Sister Celia, you don't know yet. The Empire's legion is coming to Hutton Mar soon. Her Majesty the Queen has issued an announcement calling all the people with lofty ideals in the Principality to stand up and block the Empire's legion. They can't be allowed to set foot in this city." Kanina explained aloud that she only knew the origin of the matter for a while.

"There is such a thing, no wonder!" Seria suddenly realized, no wonder the warriors who were rarely seen in the street are now everywhere, and they are heading in the east. After she woke up, she felt The body is trembling, what kind of will is this? Seria, who can see the special existence, can feel that the city she is in seems to be alive because of the firm will of more and more people .

"Are you going to the Moonlight Tavern now? Let's go there together. I don't know if A-Gump Left Sword Master is there. If he is there, he will definitely teach those imperial people a lesson."

Kanina held Celia's hand, and Celia nodded to Dulf and pulled Kanina forward. Dulf nodded with a smile and followed Kanina. Although Celia He didn't show his true strength, but Dulf knew that Celia was already an awakened magician. If the other party was willing to make a move, it would definitely be a big help.

Moonlight Tavern, although it was afternoon, there was still a lot of people here. Not long after the announcement was posted, it was posted on the notice board at the entrance of the Moonlight Tavern. Many warriors entered the Moonlight Tavern after seeing the notice board and drank heavily. In his heart, he was struggling whether to set off towards the Hutton Maldong Gate.

Not everyone has the courage to stand up to the blade of the empire. This is also human nature. After all, most people will never participate in national-level battles in their lifetime. They have their own lives, and they have their own needs to fight for. s things.

"Hehe, the empire didn't think of us until they called, and they gave back titles. In the end, it's probably enough to give a few knights." Rumors rang out in the tavern, and many people cast their gazes, and what they saw was a drunk Drunk warrior.

"I tried my best when the empire set foot on this land. All my companions died in battle. What happened? I didn't even get the pension from the Principality. Now the other family still needs me to help them from time to time. It takes a while to get by, tell me, what reason do I have to stand up at this time?" The drunk warrior yelled again, his words moved many people, just by imagining, one can know what happened back then What's up.

(End of this chapter)

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