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Chapter 473 Faroe Bay (Part 1)

Chapter 473 Faroe Bay (Part [-])
Faroe Bay was originally an island belonging to the Principality of Belle Mare. The pearl jewelry produced in Faroe Bay is very popular throughout the Principality, and it has been so until it was forcibly occupied by the Delos Empire.

In 986 of the Arad calendar, six years after completing the exploration of the Wailing Cave, the Delos Empire, with its powerful military power, sent troops to occupy the Faroe Bay. With the help of the Faroe Bay as a springboard, the Delos Empire firmly established itself on the other side of the ocean. , which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent capture of the capital of the Principality of Belle Mare, Hutton Mar.

After that, the Delos Empire finally showed its fangs under the rule of Heinrich III. The ambition of the Delos Empire to unify the Arad continent was clearly revealed. Turned to the Principality of Belle Mare, whose military strength was weak and defenseless.

Occupied by the Delos Empire for ten years, the vast majority of the residents of Faro Bay have accepted the fact that they were forced to change their country. The culture of the Principality of Belle Mare they are familiar with gradually receded from their lives and began to adapt to Delos. Empire-style architecture, clothing and culture.

The sea breeze at the beginning of October has already made people feel very cool. The fishermen who got up early to fish and gather pearls all put on thick winter clothes. The coastline is not as good as the inland. Wear thick clothes to keep out the cold. Once the weather turns cloudy, many elderly fishermen will suffer from unbearable aches and pains all over their bodies.

Farming pearl oysters is something that most residents of Faroe Bay do. They raise very small pearl oyster seedlings near the sea. After a few years, natural pearls will grow inside the pearl oysters, and they take them out carefully. , and will not harm the pearl oyster itself.

Pearls have a wide range of functions. Large and round pearls can be used to make pearl ornaments. Irregular pearls can be used as medicine or high-end cosmetics after being ground into powder. People are willing to spend a lot of money to buy natural pearl powder in order to maintain their skin.

After the Delos Empire occupied the Faroe Bay, pearl jewelry and pearl powder also crossed the wide sea to reach the other side of the ocean. Facing the exotic pearl jewelry, the nobles of the Delos Empire also welcomed their arrival.

When the sound of the ship's long horn sounded on the sea, the fishermen who were fishing for pearl oysters in the offshore saw the imperial warships revealed in the sea, and the net bags in their hands fell into the sea with a plop, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. warship!

The Delos Empire, with its powerful military power, is very careful in manufacturing warships that can go to sea. The warships made of steel float effortlessly on the sea surface and cross the ocean to Faroe Bay, thousands of miles away. Half of the dozen warships are The soldiers of the empire were loaded, and the rest were loaded with weapons, equipment and logistical resources needed for the war.

"Leaving Veteran for two months, are you finally going to land? After landing, you have to eat something, and a bird is almost fading out of your mouth."

Bahn, the sword master of the Delos Empire and the leader of the Iron Wolf Knights, stood on the deck of the bow. Behind him were the members of the Iron Wolf Knights who came out of the cabin after hearing the news. They stretched their bodies and chatted on the deck. Wandering is not down-to-earth, and many people feel that their martial arts have regressed a lot.

People who have been wandering at sea for a long time know that they can only eat fresh fruits and vegetables except for a while before going to sea. After that, they eat fish every day. Pickles that are usually dismissed can be snapped up. The smell of the sea breeze makes me want to vomit, and the skin will leave long-lasting marks when I touch it. In fact, this is just sepsis due to long-term lack of vitamin supplements.

As the leader of the Iron Wolf Knights, Barn's treatment is naturally different from that of members. He has never cut off the supplement of fruits and vegetables, but he can still stay on the boat for two months at sea. When Luowan was getting closer, even Bahn was very happy in his heart, and finally he was going ashore!

In his heart, Barn was unwilling to come to the land of the Principality of Belmar, especially leading the Iron Wolf Knights, because the mission of the four legions departing from the empire was very clear, and it was to ask the Principality for an explanation. , Why was the head of the Seventh Legion of the Empire stationed in the Principality killed while exploring the sky city on the west coast?
Barn is very familiar with the land of the Principality of Belmar. There are only a few of his friends here, and they have unforgettable experiences. Barn can't imagine that when the soldiers of the four legions of the empire arrive on the west coast, his old friend Forrest Gump What would Zuo Hui think, would he be so enraged that he would completely break up with him?
"Kerry, Carey, look what you've done, what do you want me to do with this mess?" Barn couldn't help remembering his trip to the snowy area of ​​Ston a few months ago, where he first met Carey, the origin of the other party is very mysterious, and the strength revealed on the surface is not as good as that of his team members, but the hidden strength is unfathomable, especially the satellite ray that severely damaged the ice dragon Scassa in the end, that kind of power makes even Bahn Shock.

In addition to leading the Iron Wolf Knights to put pressure on the Principality of Bel Mare, Barn also accepted a more secret mission during this trip, which was to find the alchemist Norton hiding in Hutton Marr. Barn knew Norton, Back then, the two had lived together at the Bilmark Empire Test Site, but they didn't have much contact with each other.

Norton quietly left before the explosion of the Imperial Proving Ground, and then the proving ground exploded due to an accident. As the person in charge of the proving ground, Bahn was too busy to find Norton at that time, but he did not expect that the other party actually brought him out of the proving ground The Terra Stone has been researching, and even His Majesty the Emperor is secretly paying attention to this matter, ordering him to find Norton and bring him and his team back to the Empire during this trip.

Soon, more than a dozen warships entered the port of Faroe Bay and moored. Members of the Third, Fourth, and Sixth Legions of the Empire began to disembark and carry the supplies on board. Members of the Iron Wolf Knights also walked off the warship with their equipment after the warship stabilized. , when the feet step on the solid ground of the harbor, a long-lost sense of security arises spontaneously.

The members of the Seventh Legion of the Empire, who had already received the news and were stationed here in Faroe Bay in advance, rushed to the harbor under the leadership of the temporary regiment Jiangyou. Jiang You, the deputy head of the Seventh Army, has completely secured his position as head of the army.

"Tell me, what was the situation at that time?" Bane asked. As an imperial nobleman, Bane was the one with the highest military rank among all the people. After he met Jiang You, he directly asked about the original situation. Prepare for future plans.

Jiang You truthfully described all the action plans of the Seventh Legion after the reality of Sky City on the West Coast. When they learned that the former head of the Seventh Legion was killed by Kaili because of rashly competing with the West Coast Magicians Union, everyone's expressions were pale. Not very pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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