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Chapter 46 Relic Set (45)

Chapter 46 Relic Set (45)
Returning to the practice room again, and experiencing the skills attached to a pair of royal blue mans gloves, Wang Yan took off all the equipment from his body, sat cross-legged on a stone, closed his eyes and sensed the thoughts gathered between his hands, and read The air mass was continuously compressed and dissipated under his control, and an afternoon passed without knowing it.

At night, after dinner, Wang Yan returned to his room. During today's practice, Nian Qi has been successfully compressed by one-third of its size. This is really good news for Wang Yan, after all, the Nian Qi wave skill released earlier It's just attached to the equipment, not his own strength. Now that he is about to master the Nian Qi Wave skill, Wang Yan is full of expectations.

Back in the room and carefully took out the laptop, Wang Yan sat at the table and entered the dungeon game, and then chose his role as Sword God. After logging in, he checked the materials in the warehouse, and then showed an expectant expression, It is to control the sword god character to the central park of the map of the devil world in the game. Yes, he is going to start to brush the abyss.

Wang Yan's sword god role is played as the main account, but he has scattered epics on his body, and he has not collected all the epic sets and jewelry of level 90, and he has basically never played in a group. After all, when he was on earth, he With very little free time, it is a luxury to play two Abyss casually, not to mention playing in a team.

However, there are quite a lot of Abyss Party challenges in Wang Yan's warehouse. After all, he has 40 characters under his account, and he can get a lot of challenges by moving bricks every day. Over time, he has accumulated tens of thousands of invitations and challenges. Books are enough for his journey into the abyss for a while.

Choosing the king level in Time Square, Wang Yan came to the Abyss Pillar with a few skills, and then a set of Sword Dance + Raptor + Big Sword easily killed the Abyss APCs hopping around, and harvested a few pieces that were beaten into pieces. The epic of fragments.

"The Bald Square really deserves its reputation, no, I have to change lanes." After brushing a few abysses, he didn't even lose an epic soul. Wang Yan thought helplessly. After a flash of golden light, a piece of equipment with a golden name fell beside the abyss pillar.

"Wow, the shadows cover the sun, cheating!" Wang Yan didn't expect to drop out of this level 90 epic short sword, and hurried forward to pick it up. After harvesting this epic equipment, the previous complaints were swept away immediately. This feeling of being rewarded for hard work is the real charm of the game. No wonder many people go to the abyss from time to time after collecting all the epic sets and jewelry. What they want is this sudden feeling of surprise.

After an epic short sword broke out, Wang Yan changed lines without hesitation. Soon he found that his luck was very good today. Even the character's natal light armor lost a piece of bottoms. He replaced it The 85-level epic piece on his body looked at the epic items in a row in the item bar happily.

After clearing 188 fatigue, I harvested several epic fragments, three epic souls, and four epic equipment, both at level 85 and level 90.The reason why Wang Yan thinks of brushing the abyss is that he wants to gather a set of epic sets to cross the border into the account vault. If he can cross the epic weapons, jewelry and other items together, Wang Yan believes that he has a full set of epic sets at that time. Even Jin Fei is not his opponent.

After brushing the fatigue of several characters in a row, he finally found that the time had passed twelve o'clock. Wang Yan yawned and chose to quit the game. He hadn't played online for a long time, and it was still full of surprises. Just overdid it.

In the next half a month, Wang Yan lived a very fulfilling life every day. During the day, he stayed in the practice room in the Jinfei Dojo. At noon, the broadcast started for half an hour, chatting with the audience on the earth, and in the evening, he started his own abyss. On the way, after half a month of hard work, he completed tens of thousands of invitation letters and challenge letters, and successfully harvested a large amount of epic equipment, even the epic fragments have accumulated 10%.

In terms of practice, Wang Yan successfully mastered the release of mind energy waves. It was on the third day after he exchanged the eagle feather suit. When he successfully released the energy waves without using the skills attached to the equipment, the inner satisfaction was It cannot be described in words.

In addition, the set of equipment Wang Yan promised to Jin Fei did not break his promise. He collected a set of level 60 sacred cloth armor through the auction house that night, and gave it to Jin Fei the next day. Nine pieces of equipment, including weapons and jewelry, were so excited that they announced that they would participate in this year's fighting tournament.

Wang Yan was happy to see this, Zhushi thought about it and agreed to Jin Fei. The magic power contained in Jin Fei's equipment is so powerful, I believe that even if the other party can't get a satisfactory ranking, it is better to guarantee his own safety. no problem.

In terms of equipment, Wang Yan has collected more than a dozen sets through the account treasury these days, and even collected a set of 90-level sacred equipment, but he found helplessly that currently he cannot wear more than 50-level equipment. The equipment, or in other words, the physical strength after wearing it could not cope with the magic power contained in the equipment, making the equipment completely a decoration and unable to exert its due power, which made him a little frustrated.

It may be because he still has a long way to go before awakening, Wang Yan thought so after changing into a set of level 45 sacred equipment. In terms of the source of equipment, it is basically the auction and Celia. Now the value of low-level artifacts in the game is only hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and what is needed to synthesize equipment is only some artifact souls.

For the level 45 sacred cloth armor set, the jacket itself comes with several skills, plus the set effect, there are more than a dozen additional skills. In addition to the [Lion's Roar] skill of the fighter profession, the skills of other professions There are also various kinds. Wang Yan was pleasantly surprised to find that after wearing the suit, he can actually release the skills attached to the equipment, such as the mechanic's [Air Combat Mechanics: Storm], [Ex-S Viper Cannon], the summoner's [ Spirit Summoning: Igabela], [Contract Summoning: Louise].

When he accidentally summoned the Elven King Igabela, Igabela's tall and scary figure almost broke the roof of the practice room. Knowing how Wang Yan did this, he could actually master the professional skills of a summoner, but after Jin Fei went berserk, Wang Yan was ordered not to use skills of mass destruction in the city. Jin Fei also extorted dozens of pieces of high-energy chocolate. She had been looking forward to this sweet food for a long time, and it happened that she stopped Wang Yan from summoning the Elf King, which also gave her the conditions to ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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