DNF Live Allard

Chapter 459 Arriving at Luft Harbor (Part 2)

Chapter 459 Arriving at Luft Harbor (Second Change)
"Look at these pictures, everyone. These are the remains of mechanical dogs and orangutans that were wiped out on the front line. These things are fearless and have caused us a lot of trouble." A commander threw out a bunch of pictures taken on the front line The photo was sent by telegram. Naturally, the headquarters would not stay at the front line where the artillery fire was rumbling. It was tens of kilometers away from the front line.

The faces of those present were ugly after seeing those photos. Cyborgs are the toughest opponents on the battlefield. Their exoskeleton is extremely hard, and the only fragile internal structure is also wrapped by the outer skeleton, like a mechanical orangutan. With the help of arms, tanks and artillery can be overturned directly, and even a squadron of firepower can be forced into the battlefield.

"The gunners have to be mobilized to the front line. They are all valuable talents. Any loss of one of them will be a great loss on the battlefield. We must let the assault soldiers protect them."

After discussing for a while, the new decision was finalized, and soon the gunners who had never shot since they came to the battlefield received a transfer order, which made these gunners with heavy firepower extremely excited.

Each of them needs a transport vehicle to load their heavy firepower equipment, and they are wearing heavy armor and have hand cannons that never leave their bodies.

Just half an hour later, the gunners rushed to the front line. Their appearance made the front line advance ten kilometers in three days. Even the mighty mechanical gorilla couldn't stop the bombardment of anti-tank guns and laser cannons. As for the quick-moving mechanical dog , Gatling machine gun fire coverage will leave them no room to dodge.

It was already a week later when the four of Wang Yan and the recruits arrived at the frontline headquarters. Since they entered the area that Carter had captured two days ago, the place they passed by was like a ghost land, which was indeed as stated in the battle report. , all the areas captured by the Callett organization have been plundered.

The recruits were quickly divided among the five legions, which relieved several legion commanders. It seems that the imperial capital is still paying attention to the frontline battlefield. They will fight without confidence.

Wang Yan didn't stay at the headquarters for too long, because he didn't need his help here. After leaving the barracks, Wang Yan took out the off-road jeep that hadn't been used for a long time. , which means she will be home soon.

Kelly and Shaying Belit checked the guns they were carrying and boarded the off-road jeep. The two sat on the back seat and looked out the window at the retreating wilderness plain. For this land, they should also stand up.

Wang Yan drove east all the way to the coastline, and then started to head south. This area does not belong to the front line area, so neither the Carret Organization nor the Imperial Capital Army set their sights on this place. Wang Yan's plan was to sneak into Lu The well-known mermaid Kong Kongyi rescued Little Lantern's good friend from the Port of Foote.

As night fell, the four of them arrived ten kilometers north of Luft Harbor. Going forward, they could already see members of Callett patrolling the coastline. Wang Yan turned off the off-road jeep. Kelly and Shaying Bailey Te got out of the car and took out their weapons. They looked at each other, and they could see the fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Under the cover of night, the four of them quickly approached Luft Harbor. The little lantern had already dived into the sea, observed the sentinels organized by Callett along the coastline in advance, and came back to report to Wang Yan. The pistol equipped with a silencer kept firing Bullets ended the lives of those sentries. All three were battle-tested, and none of them would feel uncomfortable because of the death of the enemy.

Since Shaying Belit started to do it, he has changed from the original appearance of an old gentleman to the appearance of a legendary gun god. With the help of the night, he moves extremely fast, even against a rock wall that is [-] degrees vertical. It is also easy to slap the rock wall and climb up, which Wang Yan is ashamed of.

In just ten minutes, the three of them advanced to a place five kilometers away from Luft Harbor. Standing on a high rock wall, the three of them could already see Luft Harbor. , Luft Harbor crouched motionless on the coast like a huge beast.

In Luft Harbor, Carret's temporary headquarters, Lantilus was a little uneasy. He picked up the two huge hand cannons on the table, and felt a little more at ease.

In the past two days, the battle line has been continuously advancing towards the port of Luft. The Royal Army has used gunnery divisions, and the members of Callet have suffered heavy losses. Lantilus himself is a gunnery division, and he knows that the gunners under strict protection The artillery division is simply a killing machine on the battlefield. To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration for one person to be worth a thousand-man brigade.

"Giselle, it's up to you now. If you don't come within two days, I can only change my strategy and use the second plan." Landilus walked out of the building and looked up to the northeast, where It is Ghent, the capital of gods, Ghent, the capital of gods without defense facilities because of the power point.

Lantilus thought that he could directly push the forward troops to the outside of Ghent, but he never thought that the response speed of the imperial capital was far faster than he imagined. One week after they occupied Luft Harbor, Landilus was After hearing the news, the five regiments of the Royal Capital Army have already set off to advance towards Luft Harbor.

"There's no reason. How did the news leak out and reach Ghent so quickly?" Landilus had experienced the last war of aggression against the imperial capital, and he knew that those nobles were extremely panicked when facing the war. According to his guess, it would take at least two weeks for the imperial capital to react and start deploying troops. At that time, Callett's backup force had already arrived, and Landilus was confident that he would go all the way to the city of Ghent.

He never dreamed that this was because he had captured a rare mermaid. This was not the first time that Landilus had seen a mermaid, but when his subordinates showed up with the mermaid Kong Kongyi in the jar, Landilus still I am very interested, because Giselle has entrusted him a long time ago. If there is a chance, I must catch some intelligent aliens. The mermaid is naturally the first choice.

Now the mermaid is closely guarded in the temporary base camp organized by Callett. Lantilus believes that no one can bypass him to rescue the mermaid. If such a thing can be done, his head It's also not guaranteed.

"Go ashore, little lantern, we're here." At the southeast corner of Luft Harbor, Wang Yan and the three easily dealt with the sentry guarding here.

With the help of the mind-eye skill, the secret whistle was just a joke in front of Wang Yan. He easily pulled out the secret whistle hiding in the cave under the rock.

(End of this chapter)

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