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Chapter 448 The Future of Artificial Intelligence (Part 1)

Chapter 448 The Future of Artificial Intelligence (Part [-])
"Very good, you can try the longest communication distance again." Wang Yan nodded, and then a group of people came outside the laboratory. 500 meters, even if it is more than 400 meters, there will be a lot of noise, and it is difficult to hear what the sound means.

"It's too close, not enough." Mrs. Meili interrupted everyone when they were delighted, and wanted to make radio communication fully accepted by the world, at least three to five kilometers away.

"This is a matter of the frequency you set." When everyone was a little worried, Wang Yan stood up. He knew very well that the biggest limitation of the initial radio communication was the distance. The distance is affected by the frequency, and the frequency is affected by the communication. The materials used in devices are limited, such as important materials such as transistors.

Under Wang Yan's reminder, the three of them and their assistant began to urgently replace the materials, and the results of the re-test were satisfactory. With a communication distance of three kilometers, the assistant had already walked out of the Elytra of the Seven Gods under the leadership of the guards, but his voice remained the same. It was passed from the communicator, which also means that the first generation of the radio communicator has successfully completed the test.

Wang Yan doesn’t have to worry about the rest of the matter. How to report and then allocate funds to vigorously research and develop and finally mass-produce. This kind of thing is handled by the people of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. Wang Yan came to the Elytra of the Seven Gods under the leadership of Mrs. Meili In a very secret research room, the purpose is to start research on cooling bombs.

The cooling bomb, as the name suggests, does not produce heat energy after the explosion, but absorbs heat energy. Mrs. Meili’s request made people in the laboratory very embarrassed. Wang Yan had to remind that some seemingly inconspicuous things can actually be Things that have been taken seriously, such as dry ice for fire fighting.

"Dry ice? That's right, why didn't I think of this." The people in the laboratory were pleasantly surprised. When dry ice is made into granules and sealed, it is indeed easy to explode. How to find out how to find the collision explosion? .

Wang Yan stayed in the laboratory until the evening before leaving. The progress of cooling bomb research is very fast, and the rest is the production of dry ice in large quantities. This requires negotiation with the military factory of the Imperial Army. There is no need for Wang Yan to worry.

Mrs. Meili asked Melvin, an idle guy, to send Wang Yan away. Wang Yan, who walked out of the laboratory and sat on the back of Wolverine, felt very novel. Yan: "It's a metal body."

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​making Wolverine?" Wolverine walked slowly in the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods. Wang Yan asked the question in his heart. You must know that Wolverine is equipped with artificial intelligence, although the level of intelligence is not high. High, but it is also a product of a cross-age era.

"It's boring, no one talked to me at the time, and I felt insecure, so I made Wolverine. In fact, his IQ is only seven or eight years old, but I have changed the data over the years, and his intelligence has already Not inferior to an adult." Melvin patted Wolverine under him, and the other party snorted softly, as if complaining that Melvin was too heavy-handed.

"Have you ever thought about the future development of artificial intelligence?" Wang Yan had to talk about this matter, because in the background of the game, artificial intelligence was finally banned after it flourished in the heavens for a while, because the longer artificial intelligence exists, the more It is possible to have autonomous consciousness, that is to say, it will turn its body into a mechanical life.

What will cold steel do when it has its own consciousness?It must have stood up and united against the people of the Sky Clan, that's why there will be a murder case in the summer resort in the Xiling Islands in the future, and the culprit is the artificial intelligence robot.

The background of the game only talks about the fact that Navero Jurgen, who supported Melvin in developing intelligent robots, was forced to step down, and the Jurgen family is also going into decline. From this alone, we can know that Melvin, the father of artificial intelligence , What a miserable end will be.

Wang Yan felt that this kind of thing could not be allowed to happen in the real world. He felt that it was necessary to let Melvin know the serious consequences of the awakening of artificial intelligence. It's too late to remind you.

"Has Wolverine ever lost control?" Seeing that Melvin fell into deep thought after asking himself, Wang Yan continued to ask.

"A few times, Wolverine at that time was like a fool who didn't listen to anything. I tried my best to dismantle its smart core, repair it, restart and install it." Melvin was asked by Wang Yan's previous question. He stayed in deep thought for a while, and when Wang Yan asked again, he smiled and patted Wolverine on the head.

"If, I mean, if the future imperial capital sees the development of artificial intelligence and decides to support you in vigorously developing artificial intelligence for the production of intelligent robots and even combat robots, what will you choose at that time?" Wang Yan tentatively asked, Want to know what Melvin is thinking now.

"That must be very happy." Although Melvin is a genius, he also has the common wish of scientists, that is, to make the technology he created benefit all beings.

While speaking, Wolverine had already left the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods. Wang Yan smiled and raised his finger to the front. This is the aristocratic area, and in the distance are the workshop area and the market area. The city walls of the inner city, the civilian area and the industrial area extend to fifty kilometers away before the city walls of the outer city can be seen. Here is Ghent, the capital of gods.

"Have you ever thought that one day there will be such a scene in the city of Ghent?"

"Household robots help with cleaning, making beds and even doing laundry and cooking."

"Vehicles equipped with artificial intelligence on the road will automatically drive to and fro in an orderly manner."

"All the machines in the factory are equipped with artificial intelligence, and there is no need for workers to produce at all."

"All kinds of weapons, vehicles and artillery, aircraft and warships with artificial intelligence in the army, and even steel robots that will charge fearlessly as long as the command is issued."

"Do you think this day will come?" Wang Yan's voice was very low, while Melvin looked up into the distance with a confused face. Everything Wang Yan said really opened the door to a new world for him. He trembled all over, feeling that he had found the biggest goal in his life.

"Well, that's something I never dreamed of. Is there really such a day?" Melvin turned around and looked at Wang Yan excitedly: "What should I do to see that day? Really? If I can see that day, I am willing to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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