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Chapter 444 Blow up Antoun?Stop teasing my brother (Part 2)

Chapter 444 Blow up Antoun?Don't tease my brother (second update)

"The seventh apostle Antoin, the devourer of flames, used to live in the demon world. When he was sleeping, the demon world would light up, and his existence could be observed in the heavenly world."

"Mr. Jurgen, you asked whether Bakar, the tyrannosaur king, or Antoon, the devourer of flames, is stronger or weaker. I can't answer you, because I don't know the true strength of either of the two parties. I only know that any apostle can caused the death of countless living beings."

"Then what does it intend to do now that it has come to the heavens?" Navello Jurgen continued to ask.

"I don't know!" Wang Yan himself didn't know whether the other party was transferred by Herder or Alice. How could he answer Jurgen's question? He turned his head to look at the nobles present, and many of them were flustered. The color, because these people sounded the fear that the heavens were dominated by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar back then. Many stories can be found in the documents after the establishment of the Seventh Empire that year, proving that the heavens under the rule of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar were How dark.

"Antuen the Flame Devourer is different from the Tyrannosaurus King. Although both sides have a large number of subordinates, but unlike Bacal, the Tyrannosaurus King who has the desire to rule, Antuen will not move easily. He is only interested in energy. It will not come to Ghent next."

Without waiting for the nobles present to breathe a sigh of relief, Wang Yan continued: "However, we have to prevent the other party from coming to Ghent. For it, the sea of ​​sky may only be as deep as its legs, even if Isbin The island is thousands of miles away from Eaton Island, and Antoun moves very slowly, but with the size of the opponent, it can be reached in a few hours."

"So, under the current circumstances, it is necessary to eliminate the monsters occupying the energy center. After that, restore the power supply of the energy center and try to drive Antoun away, which is the ultimate goal."

"Wait, drive away? Don't you want to kill it here?" Someone asked, Wang Yan glanced at the other party: "The other party is so big, and the body is a thick mountain peak, even if the satellite rays come, they can't deal with it." How much of an impact it has."

"Think of a way to bury the explosives? Will you be able to blow it up in the end!" Someone asked again, and he even asked Commander Jacket: "How much explosives do you think it takes to blow it up?"

"I'm afraid a certain amount of nuclear bombs will be used!" Jackett frowned. The dangers of nuclear bombs have long been known, and it is difficult for the attacked place to return to normal ecology for decades. It was only used when Carter organized a war.

"Everyone may have forgotten what I said before." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled wryly. He also returned explosives and nuclear bombs. It doesn't matter how much you throw away.

"I mentioned before that Antoun will absorb any heat energy, light energy, and electrical energy. Can you understand the meaning? That is, even if you throw a mountain of explosives, the energy will eventually be absorbed by the other party, so I will Said that satellite rays can't affect it, because it is the energy produced by the combination of light energy and heat energy."

"Hiss!" After Wang Yan's mention, everyone remembered that Wang Yan had indeed mentioned this sentence before, and they looked at each other, seeing nothing but helplessness.

"Pure power can affect it, but if a mountain is placed in front of you, who has the confidence to cut it? What's more, Antuen is so huge, and it has a stance around it. Anyone who enters this stance Living things, all vitality will be sucked away by it, and turned into a lifeless corpse, so that even the possibility of getting close to the other party will be wiped out."

"How can there be such an unreasonable existence in the world!" After Wang Yan's voice fell, the people present only had this idea in their minds. All the ground fire resources of Eaton Island, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of workers in Eaton Island who may survive. Those people must not know the depth of Antoun. If they approach the mountains rashly, the consequences will be disastrous.

"That's why I said to find a way to drive away the other party. To be honest, I really don't have much confidence in being able to drive them away. The only possibility is the cooling bomb. The other party is a flame devourer who will absorb all kinds of Heat energy, but I am extremely disgusted with the existence of cold, if I use a ship to throw cooling bombs far away, there are some possibilities to drive them away."

"The above are all the things I want to say today. So, do you have any questions?" After Wang Yan finished speaking, he looked at everyone present, including Commander Jacket. Meditation, this is a major matter related to the life and death of the Celestial Clan, and one must seriously think about the next plan.

Alijie in front of the throne gave Wang Yan a thumbs up, Wang Yan nodded to him, and then Alijie removed the satellite projection function, the projection of the notebook began to blur and eventually returned to the original blue light, the Seven Gods The four members of Elytra began to pack up their equipment, and their task was completed.

"What an amazing guy." Pella Wayne put away his notebook. He just saw how powerful Antoine had been on him, and heard Wang Yan's detailed explanation of him. It understands more, but is also more powerless against it.

"Actually, it's easy to handle. It's so big, it's enough to find a way to break its limbs from a distance, but this requires the Corps to wipe out all the parasitic monsters on it in advance. It seems that it is inevitable to send troops to Eaton Island now." It's my choice." Melvin thought clearly, he glanced at Mrs. Mei Li, who stood there frowning, obviously very worried.

"Let's send troops!" In the end, everyone present felt that sending troops to Eaton Island was the best and most important solution at present. Senator Carey's proposal was also very insightful. It seemed that it was imminent to increase the research and development of cooling bombs.

"Then let's vote now. Is there anyone who doesn't want the Imperial Capital Army to send troops to Eaton Island to fight against those monsters?" Alizee changed her mind and asked who was against sending troops. Those who originally wanted to remain neutral had no choice. Well, they must not raise their hands. Raising their hands means that they regard Ghent and all the people of Eaton Island as nothing.

"Well, the unanimous approval of the expedition to Eaton Island, Commander Jacket, start preparing everything needed for the expedition. The military expenses will be allocated as soon as the nobles are handed over. Please rest assured." Alizee saw No one raised their hands, looked at Jackett standing in the hall, and the other party put on his general hat and bowed solemnly: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will take back Eaton Island even if I risk my life. Get out."

(End of this chapter)

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