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Chapter 436 However, where does the extra military expenditure come from? (Replenish September 9 mon

Chapter 436 However, where does the extra military expenditure come from? (Supplement September 270 monthly ticket plus update)

Navero Jurgen frowned, he had a bad feeling, because Wang Yan was taking out photos in front of the projector again, this time he took out all the photos, including the volcanoes and mountains The countless monster groups that came out.

"Hiss! There are so many monsters! Have you seen them? The monsters are the most near the volcano, and the others are spread on the mountains, and there are many under the mountains. What is the origin of that volcano? Why do monsters spew out?"

When all the photos were put together, everyone finally understood what happened on Eaton Island thousands of miles away. A mountain range and volcano appeared there. Power outage, presumably the Siman Industrial Base, which is also located on Eaton Island, has also lost power, because the power supply there is all dependent on the power produced by the energy center.

"Send troops, you must send troops." This is the unanimous opinion of everyone at present. No one can endure the consequences of power outages for a long time. Let alone those workers who have shut down factories and lost their jobs, they themselves cannot sleep well at night because they do not have electric fans. I feel it.

"Do you all agree to send troops to Eaton Island to destroy these monsters?" Alizee, who got up from the throne, finally waited for this opportunity, and asked in a deep voice.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I also agree!"

The rarely seen All Agree appeared, even those who used to be neutral raised their arms high, because the impact caused by the power outage was too serious, no one present was not affected by him, after all, the aristocratic industry Both depend on electricity supply.

"Well, this proposal is approved, and the empire will send troops to Eaton Island. Then the next proposal is, how much troops can be sent to destroy these monsters and restore the power supply of the energy center?" Alizee is in a good mood at the moment, she has already It is rare to have the opportunity to talk freely in the noble council, so she couldn't help but glance at Wang Yan, who nodded to her to indicate that he was always there.

"This, we have to discuss it carefully." Hearing this proposal from Alizee, some nobles at the top calmed down, and sent troops?How can it be that simple, as the saying goes, the three armies go first without using food and grass, and if you want to mobilize the corps to go to Eaton Island thousands of miles away, what you need to do is not just three or five simple things, just the logistics that need to be prepared for troop deployment It was enough to give everyone present a headache.

Firearms, bullets, medicines, artillery, shells, rations, drinking water, tents, maintenance tools, etc., as well as the transfer of various tanks and vehicles for transporting soldiers, which requires more fuel, not to mention that the mountains are so high, which is indispensable It is a helicopter, and it burns money for every minute it flies. Where does this money come from?
"Let's check the military expenses." Someone suggested, and everyone present nodded, and then looked at the group of people standing in the center of the hall. The MP who controls the military expenses, the commander of the Imperial Capital Army, Jacket Eleros, frowned. After walking out, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel that he is very embarrassed.

"Commander Jacket, please explain to everyone the military expenditure and surplus of the Empire this year." Alizee looked at Jacket, who was the person whom her mother Belenna let her see before her death. For this reason, the empire maintains absolute neutrality, and its status is also very special. Belena is Tuogu Jackett, so that she can take care of Alizee, who is only ten years old, and Jackett did the same. In the previous noble council, He had opposed Navello Jurgen's proposals a lot, especially with regard to the army, which was his area of ​​control.

Jacket Eleros, known as Hawkeye, is a legend in the heavens. He was born in a land of lawlessness. He knew very early on that the Western Wilderness was not his paradise. He soon joined the Royal Army, and then established The military exploits finally walked out of Mospeus and entered the imperial army in Ghent.

With the passage of time, Hawkeye Jacket's reputation became more and more resounding in the Imperial Capital Army. Finally, under the impetus of the general situation, he successfully took over as the supreme commander of the Heaven Realm and became the supreme commander who controlled hundreds of thousands of Imperial Capital Army. His experience has attracted batch after batch of young people to join the Imperial Capital Army, because living legends are by their side.

Jackett took off his military cap, revealing black and white but neatly combed hair. His face is hard to forget at a glance, especially his eyes, which are the origin of his most distinctive eagle eye title.

He was neatly dressed in a dark green military uniform of the Supreme Commander, a white shirt with a red tie on the neckline, and a golden round badge tied on it, and on his shoulders were three shining golden general officer logos , In the entire heaven, only Jackett has the right to wear this military uniform.

Golden tassels hang down from the shoulders, and there are badges of various colors on the left chest, which he will definitely wear on formal occasions. Because of the large number, he only wears a dozen of them now, among which are The Commander's Medal he received after winning the last battle with the Carret Organization was the highest honor of the Royal Capital Army, even though he had already owned two.

Seeing Jackett walking out, the surrounding discussion stopped immediately. This person is not easy to provoke. I don’t know how many nobles who have committed crimes have been copied by his subordinates. The reason why many small nobles dare not be too presumptuous is also because of the deterrence of their status reason.

"His Royal Highness, at the beginning of the year, the empire allocated 500 billion military expenditures to the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Army. So far, there are still 130 billion military expenditures. According to the previous military expenditures, there will be a balance of [-] million military expenditures by the end of the year." Jacket Lang Sheng opened his mouth to tell the military expenditures and balances of all the departments of the Imperial Capital Army. These were all prepared before he came. Although he will not bring it up every time in the parliament, this is his job. Is the princess Alizee Ask, he must have a clear grasp.

"There are only [-] million left, what is there enough for?"

"Yeah, yeah, mobilizing a regiment of [-] people, it will take three months to go back and forth. You must know that once the army is mobilized, the cost will double immediately."

"Can the group of ten thousand people solve those monsters?"

"It's a bit confusing. The consumption of shells alone will cost as much as half of the remaining military expenditure. I think a military budget of 50 billion is about the same."

After the commander Jacket finished speaking, he kept silent. He was shocked when he saw the pictures, because he could roughly infer the number of monsters in the pictures, and these alone exceeded ten thousand. At least To mobilize two infantry regiments, two artillery regiments and a mixed army regiment, it is estimated that the military expenditure of 100 billion will be enough to repel those monsters. He knows that the opponent's strength will not be inferior to the Mospis Kahali Desert just by seeing the monsters. Those killing Gu adults.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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