DNF Live Allard

Chapter 430 It looks like you can barely make ends meet by moving bricks (Part 3)

Chapter 430 It looks like you can barely make ends meet by moving bricks (third update)
"Then you and Anzu Saifu founded Carret?" Wang Yan asked. From the narration of Sand Shadow Belit, he could vaguely see the windswept western wilderness, where people would involuntarily hug each other. Otherwise, it will be blown away by stronger and stronger winds, and finally turned into yellow sand all over the sky.

"Yes, after we just had a marksmanship competition, he was impressed by my marksmanship. He was the first friend of the same age I made, and we hit it off right away."

"Because I often hang out in taverns and didn't join any faction, gangs kept coming to invite the two of us, either intimidating, or luring, or even seducing us with beauty."

Anzu Cypher proposed to join the largest gang. Although he did the same job as a gang member, I was very hostile to gang organizations because of my childhood experience. After discussing with Anzu Cypher, we established an organization ourselves , that is, Callett! "

"I have already told you about the reasons for the establishment of the Callett organization, so I won't go into details. You also know what happened next. He didn't want me to leave, and he even wanted to bury me in the sea of ​​sand. It’s changed, I should have thought of this from the beginning.” Shaying Belit finally finished telling his story, he drank a large bowl of kumiss, stood up staggeringly: “I’m sleepy.”

"Let's rest." Wang Yan stepped forward to guide the way with the light, and after watching the other party enter the room and lie on the bed, Wang Yan closed the door for him, and then returned to the dining table.

"I really didn't expect Master to have such an experience. No wonder when I met him, all I saw was sadness on his face." Kaili rested her chin in thought, although she didn't remember much about her childhood experience. , but she will never forget the scene when she was rescued by Sand Shadow Belit.

"They won't last long." Wang Yan said firmly. Judging from the current situation in the heavens, Carret may be able to break through the defenseless Ghent, and may be able to plunder the princess Alizee, but sooner or later the people of the heavens will take her away. If it is eliminated, they will know what it means to reap evil.

Of course, that was the possibility when Wang Yan didn't show up. Naturally, Wang Yan wouldn't just let the Callett organization come to Ghent, and he didn't even want the other party to log in to Isbin Island, because there would definitely be innocent people. die.

"Is this your conspiracy? Destroy everything in the heavens?" Wang Yan looked up at the dark sky outside. No one answered him, but he knew that the dark eyes might have already been on him.

"If you dare to come, I'll let you all die!" Under Kaili's watchful eyes, Wang Yan gestured his middle finger to the sky, and then sat down in a very cheerful mood, which made Kaili baffled.

In the morning of the next day, Wang Yan was looking at the shop of Shaying Belit. Shaying Belit took Kelly to deal with the dragon badges. Naturally, Wang Yan had no objection to this, but Kaili said He has to share half of it.

He was moving bricks with his laptop when there was a knock on the door, followed by a male voice: "Huh? Where is he?"

"Here it is!" Wang Yan stretched out his hand to indicate that he also finished brushing the dungeon three times, then closed the notebook and put it away, then stood up.

The man who walked in was here to buy rifle magazines and bullets. Sha Ying Belit had already explained to him before leaving, and Wang Yan also played a cameo role as a clerk in a firearms store. The money was less than one hundred, that is, less than one gold coin, but it made the audience in the live broadcast room feel very fresh.

"666, that person needs a hundred bullets to come up, I saw the corner of the anchor's mouth twitch."

"What are these people doing with bullets? In exchange for wine?"

"Who knows, it seems that the heavens are not as good as imagined. Maybe there is a gun battle in some dark corner right now."

After watching the guest leave, Wang Yan continued his brick-moving journey. Many viewers were envious of his skillful skills. As long as it is.

In the afternoon, Shaying Belit came back with Kaili, both of them looked very happy, and Kaili came back with a big bag and a small bag. After opening it, Wang Yan saw that there were a lot of bags inside. The flashlight still has batteries, and of course candles are also bought.

"Are you going to sell this?" Wang Yan looked at Kaili, who nodded, "I always feel uncomfortable when I don't do something."

"You are idle." Wang Yan threw out one after another fluorite: "Did you forget this?"

"This...I..." Kelly tilted her head and looked at the fluorite scattered on the table. The price of this kind of thing in Arad is about the same as the price of a candle in heaven, but it can last at least three months of lighting Time, where are the candles?Only three hours.

"Well, I didn't expect you to even carry fluorite with you. Hurry up and take out some. Hey, flashlights are sold at sky-high prices now. Once fluorite comes out, the business will definitely be very good." Kelly smiled awkwardly Laughing, she reached out and handed it over. Since Wang Yan has this kind of thing here, she must find a way to make money from him first.

"Has the dragon badge been sold?" Wang Yan asked, and Kaili nodded: "Only a part of it was sold, but a lot of it has been accounted for. Do you have any ideas?"

"Fortunately, I think those nobles will definitely want it. If direct marketing is not enough, you can give it a special identity, such as installing it on a radio contactor that will definitely appear in the future."

Wang Yan thinks this idea is very reliable. The number of people in the heavens is unknown, but just looking at the number of people in Ghent, Wang Yan thinks it is no worse than a metropolis. After all, there is a base of tens of millions of people. Think of a way, it can still be solved.

Seeing that Wang Yan already had an idea, Kelly no longer had a headache about what to do with those dragon badges. She knew that she was definitely no match for this younger brother in terms of intelligence, and that his knowledge was much higher than hers.

After moving for a whole day, Wang Yan didn't fall asleep until late at night. He didn't forget that there would be an unpleasant meeting waiting for him tomorrow. Yan, you have to find a way to express your thoughts, as for not passing?For those that don't exist, Wang Yan has long planned.

The morning sun rose from the east as usual, and cast a large golden light to illuminate the land and sea of ​​the heavenly realm. The sky soon became brighter, and then Ghent began to be lively, and all kinds of people came out of their residences to start a new day. Work.

However, many factories have stopped production due to power outages, so many people have temporarily lost their jobs. There are many odd jobs at the gates of some factories that do not need to consume electricity. They are ordinary people who want to earn money for tomorrow's meal. , If they don't work for a day, they don't have food for a day.

 Add more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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