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Chapter 426 Ah~Ah~Ah~Ah~Ah~(6869)

Chapter 426 Ah~Ah~Ah~Ah~Ah~(6869)

"What kind of scientist am I!" Wang Yan complained, he didn't even start to make it, he just talked about it.

"No, this can be regarded as science." Shaying Belit looked at Wang Yan and said in a deep voice: "It is very important to have radios that can allow two troops separated by hundreds of meters or kilometers to complete communication in a short period of time. Don't belittle yourself."

"Although I don't know why you walked ahead of the scientists like Elytra of the Seven Gods, but I want to say, thank you for your willingness to help us."

"It's outrageous to say this." Wang Yan smiled and waved his hands. He looked at Kaili who had been silent all the time: "You must know that this is my sister, and she is a real celestial person."

"Brother, you really surprised me!" Kaili just recovered from the shock caused by Wang Yan's talk with those scientists before, she stepped forward and rubbed Wang Yan's head: "What do you think? ? You can think of such a magical way of communication?"

"Haha, secret, secret." Wang Yan did not escape Kaili's claws, he enjoyed this feeling, after all, he has been living alone on the earth, and he has forgotten the feeling of family affection. De, at first he just lied that he was Kaili's younger brother. This sentence was mostly meant as a joke, but after a series of things happened after meeting Kaili, Wang Yan really regarded Kaili as his own. My sister treats it.

Wang Yan was not in a hurry to leave the Elytra of the Seven Gods, because he still wanted to visit the genius scientist Melvin. The other party's artificial intelligence pet Wolverine really surpassed Ghent's previous technological level by a large margin. up.

"Go to Melvin's place? Why do you want to go there?" Hearing Wang Yan's request, Zeddin Schneider's expression became unnatural again, but under Wang Yan's repeated request, Zeddin Schneider sighed, or Call the guards and lead the four of them to Melvin's laboratory.

"Ah, why on earth is this!" In Melvin's laboratory, after returning, he quickly started to make medicines to help sleep according to the method he had thought in his mind before.

As I said before, there are many laboratories in the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods, not only researching and making weapons, but also researching various drugs, and Melvin is even more special here. There are all kinds of messy experimental materials, and this is what he specifically requested.

The origin of Melvin's identity is very mysterious. Some outsiders say that he obtained the experimental diary left by the Mech Seven God of War back then, so that he could show his scientific talent at a very young age.

Melvin didn't express his opinion on this, he didn't dare to speak out, because just when he was silent, many dangers often happened around him, and the purpose he created Wolverine back then was also to protect his own safety.

The long-term vigilance makes him often nervous, and he will be frightened by the slightest disturbance, which also makes him often troubled by insomnia. This is why he has the idea of ​​making a medicine to help sleep. He is very sleepy, but why? The feeling of being unable to fall asleep, only those who have experienced it know how uncomfortable it is.

"Ding dong~" The bell sounded from the door of the laboratory, making Melvin's hand tremble, and the test tube in his hand fell to the ground and scattered into glass shards, and the medicinal solution that was finally extracted from it also spilled all over the floor , Melvin frowned, and strode towards the door. He was getting annoyed now, and was about to explode. Who on earth disturbed me at such a critical moment?

The door of the laboratory was opened from the inside, and then the five people standing at the door came into the eyes of Melvin who was full of anger. Melvin showed an amazing face-changing skill, his expression changed from anger to surprise, Then it turned into a smile: "Zedin, why are you here?"

"Well, I have something to look for you." Zedin Schneider didn't want to say too much, after all, when Wang Yan came here, he said that he had something to look for Melvin, so she would bring him here, and it was still a matter of business.

After the guards brought the four people here, they stood outside the door, while Melvin quickly beckoned the four people to enter the laboratory, and then closed the door of the laboratory, leaving only the man outside the door. The guard stood alone.

"Ah, it's a bit messy, everyone be careful of your feet." Melvin was only thinking about how to deal with Zeding Schneider. He stepped on something and almost slipped, but was caught by Sand Shadow Belit and he didn't fall to the ground. After he stood firmly Embarrassed, he nodded his thanks to Sand Shadow Bailit, kicked the scattered machine parts aside, and then raised his voice to remind others.

"..." Wang Yan aimed the live broadcast angle at the laboratory. It is very spacious, about [-] square meters. From the beginning, there are large and small square tables scattered around. There are things placed on the square table and on the ground. Some are parts, some are medicines, and some are even living creatures.

"Turtle? What experiment are you going to do with it?" Kelly pointed curiously at a table next to her. On it was a round steel basin about half a meter in size. Several turtles the size of bowls were placed inside. Those turtles are still crawling around in the basin.

"Ah, that's right. I'm going to experiment. Can turtle blood help you sleep?" Melvin quickly explained when Kelly asked. The four people present looked at each other. What kind of brain circuit is this?Does turtle blood have anything to do with aiding sleep?

"Are you insomnia again?" Zeddin Schneider looked at Melvin. At this moment, Melvin's hair was messed up and he hadn't washed for many days. The dark circles under his eyes were also very obvious. He had yawned three times since he just opened the door.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy, but I can't fall asleep, and I will be awakened by the slightest sign of trouble. I feel like I'm going crazy!"

Melvin yawned again, and anyone could see the tiredness on his face.

"By the way, you said you need to find me. What's the matter?" Melvin remembered what Zeding Schneider said when he opened the door. He brought the four of them to the reception area in the hall, and the place was well cleaned up. It is clean, without any miscellaneous experimental materials, but what is that little iron thing that keeps walking around on the table?
"This, this is my pet, I call it Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell, sing a song." Melvin sat down on the sofa, and then spoke to the thing that looked like a small robot on the table, The eyes of the robot that Melvin called Tinker Bell flashed red, and there was a sound from its chest, which turned out to be a song.

ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~
(End of this chapter)

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