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Chapter 417 Let me end Carter (5969)

Chapter 417 Let me end Carter (5969)

But Zeddin Schneider has seen Sha Ying Belit's bold side, she didn't expose it, she turned her head to look at Wang Yan, Wang Yan smiled and nodded, Kelly naturally had no objection, and then the three left the shop and went to the street In the patrol car parked by the side, in order to reassure Shaying Belit, Zeddin Schneider deliberately left two subordinates to close the doors and windows of his shop and then began to patrol nearby, which shows how meticulous his thoughts are.

"Wow, Your Royal Highness? The anchor will meet the highest authority in the heaven on the second day after he arrives in the heaven?"

"Alizee, I love Alizee!"

"Pervert! Young girls are not spared, I love Alizee!"

"Those upstairs are all perverts! Alizee is so young, how can you bear it? I'll just hug her."

"Presumptuous! Watch my crane sword master cut you into the air!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room learned that Wang Yan was about to meet the princess Alizee who fascinated countless players in the game, the enthusiasm was not inferior to the scene when she first met Celia. The popularity of the game is also very high. She is young, but she really wants to talk to players in an adult tone. This kind of feeling is like raising a daughter. I don’t know how many players are addicted to it.

"By the way, Alizee must be having a headache right now. She probably knows what I said to Zedin Schneider, and she probably also knows what happened on Eaton Island. It seems that the other party should have seen Anton, but not I don’t know if it’s a picture or a video, but it would be great if it’s a video, the real apostle of the continent of Arad makes people tremble just thinking about it!”

Wang Yan was talking to himself in the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room nodded sympathetically. Whoever sat in the seat of Alizee would probably have a headache every day. You must know that although the princess or the high priest is The highest authority in the heavens is nominally the highest, but the heavens implement a parliamentary system. No matter how much the high priest says, there is no way to implement it if it is not approved by the noble council.

"Naviro Jurgen" Wang Yan read out the name, and Zedin Schneider's body trembled involuntarily. She looked at Wang Yan, trying to see the identity of the other party from Wang Yan's face. Wang Yan smiled and said : "I just heard about the other party, and I heard that he is the biggest aristocratic power holder."

"Yes, he is the current patriarch of the Jurgen family. He personally helped the Jurgen family, which was about to be squeezed out of the Ghent aristocratic circle, and then developed it into the first family of the empire." Zedin Schneider closed his eyes Taking a deep breath, she serves Her Royal Highness, but she is often directed around by the noble council, and her inner dissatisfaction can be imagined.

"Did you already find out the news?" Wang Yan continued to ask, this is the only possibility, otherwise Zeddin Schneider would not bring people to invite them so quickly.

"Hmm." Zedin Schneider didn't say much. They were sitting in the car, surrounded by pedestrians. This kind of thing is too secretive. The fewer people who know about it, the better, at least for the time being.

"Then let's talk about it when we see His Royal Highness." Wang Yan nodded. He looked sideways at the pedestrians and buildings that were constantly receding outside the window. What would it be like to meet the princess Alizee for the first time?Will the other party dress up like in the game?Will you also call yourself when you speak?
Shaying Belit hasn't spoken since he got in the car. He doesn't know what kind of mood he should use to face the person he's going to meet next. He knows the princess Alizee.

The other party had been on the throne for more than a year, and the last princess was Bellena. The other party died of exhaustion because of directing the first attack on the imperial capital against Carter, but in the end, Carter was defeated by Ghent's strong defense, and he was dying. At that time, he identified the adopted Alizee as his successor, which caused a lot of turmoil in the heavens. Naturally, those nobles would no longer let the people above them control them, so in many things, the words of the princess Alizee doesn't work.

Whether it was the high priest or the noble, they were the people Shaying Belit and Anzu Saifu hated the most. They once talked about what would happen if they became the highest power in the heavens, but they were all teenagers Sand Shadow Belit had long forgotten the joke he made when he grew up, but Anzu Cypher never thought that he would remember it clearly.

Shaying Belit felt a little ashamed to see the queen. Without him and Anzu Saifu who founded Callett, there would be no Callett who has grown so large that he dared to confront the emperor.

Shaying Belit can believe that he played a great role in the early days of Callett's establishment. With Anzu Cypher alone, I am afraid that he can only develop Callett to the same level as those ordinary gangs at that time. Now I can't even get out of the lawless zone.

"Will a mistake cause eternal hatred? No, I don't regret it." Sand Shadow Belit gradually strengthened his conviction: "Since Carret has become what I hate the most, let me end it. "

"I can make it and I can end it!"

Before Shaying Belit met the princess Alizee for the first time, on an ordinary transport vehicle, he finally firmly strengthened his belief in the future, his head was lifted up, and there was also an inexplicable aura on his body Both Wang Yan and Kaili felt the spread, and the driver who was driving only felt that the Shaying Belit beside him was extremely shining, and there was a feeling of admiration.

Zeddin Schneider, who was sitting at the end, squinted his eyes and looked at Sand Shadow Belit sitting in the co-pilot. She felt that there was a change in Sand Shadow Belit at this moment, and a belief rose in him. Zeddin Schneider understood What was the reason for this? What she knew was that at this moment, the other party's belief was no less than her belief in wanting to avenge her brother, and was even firmer.

The transport vehicle passed the market area and the workshop area, and then passed the quiet noble area. Wang Yan also saw the courtyard of the noble area. There were basically no tall buildings here, and some were just luxurious and low-key other courtyards. The inner connotation is always unimaginable to ordinary people.

In the end, the transport vehicle stopped on the road in front of the entrance of the palace, and the members of the garrison following the transport vehicle also got off the vehicle one after another. The transport vehicle cannot enter the palace, and even people with guns cannot enter. , which has been a longstanding rule.

"Do you have any weapons on the three of you? Take them out, and I will let someone take good care of them." Zeddin Schneider sat in the back seat and looked at the three of them. Wang Yan shook his head, and Kaili put her two Shaking his head after putting the revolver in the storage bag, Shaying Belit pulled out the revolver that never leaves his waist when the vehicle stopped: "This gun is younger than your age. Big, put it away carefully."

"Yes." Zedin gritted her teeth and took the revolver passed by Wang Yan. She was a little surprised when she got it. This gun seemed very special.

She took a wooden box, covered it with a layer of flannelette, carefully put the revolver in it, and then closed the lid. Uneasy, she used the seal to stick it on. In fact, she wanted to lock it even more. However, this gun belongs to Sand Shadow Belit, so naturally she would not do this.

(End of this chapter)

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