DNF Live Allard

Chapter 410 Get out of the lawless zone that will belong to me (5269)

Chapter 410 Get out of the lawless zone that will belong to me (5269)

When he was young, Sha Ying Belit was romantic. This is not just for fun. He is young, powerful, and extremely handsome. I don’t know how many girls in the helpless zone are attracted by him. Even if they can only have sex with him for a while, they are willing to devote themselves .

That is to say, after leaving Carret and seeing the sufferings of the world, Sha Ying Belit will gradually restrain his unrestrained heart, but when he is at home, he is rarely serious, and only when he enters Ghent After hiding his identity, Sand Shadow Belit will dress himself up as a gentleman.


Zeddin Schneider looked at Sha Ying Belit who suddenly changed from a gentleman's appearance to an old gangster's appearance, and couldn't help but glance at the people around him. Kelly found a seat and sat down to play with a revolver, while Wang Yan The face is surprised, it seems that it is the first time to see the other party with such a general appearance.

Zeddin Schneider pondered for a moment, and waved to the subordinates behind him: "Put down the gun first, there is a misunderstanding, you go to work, I have something important to discuss with a few people."

"Captain be careful!"

Although Zeding Schneider's subordinates were anxious, they would obey Zeding Schneider's orders immediately. They began to retreat slowly and finally returned to the camp, but Wang Yan could perceive with his heart that those people did not leave, but Hiding behind the tent did not show up.

"Looking at you like this, I can only believe that you were really a member of Carret back then." Zedin Schneider looked at Belit Sand Shadow, who had put on his shirt again, and Belit was leaning back on the seat at this moment Squinting his left eye, this outfit is somewhat similar to the members of Carret in Zedin Schneider's impression.

"I did hang out in the Callett Organization for a long time back then, and even the Callett Organization was established by me and Anzu Cypher. There is nothing to justify this, and I admit it."

Sand Shadow Belit rummaged in the outer pocket of the windbreaker, found a cigar and began to trim it calmly, finally lit it, took a deep breath, exhaled the smoke, and slowly told the story of the year, The three people present listened carefully to this unknown story.

"The lawless zone, since the death of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, has not changed much. Instead, because of the influence of its residual power, it has become a large desert. The sky is filled with wild sand and there are few places to live. For this reason, In order to occupy a piece of land sufficient for survival, various forces are fighting endlessly."

"It's ridiculous that the imperial capital didn't build a sea train to Mospes Island, and the electricity in the energy center of Eaton Island is also not connected, but all kinds of firearms have begun to spread and spread there on a large scale."

"Here, people do not feel the grace of civilization, nor do they have the systems and defenses needed to maintain law and order. Just like its name, this is an area without laws. In the hearts of the lawless, only fists and weapons are their most important Good guarantee."

"The lawless zone is not only a paradise for cultivating excellent gunmen, but also a hell for burying gunmen. Any gunman who wants to survive in the lawless zone must actively or passively attach to forces or organizations, ranging from the Imperial Capital Army to small gangs , all silently follow the laws of survival in the lawless zone. Fair duels, trusted friends, and free will have become the most extravagant delusion in the lawless zone."

"Later, Anzu Seifer and I came forward as a joke after being drunk and called on others to join the Callett organization we founded."

"We used to say in the beginning: 'Death to the current rules! We are going to create a free lawless space in this dirty and unfair world!'"

"Because of this sentence, more and more unsatisfactory people do not want to travel thousands of miles to Carret, come to the two of us, and choose to become a member of Carret."

"Freedom? It's ridiculous. I chose to capture the Ardennes Heights, or even invade the imperial capital, for the sake of freedom?" Zedin Schneider trembled all over. Is the reason for the establishment of Carret originally such a ridiculous sentence?For this freedom, how many people have died because of it, brother, I will avenge you!

Seeing Zedin Schneider's complexion was cloudy, Shaying Belit sighed. He put down his cigar, looked up at the shade of the tree above his head, and saw the noon sun through the leaves. It was so dazzling and so dazzling. Kindness brings vitality to all things in the world.

"Our original concept is indeed like this. Anzu Cypher and I recruited people and developed Carret according to this concept. We heard that more and more people joined Carret, and Carret became stronger and stronger. , It began to take the initiative to attack the gangs and evil forces that oppressed the poor, and the oppressed people in the helpless area thought that Callett would bring them hope, and they felt that they were about to usher in a new life."

"After all the various gang members in the Lawless Zone have been wiped out or dispelled, the Callett organization has developed into a huge strength that makes me tremble. It has nearly [-] members, which is too bloated. "

"Therefore, Anzu Saifu and I discussed whether to settle some members on the land that can be planted to give birth and rest. This is also the ideal we wanted at first. Without those gangs that oppress the people, they can finally settle here lived."

"What I never expected is that Anzu Saifu has changed. He has changed from the young man who held the same ideals as me to the kind of person we hated the most at the beginning." Sand Shadow Belit took a deep breath Taking a puff of a cigarette, he was choked and coughed again and again, and his face had a sad look, which was a helpless sad look, a sad look that felt heartache for a close friend.

"He said that Kallett can't stay alone in this desolate land, and must adopt militarized management to unify the lawless area as soon as possible."

"I thought he wanted to demonstrate against the imperial capital. We used to do this kind of thing at the beginning, such as putting stones in front of the convoy of the imperial capital army to block the way. Guns are brought where they cannot be brought."

"Unexpectedly, his philosophy has become like this. I told him that I am not used to wearing the uniform of a warlord, and I will not kill the imperial army. What is the difference between that and the people I hated in the past? the difference?"

"But he said, get out, get out of the lawless area of ​​the west that already belongs to him, haha, what an ironic thing, in the end, I was the biggest fool." Sand Shadow Belit finished smoking the cigar and threw it in the Stamped on the ground, with a self-deprecating look on his face.

"So you left Carret after that?" Zedin Schneider took a deep breath. It turns out that Carret, at the beginning of its establishment, really had the idea of ​​wanting to change the lawless zone?
(End of this chapter)

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