DNF Live Allard

Chapter 4 Fighter's Strength

Chapter 4 Fighter's Strength

Wang Yan's heart moved, and then a virtual light screen appeared in front of his eyes, which was projected on his retina by the system, and the audience in the live broadcast room and Arnold behind him could not see its existence.

"Main task 1: The number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeds [-], and the reward points reach [-] points."

"Main task [-]: Obtain [-] gift conversion points and reach [-] bonus points."

These two tasks appeared in front of Wang Yan. The tasks were accepted automatically. There were rewards for completion and no penalty for failure, and there was no time limit for completion.

"What is the function of points?"

Wang Yan couldn't help asking after seeing the task reward, and the gift that was rewarded in the live broadcast room just now was automatically exchanged for points by the system, what is the use of it?

"For details, please check the points mall." Zhinao's voice remained unchanged.

Wang Yan found the option to enter the credits mall on the right side of the mission. After entering the credits mall, his breathing suddenly stopped.

There are currently two items on the first page of the points mall, and the required points are [-] for each item.

Take a look at the items sold in the points mall: the first is the ultra-long-range telescope, which can see up to ten kilometers away. The picture is as clear as what you see with your own eyes. The most important thing is that you can hear the sound of the observation position.

The second is the super-high-volume speaker, which can spread the sound up to one kilometer away.

"You who often broadcast live in another world, how can you not have an exclusive entertainment tool?" This is the unified explanation behind the two items. I didn't expect that the super-high-volume speaker was also regarded as an entertainment tool by the system, but this thing Sometimes it is really useful, Wang Yan nodded and thought.

"Come on, Brother Yan, I've already called the film crew to record and broadcast, Brother Yan, your style is very interesting."

On the public screen, the little brother in the audience at this time is very powerful and sent out the latest news.

"Unfortunately, I can only live broadcast for 10 minutes at present, and there are 6 minutes left. Let's watch some scenery next. I am currently captured by people suspected of being three fighters. There is no way."

Faced with the audience's encouragement, Wang Yan smiled wryly, expressing both apology to the audience and helplessness at the current situation.

"6 to Feiqi, anchor, you were actually captured. Are you really not a routine?"

The number of Wang Yan's viewers suddenly jumped up, and a new viewer entered the live broadcast room. This is a digital ID, and he should have randomly found a room to enter.

He saw the news that Wang Yan posted in the live broadcast room, and he paused just as he was about to retreat, then looked at the screen of the live broadcast room, and found that the picture of Wang Yan's live broadcast room was very clear, and the characters kept moving around, and the two people who appeared on the screen It's also very distinctive, and I couldn't help typing.

"Hello, new viewers, what the anchor said is true, if you don't believe me, just read the title of the live broadcast."

The little brother is very powerful. He was originally Wang Yan's room manager. He saw the message and began to reply.

At this time, the audience also noticed the distinctive name of the title. He typed a line of ellipses and continued to read with interest.


At this moment, the middle-aged man in front of Wang Yan suddenly took a deep breath, and then sniffed the air.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped and looked back. A bright light flashed in the eyes of Arnold, who had been at the end of the line. He looked at his father, and when he saw him nodding, he tightened the gauntlet on his right arm, and came directly To the front of the line.


The looming voices moved from far to near, and soon Wang Yan heard an unusual humming sound, accompanied by a faint smell.

"It's a wild boar. I'll block the big ones, and you grab the small ones."

A Nuo stepped forward the moment he saw the target, and his vigorous figure drew a curve in the air. The huge wild boar that just emerged from the bushes showed a fierce look, lowered its head and used its huge fangs to fly towards Ah Nuo promise to go.

"be careful!"

Seeing this, Wang Yan couldn't help it. Although he didn't like the three of them and was taught a lesson by A Nuo, but seeing such a big wild boar appear, and A Nuo stepped forward, Wang Yan couldn't bear to see A Nuo miserable. fate.

"Eagle Step!"

Arnold, who was still in the air, suddenly plummeted, and quickly landed on the back of the wild boar before the wild boar's tusks were raised to a dangerous level. At that moment, Wang Yan seemed to be able to see the strength of the skin on the back of the wild boar. Ripples that shake under the action.

After shouting angrily, Arnold stepped on the wild boar several times in a row, each time perfectly avoiding the wild boar's provocative fangs, and then he quickly jumped behind the wild boar, with the gauntlet in front of him, exhaling Open the voice: "Ha!"

The hard gauntlet hit the back where the wild boar couldn't defend several times in a row. The wild boar roared again and again, and its figure moved quickly. As soon as it turned sideways, it was met with a heavy kick from Arnold.

"Back kick!" This kick even kicked the wild boar faintly, and the next kick directly sent the wild boar, which had lost its strength, to a big tree a few meters away, and there was a dull impact sound. Afterwards, large pieces of red leaves fell one after another.

"Forward kick!"

"Ha!" There was another roar, and Arnold's figure seemed to be a bit stronger. His figure seemed to flicker in the jungle, and he appeared one meter in front of the wild boar in an instant, and then his right arm The falling blow from the gauntlets.

"Diamond Broken!"

The gauntlet hit the wild boar's defenseless head hard, making it drowsy, and its limbs even stretched suddenly. Under Wang Yan's unbelievable gaze, Arnold directly smashed the wild boar, which was far heavier than his own weight. Grab it with both hands, hit the knee with the right leg and knock it down. This time, the wild boar that had suffered the blow fell to the ground far away, with blood gushing from its mouth.

"Is this over?"

Looking at the wild boar twitching and vomiting blood on the ground, the corner of Wang Yan's mouth twitched. Such a big wild boar must weigh more than 200 kilograms. Time to subdue it, let alone kill it.

Unless firepower is used, continuous head blows are required. Otherwise, with the wild boar's abnormal defense, the bullets hitting the body will only make the wild boar more ferocious.

"Fuck me, fighters fight wild boars, 666."

In the live broadcast room, the little brother in the audience basically believed what Wang Yan said. Although it was a bit nonsense, he could clearly see the faint white glow that appeared on A Nuo from time to time just now, especially when he saw that the film crew was still in the When shooting, I was even more excited, my hands dropped quickly, and a row of barrage was shot.

"This man is so cruel!"

Another spectator was also stunned. In peaceful times, it is difficult for a person to handle a [-]-kilogram dog for fear of being bitten.

If wild boars weighing more than 200 kilograms were placed a few meters away, 100 of the 90 people would run away, and the remaining 10 would be too scared to run.

(End of this chapter)

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