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Chapter 396 Kelly is gone with a whoosh (1)

Chapter 396 Kelly disappeared with a whoosh (3869)

Wang Yan didn't wear this necklace that needs to absorb soul power to be promoted. After all, five colorless pieces are consumed every minute, and that's [-] pieces in a day. The color crystal blocks are wasted in vain.

After leaving the Great Holy Hall, Wang Yan only felt refreshed. It was really worthwhile to come to the Great Holy Hall today. Wang Yan finally understood the meaning of the existence of the Abyss Demon in the Arad Continent. Wang Yan has already Think it over, the next time you meet an abyssal demon, even if you take the risk of summoning Gai Bojia's fist, you have to kill him. The abyssal demon is full of treasures!

"Kai Li, you are finally back. Why have you been there for so long?" Kai Li, who had been waiting for Wang Yan, hurried out of the shop after seeing Wang Yan's return. She went through her luggage three or four times, taking away unimportant things and bringing new ones back and forth. After all, these are the things she has slowly collected over the past eight years, and it is hard to give up any of them.

"There is a little delay in the Great Holy Church. I handed over the body and head of the Iron Demon to the Great Holy Church. You have seen the changes in the Great Holy Church, right?" Wang Yan smiled and looked at Kaili who had tidied up. The huge luggage couldn't help but said: "Sister, you don't plan to go to the heaven and never come back, do you?"

"Uh, yes." Kelly scratched her head and laughed awkwardly. To be honest, the heavens are not as interesting as the Arad continent. The return to Hutton Mall was forgotten.

"Don't worry, I can take out a lot of teleportation potions. We can go to the heaven and come back at any time. I have been delayed by various things before and didn't talk to you about it. I'm sorry." Wang Yan also stepped forward to help after taking out the items in the bag one by one. Kaili probably was too nervous about returning to the heaven, that's why she looked like this.

"Hey, it's been eight years. I don't know how Master and his old man are doing. Have you forgotten me as an apprentice? Will his eyes hurt when it rains? I really miss him." Everything is put back to the original place, and then I look up at the sky outside the house, the heaven, it is really a nostalgic hometown.

"Haha, we will pass right away, but you are feeling sad, take it, drink it, and prepare to go back to the heaven!" Wang Yan laughed, and took out two bottles of the teleportation potion in the account vault And handed Kelly a bottle, and explained to her what to do after taking the potion.

In fact, Wang Yan only used the teleportation potion once, when he was about to leave from the Xuzu Great Wall, he went to the Snowy Land of Ston. He didn't know if Kaili, a native of the Arad mainland, could use the teleportation potion. , so the explanation is very detailed.

After Kaili took the teleportation potion and swallowed it, the face of the other party changed, and she pointed to Wang Yan in amazement and said: "I saw it, I saw Hutton Marr, I saw Xu Zu and the Straw Plateau, and I also saw it. When we arrived at the Kingdom of the Dark Elves and the Empire of Delos, my God, I saw Ghent in the heavens, brother, I am going!"

As soon as Kaili finished speaking, her figure suddenly disappeared in front of the strengthening shop. Wang Yan just swallowed what he was about to say, and looked around dumbfounded. Fortunately, no one noticed Kaili who suddenly disappeared.

"I didn't bring the luggage I packed for a long time, and the shop door was not closed, my careless sister." Wang Yan turned around and took the luggage that Kaili had packed, and then walked out of the strengthening shop, closed the door and locked it. It takes a long time to travel far, and there are still a lot of things in the store, so it is safer to lock them.

"Dear viewers, you will once again witness the anchor's 'traversal', hahahaha, although it is going from the underground of Arad to the heaven on the ground, isn't the teleportation potion the same as time travel?" Wang Yan opened the live broadcast room and strode from Kai Leaving from the entrance of Li's enhanced shop, he came to the secluded alleyway behind the shop, and smiled to the thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"What? The anchor is going to heaven, why so suddenly?"

"That's right, I was just strengthening the epic equipment in the Great Holy Hall, why did I have to go back to the heaven in the blink of an eye, did something major happen in the heaven?"

"It can't be that big tortoise of Antuen."

"The viewer is right. Anton descended to the heavens yesterday. Of course, this is my guess. Regardless of whether the other party descended to the heavens or not, I will go to the heavens immediately, because my sister Kaili has already left early. I guess I'm already waiting for me in Ghent, so I won't say much, and I'm leaving too."

After Wang Yan communicated with the audience in the live broadcast room for a while, he stopped talking. He pulled out the cork of the teleportation potion, then raised his head and poured a drop of golden liquid into his mouth. The next moment, the strange and familiar area moving screen appeared on the screen. In front of Wang Yan, this is the second time Wang Yan has used teleportation potion in Ala Continent, so naturally there is a feeling of strangeness and familiarity.

"Target: Heaven! Let's go!" After Wang Yan selected Heaven, he gave a light drink in the live broadcast room. The next second, his figure disappeared in place. On the opposite eaves, a cat saw Wang Yan It disappeared, and its hair exploded in fright. It meowed and quickly ran back to the yard.hell!

Heaven, Isbin Island, Anterberu Gorge.

Anteberu Canyon is a rare hilly landform in the heaven. The highest peak here is only 2000 meters above sea level, and the height of Hart Mountain and its surrounding peaks is the highest.

Crossing the canyon, Ghent, the capital of the gods, the most proud city of the Celestials, will appear in front of you. It is located in the center of Isbin Island and is the capital of the Seventh Empire, but now the Seventh Empire basically calls itself Root in the outside world. It's special, and sooner or later the country's name will be changed to Ghent.

The center of Ghent is the imperial capital of the Seventh Empire. The entire plan of Ghent is to expand radially from the imperial capital. The large area outside the imperial capital is naturally the aristocratic area. The appearance of the buildings here is mostly gold, red or The main color is purple, and the overall structure is low and low.

But these other courtyards are located in a superior location, the inner courtyard is extremely spacious, and the well-manicured flower beds or rockery are beyond the dreams of ordinary people in civilian areas. The civilians in Ghent are located on the outskirts of Ghent. This is the old city of Ghent, mostly wooden structures. , and even shanty towns built of bricks and scrap steel.

Most of the people living here are civilians engaged in manual labor. Passers-by are basically wearing cloth gloves and oil-stained canvas coats. These coats are very important, extremely resistant to dirt and have a certain protective effect. They are spread in shanty towns The most famous anecdote is this: a homeless man who often does not wash his coat encountered a sudden gun battle, his canvas coat blocked the attack of stray bullets, and only then did he save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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