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Chapter 391 God, Be With Me (3369)

Chapter 391 God, Be With Me (3369)

Wang Yan rummaged around, and finally found the Medal of Honor that was given to him by the Saintess of the Holy Church. At that time, I couldn't think of the Great Church to see if there were any tasks.

After wearing the badge of honor, Wang Yan walked towards the main entrance of the Great Church. Several paladins outside the door initially wanted to stop him who was not wearing a paladin uniform, but after seeing the cross printed on Wang Yan's left chest, After receiving the badge of honor, he immediately stopped and performed a paladin's courtesy to Wang Yan.

"May the holy light be with you!" The paladins drew a sign of the cross on their chests and moved away from the main entrance. Wang Yan nodded to them and walked into the great hall through the main entrance.

I came to the Great Holy Church again. Compared with the last time, there are not so many priests waiting for him in the Great Holy Church today. After all, the last time I heard the appearance of an inexplicable apocalypse, I gathered here in advance , Normally, they all have their own tasks or positions.

After showing his badge, Wang Yan, led by a female clergyman, met Galantis in the library of the Great Church. The other party was sitting at the table before Wang Yan arrived, looking at a The Bible, brow stretching is obviously very relaxed.

"Your Excellency, there are warriors with badges of honor coming to visit." The female clergyman signaled Wang Yan to stop, and then came to Glentis with small steps. Glentis woke up from reading the Bible, She turned her head and saw Wang Yan who was waving his hand to greet her, and immediately smiled slightly: "I see, you can go to work."

"Long time no see." After the female paladin left, Wang Yan sat down under the gesture of Glentis.

"Yeah, it's been more than a month since we last met. Recently, I heard that you went to the west coast to explore the city of the sky. Did you gain anything?" Gladys held the Bible in his arms and looked at Wang Yan.

"It's a great harvest. I really didn't expect that the heavenly world could actually establish this passage connecting Arad. When the heavenly world was connected to Arad, that scene must have been spectacular."

"That's natural. There are records in the ancient temple records. The Tianzu people are tall and thin, and they also have high attainments in magic. They drove the Magadha from the sky city to the continent of Arad. People on the German continent are very different."

"It's a pity that we didn't find the way to the heaven after we arrived at the palace of the city lord at the end of the city of sky." Wang Yan said what he knew. He wanted to enter the heaven from the Arad continent. At present, he can borrow the teleportation potion to go there , there is no other possibility.

"Is that so? That's a pity." Galantis blinked her eyes. If she had the chance, she would also like to go to the heaven to see it. After all, the technology there is said to be very advanced. Is it possible to spread the Holy Light? How about letting the people there be illuminated by the light of the Lord?
"My coming this time is actually related to what happened in Sky City." Wang Yan looked around, this is the library of the holy church, it is not suitable to take out the body of the steel demon: "Can you change the place? "

"Of course, come with me." Gloria nodded, stood up holding the Bible, and left the library with Wang Yan, and came to a spacious building, where there are priests coming and going Those walking or meditating, this is the stronghold of the Order of the Clergy.

"Did you find anything strange in the Castle of the Sky?" Gladys asked curiously after seeing Wang Yan take out a pair of storage bags.

"This, you will know right away." Wang Yan weighed the storage bag, which contained the body of the steel demon Steele, Steele's steel-pipe-like weapon, and some debris scattered by the other party. It was accepted here by Wang Yan.

Galantis watched Wang Yan open the storage bag with great interest, and then her complexion changed drastically, because an extremely evil aura leaked from the space of the storage bag, this aura made people tremble, and at this moment the priesthood In the base camp of the Orthodox Order, countless crosses that were originally erected on the ground or on the walls were all shining brightly.

The shining holy light shrouded the headquarters of the Order of the Priests, and all the priests were alarmed. What's going on?Did these crosses feel the breath of evil?
"This is..." Galantis pointed tremblingly at the storage bag that was opened in Wang Yan's hand. She just guessed what was in it and her whole body trembled.


Abyss Demon!

"Kang Dang!" Wang Yan directly threw the body of the steel demon Steele on the ground. In an instant, the brilliance of those unowned crosses appeared, and the illusory cross lights and shadows emerged by themselves, covering the dark hall in the hall. The huge headless body is illuminated.

"Demon! This is the body of an abyssal demon!"

"My lord! May the Holy Light destroy evil!"

"God, be with me!"

Seeing the headless body of the steel demon lying on the ground, the clergymen gathered together, held up the small crosses on their chests, and prayed silently, clusters of golden holy light rose from their crosses, Finally gathered together and suspended above Steele's body.

Wang Yan could see that Steele's huge black body began to dissipate under the radiance of the holy light, like the spring sun melting snow, and the overflowing evil aura was burned by the ubiquitous holy light before rising It was cleaned up, and in just a few minutes, Steele's body was only left with the last jet-black skeletal existence, and the original ring-shaped steel on the left leg and right arm remained. The remaining huge body has already It was completely burned clean by the holy light.

Galantis was also praying silently, and when Stiel's body dissipated and only the last remnants remained, she opened her eyes and looked at Wang Yan: "Thank you for bringing the evil body of the abyss demon, under the light of the Lord Under the circumstances, the evil abyssal demons will never be able to be resurrected."

"Should be." Wang Yan nodded. He curiously took two steps forward to check what was left of Steele's body on the ground. The strange metal on the opponent's left leg and right arm was seen by Wang Yan when the opponent was alive. It's here, but what is this thing left in the opponent's body now?
"This is the cosmic soul that all abyssal demons have. It's a pity that you brought the other party's body. If you can find the weapon or even the head of the abyssal demon, then you can free the dead souls enslaved by the other party." Galantis Squatting down beside Wang Yan, he stretched out his hand to touch the pitch-black object on the ground. Unexpectedly, Wang Yan guessed that the object was a skeleton, and after being touched, it turned into fly ash and fell on the ground, revealing the golden color inside. cosmic soul.

(End of this chapter)

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