DNF Live Allard

Chapter 39 High Energy Chocolate (for collection)

Chapter 39 High Energy Chocolate (for collection)

"So this is the real you!" On the side, Zhushi saw the light in Wang Yan's eyes after he raised his head, and said suddenly, Wang Yan's previous behavior had always been amiable, and only when he rescued him did he appear Crazy, and then restrained all his aura. Zhushi always felt that Wang Yan had a lot of ideas that he didn't show. Today, after seeing Wang Yan's sharpness, he suddenly understood that the real Wang Yan is far from what he usually shows. appearance.

"You little guy, you are still hiding your clumsiness. Don't you know that the more you restrain your strength, you will really get used to being weak, and it will be too late to be strong in the end. I think I need to teach you a lot in the future. "Jin Fei on the side first saw Wang Yan's changes, her eyes lit up, and then a malicious smile appeared on her face, and her fists were squeezed by her.

"I'm looking forward to it!" Wang Yan showed a smile full of anticipation, and he didn't flinch from the other party's dazzling career. Just kidding, he is a man with a live broadcast system on his back, and he has a planet behind him, not to mention very Soon he will be able to get the long-awaited laptop computer, backed by endless items in the game, Wang Yan believes that there is still a long way to go for him in the future, and it may be so exciting that he himself can't even imagine it.

"Good boy, but I like you!" Jin Fei was stunned when she heard Wang Yan's words. Spirit is rare.

However, what needs to be done still needs to be done. Jin Fei only used half of his strength to beat Wang Yan's head full of bruises. The opponent who can't beat at all, the one who suffers is himself.

"When will you compress the Nian Qi to half of its original size, then you can try to release the Nian Qi. At that time, you will also learn the Nian Qi Wave skill. Let's talk about the other skills after that after you master the Nian Qi Wave." After leaving this sentence, Jin Fei, who was full of comfort after beating up, strode away to teach her disciples, immediately causing chaos among the disciples who kept peeping here, and many people were distracted The two were hit in the face by each other, and the scene was chaotic for a while, causing Jin Fei's roar to keep ringing in the practice room.

Here, Wang Yan took a Remy's aid, and the injury on his body was relieved a lot, and it no longer affected his actions. Jin Fei's attack was really ruthless. Wang Yan shook his head and thought, it would be okay to watch the excitement from the sidelines The older A Nuo and Liu Zong, Wang Yan had a long-lost smile on his face: "Have we done two tricks?"

"Okay, okay." After listening to Wang Yan's words, both of them showed surprise expressions. To be honest, except for the fact that A Nuo, who taught Wang Yan once, fought against Wang Yan, neither of them had seen Wang Yan before. Now that their strength has grown, they intend to fight Wang Yan, but they have no reason to fight. Now that Wang Yan has opened his mouth, how can he refuse to agree.

Facing the two teenagers, Wang Yan was much more relaxed than facing Jin Fei. However, under the constant attacks of the teenagers, Wang Yan could only maintain a defensive posture. After all, the opponents had more training time than him. For several years, his physical strength was far higher than his, and his mastery and understanding of skills surpassed him. Even though he was much younger than him, Wang Yan was no match for either of the two teenagers.

After some fighting, Wang Yan's sweaty face was covered with blue or purple scars. He gasped and shouted to stop. Liu Zong, who was about to attack not far away, looked regretful. He hadn't fought enough, but Anuo Had a good fight with Wang Yan.

"Come back and fight again, I'm hungry." Waving his hand, Wang Yan shouted to stop. Unexpectedly, after just such a short time, he felt that his stomach was empty, and the breakfast he ate was under the intense battle. Depletes quickly.

"Huh? I remembered that there are good things in the system." Just about to go out to eat, Wang Yan patted his head and stopped, turned around and found the [food] column in the points mall, and exchanged the first food in it: High energy chocolate.

"Ten high-energy chocolates with [-] points, each one can guarantee a day's high-intensity activity, very affordable!" Wang Yan palmed, and there were ten round chocolates wrapped in tinfoil in his hand, and he peeled off a piece of chocolate. Looking at the packaging of a piece of chocolate, he took a look at the appearance of the chocolate, then swallowed it in one gulp, chewed it a few times before swallowing it into his stomach.

It only took a few seconds for Wang Yan to feel a sense of fullness, followed by the strength recovered to his body. A Nuo and Liu Zong faced each other, what's going on, Brother Kaili is eating what?It seems that I have strength again all of a sudden.

"Here is one." Wang Yan stretched out his hand and handed it over. Both of them took a piece of high-energy chocolate, peeled off the outer packaging of the chocolate according to Wang Yan's previous method, put it in their mouths and bit it, and immediately The taste of chocolate filled their taste buds. The eyes of the two teenagers who had never experienced this kind of taste lit up, and then they couldn't help but quickly finished the chocolate, and finally realized that their mouths were empty. It was a surprise: "It's so delicious!"

"I'm full after eating, and my body has inexhaustible strength. What is this, Brother Kaili?" Liu Zong licked the corner of his mouth and asked with insatiable desire.

"A good thing from the heavens, one can last a day. During this time, you can jump into the moon stream and swim for a hundred miles without getting tired. How about it?" Sure enough, lies need more lies to cover up, Wang Yan only He can push the origin of things to his identity as a celestial being.

"Really? The heaven is really cool." The two boys said in surprise. Jin Fei, who didn't know when she came over, also looked at the two boys, turned her head and reached out to take two high-quality pills from Wang Yan's hand. The energy chocolate was thrown into the mouth without peeling off the package. After chewing twice, he spit out the package, and soon a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Delicious." After eating another high-energy chocolate, Jin Fei stared closely at the half of the chocolate left in Wang Yan's hand, with an eager look on her face. Seeing this, Wang Yan was immediately delighted and smiled. Xiao Xiao gave her the remaining few chocolates, and said: "Eat one every day, it will make you energetic all day."

"Got it." Jin Fei turned her head and left, but Wang Yan quietly ate another piece of chocolate after seeing the other party leave, holding the chocolate in his mouth and reluctant to chew it. So powerful.

In the next few hours, Wang Yan and the two teenagers, who were full of strength after eating high-energy chocolate, started a desperate training. The madness of the battle frightened the girls who were training on the side. These three people have a great hatred.

 The third shift is over, and there will still be three shifts in the two days of the weekend. I hope you will support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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