DNF Live Allard

Chapter 379 Stop dreaming, move (2169)

Chapter 379 Stop dreaming, move (2169)

"Moving out of North Mare? How is it possible?"

"Has the queen lost her mind and gone crazy? Hundreds of thousands of people have left their hometowns, and how should they live in unfamiliar places?"

"Whoever likes to move will move. After a year of good harvest, I want to have a good winter. My granary has been built."

As soon as the announcement of Northmale City Hall was posted, it immediately attracted the crowd of Northmale citizens, and then there were various complaints. They couldn't figure out why they had to move out of this land when they were living well in their hometown. Yes, the north of North Mar is close to the desert, and the crop yield here is very small, but this is their hometown.

"What is Her Majesty the Queen doing?" Even the staff of the city hall were puzzled. They could become a member of the city hall in Northmar, but they might not be able to be a clerk in other places. , Do you want to pick up a hoe and go to work in the field?That's harder than killing them.

"Mr. Lobach, everyone has great opinions on Her Majesty's decision. Do you think you should persuade Her Majesty to relocate next spring?" The people below were so dizzy that they had no choice but to go to the legion stationed in the outskirts of Northmar and met the head of the knights, Lobach.

"Hmph, if you can't do this, then replace it with someone else." Lobach didn't even look at the potbellied mayor. She pulled out the sword from her waist and danced it in the air before putting it away: "One week, one week later, we must see that the relocation begins, so let's get back."

"Yes!" Although the mayor had too many complaints to express, he also understood Lobach's attitude. If he didn't complete this matter, he would just wait to step down early.

He no longer considered the complaints of his subordinates, and no longer cared about the resistance of the citizens. He issued another announcement from the city hall. This announcement was tougher than last time. Anyone who did not start relocation within five days was regarded as fighting against the Principality. There will be forced evictions and even arrests.

Once this announcement was issued, a small number of people couldn’t bear it anymore. Most of them were the group of people who had no property in Northmar. They didn’t even have a house in Northmar. Did you think of relocating when the Principality's army came to arrest you?
The migration team of 1 people quickly got together, and Lobach sent [-] members of the Knights to escort them all the way. The road was not safe, and there might be bandits or monsters. Most of the first relocated people were ordinary people. Professionals are rarely able to see it, and must be escorted all the way.

Compared with the population of hundreds of thousands in North Mar, the departure of 1 people will not make much waves at all. Many people neither relocate nor pay attention to those members of the city hall who preach on the streets, but continue to spread a rumor information.

"Have you heard? A gold mine was found in a place in Northmar!"

"How did I hear it was a gem mine?"

"No wonder the principality moved us out. A gold mine or a gemstone mine must be mined for decades. Why don't we consider us locals?"

"Besides, there are so many slaves in the Principality, and they still don't need money. How can they think of you? If we don't care about it, let's not leave. Let's see if they dare to kill so many people."

The gossip spread more and more, and soon half of the residents of North Mar knew about it, which strengthened their determination to stay here, and many people dug around with hoes all day long. Go, try to find the branch of the vein mine, and you can beat it in advance.

"Captain Lobach, it's not that I didn't care. As a result, you also saw that hundreds of city hall personnel gave up all their jobs and took to the streets to persuade the citizens, but no one was willing to listen. You have heard the gossip, right? Is this the case?" When the week came, the number of people migrating from Northmar was less than one-tenth of the total, and the mayor of the city hall was summoned by Lobach, who once again led people to the station of the Knights in the suburbs.

"Your work is done, take the people from the city hall to relocate." Lobach didn't have the expected rage, she just looked at the other party and said in a deep voice.

"This?" The other party looked up in astonishment, but what he saw was Lobach's serious face. He trembled all over, then lowered his head and said, "I will order the people in the city hall to leave immediately."

"Did you see that, those lackeys of the city hall ran away by themselves, hahahaha."

"Idiot, who trusts these officials who have oil in their blood?"

"But, they are gone, who will take care of Nuo Smaer?"

"Let's take care of ourselves, what's the use of these moths?"

"That's right, the thieves group also disappeared from Northmar some time ago. Now Northmar has completely become a no-regret zone. Let's have fun, we're free!"

All kinds of cheering people took to the streets to celebrate this once-in-a-century freedom. Without the double exploitation of the city hall and the bandit group, what do they want to do in the future?

"Hey, hey, you haven't paid me yet?"

"Give me money? You come to me to ask for it, see if I agree to my knife?"

"It's money robbing, someone is robbing, no one cares?"

Many people saw the robbery in broad daylight, which made many people feel cold. As soon as the city hall and the guards left North Mare, chaos began here, which made many people want to leave this city. city ​​ideas.

In the next two days, North Mar became even more chaotic. Killing, robbery, rape, all kinds of evil deeds broke out without suppression, and all kinds of grievances, big and small, were resolved. It's just that more and more people died, and even those who died on the street were caught by flies and no one paid attention to them.

In the past two days, a large number of people began to choose to leave North Mar, which was several times higher than the number of people who left in the previous week. The fewer people passing by, the less excited they were at the beginning, their faces were full of vigilance, guarding against any approaching pedestrians, all kinds of shops were closed early, and the shopkeepers started to migrate with their goods. You can't buy anything with money.

In the dark, filthy incidents abounded, and the inferiority of human beings broke out completely after there was no restraint. Soon, the fire began to spread in Northmar. After dawn, half of Northmar was destroyed by the fire, and all kinds of collapses There are countless houses.

The Knights who had been stationed on the outskirts of the city and watched coldly finally moved. This move completely cut off everyone's illusions.

(End of this chapter)

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