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Chapter 375 Kanina has a crush? (1769)

Chapter 375 Kanina has a crush? (1769)

"Pass me an order to dispatch the third, fourth, and sixth armies across the sea to the Principality of Belmar. I want the world to know what kind of consequences will be brought about by angering our empire!"

"Absolutely not!" The counselors summoned below couldn't help being shocked. Is this going to start a full-scale war on the principality?You must know that the current Belmare Principality has long been full of public grievances. If the empire sends more troops to the Belmare Principality, a tragic war will definitely start.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Heinrich III narrowed his eyes and looked at the speaker. Since he became the emperor of the empire 30 years ago, he is 45 years old this year, and he is in his prime. He does not allow anyone to disagree with his opinion.

"This...Your Majesty, please think again!" The people below didn't dare to persuade them any more, they could only bow down deeply and salute, feeling uneasy in their hearts. His Majesty has killed many times in the palace, and not a hundred of his officials were killed. There are also eighty.

"That's because you don't know that the Norton alchemist is also hiding in Hutton Marr. His research records on Terra Stone are what the Empire must obtain. For this, the Empire can pay any price. Send me an order to let Bahn bring The Knights of the Iron Wolf are also going to the Principality of Bel Mare, and they must find the Norton team and bring back the complete experimental records related to Terra Stone, and bring back the head of the man named Kaili by the way."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The guards outside the palace responded loudly.

"Skadi, how will you deal with it? Will you surrender completely? Or fight back in anger? Hahahahahaha." After everyone retreated, Leon Heinrich III sat on his throne, Mumbling to himself and then laughing.

"What? Let me take people to the Principality and send three other legions. Is Your Majesty going to start a full-scale war with the Principality?" In the camp of the Iron Wolf Knights, Bane frowned as the herald finished reading the emperor's oral order. His face became ugly. Doesn't His Majesty know that the Dukedom of Belle Mare's patience with the empire is about to reach its limit?

"Yes, Your Majesty has an order, please Captain Barn take the members of the Iron Wolf Knights and set off as soon as possible to reach the military seaport. We will leave overnight tonight." After the herald left these words, he was in a disturbed mood After leaving, facing the moody sword master Baan, he didn't know whether he would be alive in the next moment, so he could only leave as soon as possible after delivering the will.

"Bel Mare." Barn silently recited the name of the Principality, where he has too many memories, the journey of mourning in the past, and the subsequent research on the Imperial Proving Ground. He stayed there for a long time, and he also had many friends in Belle Mare. In the Principality of Mar, His Majesty is completely trying to break him with his friends.

Bain thought for nearly an hour before deciding that he must go, otherwise he would directly violate His Majesty's will, so he should not be the commander of the legion, and he would be dismissed immediately, no matter how much he has made for the empire in the past. No contribution can smooth out the serious consequences of directly violating the imperial emperor's will.

"Carrie, what did you do to make His Majesty remember your name?" Barn murmured as he looked up at the sunset that was gradually sinking into the sky.

"Give me an order, Iron Wolf Knights, all gather!"

Before nightfall, a hundred imperial warships left the harbor and headed for the west coast of the Principality of Belle Mare, which is thousands of miles away. This is not something that can be reached in three to five days. The journey will take at least two months, and it will probably be winter when they arrive there. Already, Bahne stood on the bow of a warship, thinking to himself with the cold wind blowing.

Things that were thousands of miles away naturally did not reach the Principality of Belle Mare so quickly. People here started a new day of toil after the sun rose as usual.

Kanina opened the door of the grocery store just as the sun was rising, and then propped up the window next to the door with wooden poles. Not long after, the smell of fresh bread wafted from the grocery store to the street. Pedestrians passing by clutched their rumbling stomachs that hadn't eaten all night, and then went to the grocery store to buy a piece of bread, and ate it while walking.

"Look, take a look, take a look." Kanina's familiar shout echoed on the streets of Hutton Marl, and everyone who heard the voice smiled, and the hardworking little girl was thinking about her family The store is already attracting customers, it's really not easy for a young man.

It was almost noon, and the third oven of bread was sold out. After Kanina looked up at the sun, she was satisfied and took the empty plate to the backyard for cleaning. Today, it sold faster than before. It seems that the red bean paste smells The bread is very popular with everyone.

Kanina got up later than usual today, and she was not as busy as before, all because her father Dulf came back, Kanina brushed the plate and looked up at her father who was kneading dough and couldn't help laughing Get up, everything has changed since Father came back, and Kanina no longer has to get up before dawn to bake bread.

Kanina's full name is Kanina Reminis, and her father is Dulf. No one knows why Dulf, as a powerful paladin, would willingly leave the Holy Church and return to his old hunter roots. Okay, the real reason is only clear to Dulf.

There is a reason why Kanina worked so hard to make money. Her mother was seriously ill and couldn’t get out of bed. She needed someone to take care of her all day long. At first, Kanina took care of her mother while running a grocery store. Later, her younger siblings were able to help take care of her when they got older. After her mother passed away, Kanina took over the family grocery store so that her father could resume hunting.

"My brother has already gone to the Warrior Academy on the west coast. I really hope that when he returns, he can become a powerful warrior like Brother Kaili. It would be even better if he can be rewarded by the Principality like Forrest Gump Left Sword Master." Kanina said rather Thinking greedily, I was amused by myself.

"My dear daughter, what are you laughing at? Tell Dad quickly?" Dulf kneaded the dough and put it there to ferment, then put the fermented dough on the side tray into the oven, filled it After getting on the charcoal fire, I saw a bright smile on Kanina's face.

"No, it's nothing, I'm just wondering what life will be like in the future?" Kanina looked at Dulf shyly, and quickly lowered her head to wipe the oil stains on the tray.

"My dear daughter, you don't mean to be the one you want." Dulf was startled. Kanina rarely shows her shy look now. Is there any bold lunatic who won his most precious daughter while she was away? heart?But she's only 14 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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