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Chapter 362 I, Akxiong, am not a troll! (469)

Chapter 362 I, Akxiong, am not a troll! (469)

Under Shalan's gesture, Daoge entered it, and soon he walked out with a look of surprise on his face: "There is a different space there, and there is a broken tower inside, which looks very much like a city in the sky .”

"Is there such a thing?" Shalan became interested. She walked in with her wand in her hand. Seeing this, Wang Yan also followed him into it. Kelly and Celia looked at each other and entered. Finally, Daoge walked in. , the space door disappeared.

"The entrance has disappeared." After Daoge entered, everyone was a little panicked, but soon everyone saw the five soul stones in Daoge's hand: "Don't worry, I brought them, and now they can still open up Exported."

After confirming that the group had a way out, Wang Yan felt relieved. He raised his head and observed the environment he and his group were in. This was a tower floating in space out of thin air, and they were located on the lowest floor of the tower. , there is a translucent barrier around the tower body to protect everything inside, while the outside is a void.

"Have we come to a different space?" Kaili looked out of the tower in surprise, there was nothing there, no sunlight, no white clouds, and there were only a few stars in the distance.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Shalan closed her eyes and sensed it. She found that she had lost contact with the members of the Magician's Guild. Fortunately, magic power is everywhere. Even in this space, magic power can still be mobilized. Casting magic, otherwise, Shalan dare not guarantee the safety of the people present after her strength drops drastically.

The material used for the body of this tower is the same as that of Sky City. A chandelier made of fluorite hangs down to illuminate the entire body of the tower. Inside the hall is a phalanx of deporters. Everyone's eyes are fixed, is it the expulsor again?
After everyone approached, these Destroyers still stood there like statues without any movement. After being punched by Dao Ge, the attacked Destroyer's body turned into fine sand and fell down, as if touching something. Like the organ, the Ousters in the entire hall began to scatter, and in the end there were only five people present in the entire hall.

"What's going on? Why don't these Destroyers come back to life?" The five people present all had this idea. Compared with the Destroyers in Sky City, the Destroyers in this place seem to have lost all vitality Same.

"Let's continue to go up." Shalan looked up at the entrance leading to the upper floor, her expression became very solemn. She didn't know whether these expulsionists turned into fly ash because they exhausted their strength, or whether the power in them was destroyed by someone. If it is the latter kind of existence, that existence must be very powerful.

"Wait a minute, these seem to be members of Bacal's Dragon Mark Knights." Kelly made a new discovery. She found a badge in the broken body of the Destroyer, with a domineering dragon pattern on it. pattern.

"What's that?" Celia asked.

"The Dragon Mark Knights have a very good reputation in the heavens. They are the powerful knights who have helped Bakar rule the heavens for more than 500 years. Every warrior of light in them is extremely powerful. It is said that after Bakar was overthrown by the heavens, The Dragon Mark Knights also disappeared, I didn't expect them to come here."

Kaili began to rummage through the fine sand scattered on the ground. Seeing this, Wang Yan also came to help. After a lot of work, he helped Kaili collect hundreds of badges, all of which had dragon logos on them.

The five continued to move forward, and their faces became more and more ugly. The Ousters on each floor turned into flying ash after being touched, but Kelly collected thousands of dragon badges. She has According to my own plan, these badges are extremely valuable in the heavenly realm, if they can be brought to the heavenly realm.

After walking twenty floors, everyone encountered a different existence, a huge goblin standing on the top of the chandelier, the other hand was holding the chain of the chandelier, and the other hand was holding a dart, keeping his body Freezing and motionless.

"General Iai?" Before Wang Yan could say anything, Kaili screamed. She pointed to the goblin on the chandelier with a surprised expression on her face: "This is the special army of the Dragon Marked Knights." Although the leader of the Goblin race is terrifyingly powerful, if the other party maintains this form, is it also dead?"

"Magic star bomb." Celia pointed, and a magic star bomb flew out and hit the general Iai. Like other Destroyers, the general Iai turned into fine sand and scattered on the ground, which was more powerful than ordinary dragon patterns. A golden badge with a much more gorgeous badge fell to the ground, and Kelly hurried forward to pick it up.

"I'm afraid my guess is right. There is already some kind of terrifying existence that has arrived here before us. It absorbs the vitality of all the creatures here, and it is when they are defenseless, otherwise the other party will not be able to maintain it." This form." Shalan's face was extremely serious, and in her impression, there was nothing that could cause such terrible consequences.

Continuing to move forward, all kinds of existences such as Destroyers, Goblins, Pterosaurs, Dragonmen, Puppeteers, and Stone Giants are frozen in place, and they will turn into fine sand after being touched scattered on the ground.

When they came to the new floor of the tower, densely packed Destroyers appeared in the hall. Looking around, they were no less than those in the castellan's palace. Like the Destroyers on the lower floor, these Destroyers were all killed after being attacked. They all turned into fine sand and fell, and for a while, there was only the sound of the Ouster turning into fine sand in the entire hall.

Others helped Kaili to collect the dragon badges on the ground, and Kaili's expression also changed from excited to frightened. There are tens of thousands of badges on this level alone, plus those on the lower level. The number of members of the Dragon Mark Knights is almost as large as that of the year. Could it be that the Dragon Mark Knights were buried in this space after disappearing from the heaven?

Kelly found another golden badge among the dragon badges that fell to the ground. The owner of this badge turned into red sand on the ground. Kelly's face was ugly. The leader of the Dragon Mark Knights Ke Xiong, the other party's notoriety is still spread in the heavens even now, it is the name of Ke Xiong'er Ye Chui.

"Be vigilant, we don't know what will be waiting for us above." Sharan stood still in front of the entrance to the upper floor, cast the magic shield, glanced at the people present, and then stepped on the stairs first.

In this space, there are no many expulsors, and it has become a paradise for all kinds of elemental spirits. The four elemental spirits of Yadeyan, Leivos, Bingnais and Semitec, everyone is surrounded by these elemental spirits. The attack was caught off guard, all kinds of shouts sounded in this tower, and a sudden encounter began.

(End of this chapter)

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