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Chapter 349 Arriving in Neupera (Part 1)

Chapter 349 Arriving at Neupera (Part [-])
In the Magician's Guild, Shalan completed the research on Platani's golden stone, and also found out the reason why this kind of thing can enhance the physical fitness of the wearer.

However, she was not sure about creating a magic stone with a powerful effect comparable to the golden stone, so she could only use materials from the magician's guild.

The final result was the same as she had guessed. The effect of the magic stone made of some common materials mixed with rare materials was only one-tenth of that of the golden stone. The effect of the magic stone made entirely of rare materials was better, but only gold one-fifth of a stone.

"That's enough. After all, the material of the golden stone is very special. This is the first time I have seen this material on the continent of Arad."

Sharan looked at the newly refined Sorcerer's Stone and nodded. Unlike forging equipment, making a Sorcerer's Stone requires alchemy and enchantment, both of which are indispensable.

The principle is very simple, extract the magic power from crystal blocks of various colors and fill it into a certain material, then draw the magic power line, and then complete the enchantment.

It’s just that no one in the past thought of enhancing physical fitness through this method. As long as the outer veil is peeled off, those who understand the principle will say: “Wow, it’s so simple.”

"All magicians who are proficient in alchemy and magic come to me." Shalan picked up the badge on her chest and gave the order. She remembered the scene when Celia took off the badge a few days ago, and now Celia The elder's badge is still here with Sharon, and the other party seems to have no intention of asking for it back, and he has not come to the Magician's Union again these days.

"What a stubborn elf." Shalan sighed. She didn't want to show weakness to the empire, but she had to consider the overall situation, and she couldn't confront the empire head-on like Wang Yan and the others. Otherwise, she would have taken action to kill the empire. The Imperial legions have been driven off the west coast.

"Mentor." The magicians who got the task soon all came to the top of Shalan's magic tower. Most of these magicians were not awakened and liked to study sub-jobs. They may not be strong, but they are very insightful about sub-jobs.

"Where's Albello?" Sharan didn't see the person she was looking for, and then looked up to the outside of the tower.

"Ah, Albero is singing, saying that we won't disturb him." The female magician who said this covered her mouth and laughed lightly. Albero is also a fellow of Sharan's mentor, a dark elf. According to age, the other party is about ten years old. Although he is proficient in magic sub-jobs, he is also a bard. Playing the piano and singing to the moon is his favorite thing to do.

"This kid." Shalan clutched her forehead in pain. She met him when she passed the Afalia camp, and then followed Shalan to the Principality of Bel Mare. However, these years, he rarely treated him honestly. On the west coast, always wandering around with his harp on his back, he became a bard.

It's just that Albero's voice is not very good. After Shalan heard it once, she forbade her to sing in front of her. Albero felt aggrieved by this, but his age was too much younger than Shalan's, and his strength was even worse. If you don't want to leave, you can only stay away from Sha Lan's self-satisfied singing, anyway, as long as you like it.

"Then let me guide you how to refine the Sorcerer's Stone. I found this Sorcerer's Stone in the Sky City. It has the effect of improving the physical fitness of the wearer..."

Sharan began to explain to these magicians how to refine the Sorcerer's Stone. If the Sorcerer's Stone can be produced in batches, the pattern of the mainland will definitely change, and the Principality will also see a new turning point.

In the underground world, after leaving the dark elf cemetery, the six people continued to set off. After the third day, Gal and his party saw a large black shadow at the end of the horizon from a distance, and there was also a rancid smell faintly in the air. The people present They are all wearing masks, holding antidote in their hands, who knows if the effect of the plague has dissipated.

"There is Neupera. I once let the Nami Entu fly over Neupera, but I couldn't land in it. There are dark elves' ghosts everywhere, densely packed."

Krent stopped when he saw Neupera from a distance. He has explored Neupera several times over the years. As he said, none of them were able to reach the interior.

"However, our current task has changed from exploring the cause of the plague to finding the diary. There should be no need to go deep into Neupera. Let's go, we will face this place sooner or later."

Neupera was originally a prosperous town in the kingdom of the dark elves. There are a large number of dark elves gathered here. Because of the water source and small pieces of land that can be planted, many people regard this place as a paradise.

But at the moment when the plague happened, this place turned into a hell. Countless people were infected by the plague. From the initial cough weakness to the subsequent blurred consciousness, and finally completely lost consciousness and turned into a zombie hostile to the living, the pain experienced during the period was only The dark elf zombies who are still active in Neupera now know, but they can no longer tell people the pain they have experienced.

The plague first appeared on a few human slaves. No one knew why these slaves were infected with the plague and would spread the plague to the dark elves. When everything happened, a large number of people evacuated from Neupera, but It's too late.

Everyone was not spared, and died wailing in misery, while the corpse mutated and stood up again.

Later, the Dark Elf Kingdom organized many parties to explore, but none of them could get close to Neupera. The only good news is that the plague is no longer spreading, as long as you don't get scratched by the walking corpses infected with the plague.

One kilometer away from Neupera, the six of Krent met the dark elves who were completely turned into monsters due to the plague. Unlike the partially mutated zombies in Shallow Habitat, the dark elf zombies here are even bigger. They even grew long hairs, and some of them even fused together. The strange appearance made people shudder.

"Uh, it's disgusting!" Even Gal, who often hangs around in the sewers, couldn't stand it anymore. She retched, and the faces of the others were also ugly, but Krent's face was normal. He had already come here many times in advance Having been here, I have seen this kind of fellow who was completely infected by the plague.

Those fused zombies approached the six people roaring and salivating, and there were slender arrows shooting out from behind. Gal interrupted these flying arrows with steel claws, looked up and saw something similar to Ke Lent is not much different from a dark elf zombie.

Their size is not as bloated as these fusion zombies, but their arms have become extremely thick, and they can also shoot with arrows from their lifetime. Who knows if these arrows are infected with the plague, anyway, no one present wants to experience it. The taste of being shot by an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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