DNF Live Allard

Chapter 345 Wang Yan's Blocking (Part 2)

Chapter 345 Wang Yan's Blocking (Second Change)
Shalan suppressed this group of people for a few minutes but had to let them go. As the other party said, Shalan had a lot of scruples.

She is a dark elf herself, and even the people of the principality cannot directly kill these soldiers of the empire, that would directly provoke a full-scale war. Sharan believed that if these people died in the city of the sky, the news would spread back to the empire , the empire will definitely send more legions to the Principality of Bel Mare, then there will be real troubles.

"Hmph!" The fighter felt the shackles on his body disappear, and he stood up in a jerk. He wiped off the dust on his uniform and snorted coldly at the crowd. The people around Shalan could not help but clenched. With a weapon, this guy really deserves a beating.

"Let's go." Fighter ordered to the people behind him, and then he was about to head towards the 1st floor, and then he saw Wang Yan who walked to the entrance of the [-]th floor with his arms folded and stood there.

"Young man, don't cause trouble for your relatives and friends." The fighter squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Yan who blocked everyone's way. Shalan also looked at Wang Yan in amazement. Luo Lian wanted to go forward but was stopped by him. They There are many scruples, but Wang Yan is different. He only has Kaili as a family member and a few friends here.

Seeing that Wang Yan was blocking the way of these people, Kelly stepped forward to Wang Yan without hesitation. She took out the two revolvers in her waist and looked at the 500-man army opposite without flinching.

"This is our way home." Kelly shouted to the fighter in a deep voice.

"You guys, do you want to die?" The fighter's face froze. Kaili knew that the other party was from the heavens. There was nothing to criticize when she said such words, but they all came to the city of the sky. How could he be willing to return for the harvest.

Celia, who was in the crowd beside her, pursed her lips, took off the badge of the elders of the Magician's Guild on her chest, and then put it on the ground and looked at Shalan guiltily. Celia's move, what does the other party want to do?
"Hey, let's count me as an old man." GSD walked out from the crowd. He is a member of Xu Zu, and Xu Zu and the empire have long been in conflict. Today, this scene appeared in front of him, and GSD felt that he could do it. order something.

"Hehe, I'm even more lonely. I'm not afraid of the empire's revenge. I'll come too." Ka Kun chuckled and came to Wang Yan's side. Wang Yan gave him a thumbs up. If there is a fight, he will leave.

Shalan and the magicians around her were silent. Some people gritted their teeth and wanted to stand up but were held back. The Magicians Union had a lot of scruples, and Shalan hadn't made a statement yet, so they couldn't make their own decisions.

"Okay, okay, I knew that you have long lost your respect for the empire." The fighter saw that after Wang Yan came out alone, another person blocked the way of his group one after another. He laughed angrily, Holding the blood-stained Dongfang stick in front of his body: "Then taste the wrath of the empire."

"Only you, are you worthy to represent the empire?" Wang Yan pointed at the other party with disdain, and he strode in front of the other party. The distance between the two was less than half a meter: "The emperor of the empire is standing here, and I dare to stand in front of him. What are you?"

"Bang!" The fighter showed a fierce look, raised the Dongfang stick and threw it at Wang Yan's neck. Wang Yan had already expected that the opponent would make a move, so he didn't back down. Fighting broke out.

Wang Yan learned fighting skills one month earlier than swordsmanship, and his proficiency in various skills has reached an extremely high level, and he is only a little bit close to reaching the full level, and Shunpo, which he is most used to using, has reached the full level , Shunpo's maximum forward distance has exceeded [-] meters, which is farther than the magician's teleportation skill.

In addition, he has mastered all the basic skills of fighters. In Su Nan City, Jin Fei and Zhushi taught him fighting skills for a long time. After leaving Xuzu, Wang Yan did not give up the practice of skills. , unlike other warriors, as long as Wang Yan's skill proficiency is raised to the full value, it is enough to promote him, there is no such thing as a threshold.

The fighter was shocked just a moment after he fought with Wang Yan. The young man in front of him was extremely proficient in martial arts, and all kinds of skills were not only powerful but also extremely easy to use, as if he didn't need to consume his physical strength. In this way, when Wang Yan uses skills in battle, he consumes magic power, and only consumes colorless crystals when the magic power is insufficient.

I don't know when Wang Yan possessed the magical power. It should have been when Casillas the Conqueror was summoned in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. Anyway, Wang Yan flew with a broom after he came to Hutton Mar. It is possible to consume mana, and the words of mana consumption required to perform skills also appear on the icons of those skills.

"Combined Shadow Kick!" Wang Yan raised his leg and kicked the fighter back. He also discovered the opponent's profession. The opponent is Feng Linhuo, an awakened male judo professional in the dungeon game. It is rare to meet such a powerful fighter in this fighter's hometown.

Judo's grasping skills are very strong, and it is good at breaking moves. Wang Yan has a deep understanding of it. After all, Zhushi, who has guided him, is also a judo master, but the other party has not awakened, and his strength is much weaker than this fighter.

The other party waved at the back, and a dozen subordinates with lightsabers came over. It seemed that the other party did not intend to fight alone. Kelly sneered, playing a siege with a sharpshooter?You are too tender.

Kelly made a shot, and a floating bullet sent the leading swordsman flying, and then started mobile shooting. The two revolvers fired bullets continuously and hit the group of swordsmen who had just walked out in front of them, dodging in embarrassment. The swordsman who was hit by the bullet fell to the ground dying. Thanks to the armor that saved his life, otherwise he would be dead now.

"Get on me!" The fighter fought with Wang Yan, and at the same time shouted to the subordinates behind him. Everyone looked at each other, and before they could do anything, they heard Jiang You's angry roar from the exit of the stairs: "I see who dares to fight!" ?”



Everyone saluted Jiang You in surprise. After all, Jiang You was the leader of the 3000-member army.

"Regimental Commander." The fighter broke away from the battle with Wang Yan and came to Jiang You. He looked extremely annoyed at the moment, and was interrupted by Jiang You just as he was about to say something: "Who ordered you to do it?"

"Here, the city of the sky is completely open. Captain, why are you still worried about what they are doing?" How dare people do?Some hard bone breaking is.

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(End of this chapter)

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