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Chapter 314 Spider Leader Akloso (115)

Chapter 314 Spider Leader Akloso (115)

"There are also little spiders." Bryce's eyes fell on the rock wall on one side of the cave, some palm-sized spiders were crawling around, and they were also approaching everyone, and she pushed out the wave of thought to knock them out Who knows if these little spiders will be poisonous, any creature in the underground world has to guard against it.

"Look, that spider is purple! Is it also infected with the plague?" After advancing about [-] meters, Gal saw the spider lying on a rock with his sharp eyes. The other spider was different from the other green and black spiders, and its color was dark purple. Much like those infected dark elf zombies.

"No, the plague will only have an effect on humans and dark elves. These are poisonous spiders. They can spray out poisonous webs with venom, and they can also burrow into the ground." Krent looked at the spider carefully after seeing it. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, if the spider was also infected with the plague, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

Although the poisonous spider is difficult to deal with, it didn't last long under the six people who had been prepared. The six people pushed all the way without letting go of any living things they saw, and Bryce carefully led his companions to find all the secrets that passed by. place, trying to find traces of the diary, but has been fruitless.

If there was a wailing sound coming from the front, the six of them shook their spirits. This was the cry of a wronged soul, and then they saw a butterfly-shaped magic flying from the front, and they were already prepared to avoid it. Undead magic, after being hit by this kind of magic, it will fall into a weakened state for a short time.

Several innocent souls appeared in the sight of everyone, they were suspended in mid-air and approached everyone, facing these innocent souls, Bryce took a step forward, and pushed out Nian Qibo in his hand, and the Nian Qi wave hit the opponent who hit the innocent soul. Calling again and again, everyone had to cover their ears, the sound was too ear-piercing.

After eliminating this group of wronged souls, the soul crystals reappeared. These wronged souls were all dark elves who had died in the spider cave. Their bodies had long since died, but the remaining will had not dissipated. They hid in the spider cave and interacted with these spiders. Instead of interfering, they attacked the travelers who entered the spider cave. It was ironic, but the spiders killed them.

Moving on, the six of them encountered the familiar dark elf zombies and Binas, and a larger zombie whose forelimbs had been completely enlarged. Speaking of which, this kind of plague is also strange, only harming humans or dark creatures. Elf, on the contrary, has no effect on spiders.

"There are so many spiders here, there should be a leader." Gal looked at Clent and asked.

"That's natural, the leader of the spider, Akloso, has lived in the spider cave for a long time. Over the years, dark elves have been killed by the opponent. When there are so many people, they will hide in an extremely hidden place, and those crusade teams will be attacked by little spiders instead, and finally have to exit the spider cave. Even though these spiders live in the cave, they will rarely leave the cave environment. After all, the outside world is a wilderness."

"A monster leader with a name? Interesting." Gal frowned, and it seemed that the other party should be difficult to deal with.

"Akloso's origin is very mysterious. Some say it belongs to the last royal family member of the Spider Kingdom, and some say it is a man-made monster. I believe in the latter." Krent said Akloso The origin of his identity, the reason why he is so artificial, is because it is rumored that Akloso can launch lasers or missiles, which is not an ability that ordinary creatures can possess, and the other party is more like a semi-mechanical construct life.

"Is the other party big?" Bryce asked the key question. If it is too big, it will be difficult to deal with. After all, spiders have long legs, and the bigger the spider, the more difficult it is to deal with, not to mention the extremely powerful opponent. May also spit webs or venom.

"It's very big, at least five meters in size, and it can drill into the rock wall above the head and drop from the sky. The opponent's lair is deep in the spider cave. Many travelers have to work hard from the spider cave because of its existence. Detour, in order to avoid it."

"Five meters? It's so big!" Gal couldn't believe it. This has exceeded the limit of the growth of ordinary creatures. It can cause damage, and only magic can hurt the opponent, let alone melee combat, the opponent is estimated to be two meters high from the ground, and the thick forelimbs alone are enough for melee warriors to deal with.

"I don't know if I can meet the other party. If I do, I will try to communicate with the other party. Now we are looking for the diary is the most important thing." Krent pondered for a while and expressed his thoughts. Killing in the cave, if it is replaced by a wide area outside, Krent has a hundred ways to make it unable to survive.

"Listen to you." Bryce nodded. According to Krent's description, she could also know the strength of the other party. After all, this is a powerful existence that the Dark Elf Kingdom failed to conquer.

Just when everyone went to the end of the Spider Cave and saw the bright light in the distance, the soil in front of them suddenly turned up. The faces of the six people who thought they would be able to leave the Spider Cave immediately became ugly. Such a large-scale soil upturned, the people below The size of the thing must be very large, and it is very likely to be the spider leader Akloso.

"Gal, you pay attention to your surroundings. Be careful of the opponent's sneak attack and the approach of other spiders. I will leave it to me. If you lose to it, you immediately exit the cave and go around." The most brutal battle, Bryce is ready to be injured or even die.

"I will make a move." Krent also looked seriously at the ground ahead. Since he met Akloso, he had to stand up. Regardless of whether he could communicate with the other party, he was obliged to protect the five of them. However, if the exploration team of the Principality of Bel Mare died in the Dark Elf Kingdom, it is estimated that the diplomatic relations between the two countries would be even more serious.

When Akloso's huge body emerged from the ground, Krent stood up without fear. He looked directly at Akloso whose head was exposed to the ground. The head of the other party was only one meter in size. The eyes are as big as lanterns.

Krent tried to communicate with Akloso in the language of the dark elves, but the other party's huge head kept shaking. Obviously understood Krent's words, it turned its head to the five of Bryce and roared randomly, Krent Lunt's face immediately became ugly.

"What did it say?" Gall asked.

"It says to stay alone so we can pass!"

"Give it to eat? Let's dream!"

"I think so too, it seems that we can only fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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