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Chapter 309 Entering the Underground World (High Order 600 Plus)

Chapter 309 Entering the Underground World (High Order 600 Plus)

"At first there is no light inside, so you have to be careful, and the further you go in, the more difficult it is, and there are all kinds of magical creatures that the dark elves have signed a contract to stay there. I will go there with you."

Krent stood in front of the entrance and faced the Five Ways, while Nani Entu folded his wings and followed him.

"Let's go."

Bryce nodded to Krent. Now that they have come to the entrance of the underground world, there is no possibility of shrinking back. Their mission is to reach the place called Neupera in the kingdom of the dark elves through here, and study Know the truth about the plague that occurred in the kingdom of the dark elves.

"When I pass the news to Master, it will be said that we have arrived at the entrance of the underground world."

Gal was in charge of correspondence with Paris. She laid out the paper and wrote clumsy text on it. Krent couldn't recognize what was written on it, even though he knew the common script of the Arad continent very well.

Then, before the entrance, Gal released a carrier pigeon tied with letter paper. This kind of carrier pigeon was specially domesticated by Paris. It flies so fast that it can avoid the pursuit of raptors. No matter where it is, it has a way to return to Hutton Mar. It is already the result of Paris's many attempts.

"Actually, my good friend Morgan has already gone to Neupera first, but I haven't heard from him for so long. I am very worried about him." After entering the passage leading directly to the underground world, Krent held a fluorite Walking at the forefront, in fact, he can walk directly in the dark in order to take care of the five people behind.

"What's the situation there?" Bryce pursed his lips. How did the plague, which can make even the long-lived and powerful dark elves helpless, appear?
"It's very miserable. It won't be long before we reach the underground world, and then you will see what the dark elves infected with the plague look like." Krent looked very serious, and he didn't want to say more, because The scene was too tragic.

It’s not that Krent has never explored Neupera himself. He has let the Nami Entu fly over Neupera many times, but every time he wants to land, he is blocked by the ghosts of the dark elves. Ken's arrival rekindled his hope that the warriors of the principality might be able to help him find the root of the plague in Neupera.

Krent is in the camp of Queen Maya of the Dark Elf Kingdom. Not long after Queen Maya came to the throne, all the power in the kingdom was controlled by the Elder House, especially the elder Shaprun, who believed in the divination of Alice, a fortuneteller of unknown origin. It is believed that the plague that occurred in Neupera was caused by the human empire, and so did the other elders, so they began to be hostile to human beings. Because of the strong military power of the Delos Empire, they took the lead in attacking the Principality of Belle Mare.

However, due to Queen Maya's strong opposition, there was no real war between the Dark Elf Kingdom and the Principality of Belmare, and Sharan, who lived on the west coast of the Principality, was also mediating the relationship between the two parties, so the Council of Elders only sent Guards are stationed at the Afaria camp, and it is a matter of forbidding any human beings to enter the underground dark elf kingdom.

Walking all the way, faint fluorescence began to appear on both sides of the passage. This is the fluorite that exists in the underground rock formation. Radiation effect, but to the dark elves, fluorite is just a stone that emits light, and it cannot affect them at all.

The fluorite in Krent's hand was put away, and there was no need to illuminate it anymore when they came here. After gradually adapting to the dark environment, sisters Elise and the others were able to see clearly inside the passage with the faint light on the rock wall. everything of.

Because it is an underground world, don’t think about raining. The moisture in the air gathers on the rock wall at the top of the channel and then drips, bringing water resources that are precious to the underground world. Gal saw some weak insects The appearance of lying on the side and sucking when the water drops fell, she also had a certain understanding of the barrenness of the underground world.

I don't know how deep we went underground. When the passage no longer meandered straight down but became flat, the voice of Krent walking in front came: "We have already reached the bottom, and we will see it when we exit the passage. The real underground world!"

"Okay." Gall and Bryce glanced at each other, and then the five of them began to check the equipment and props they were carrying. The envoy of the Principality, Borken, provided them with a lot of equipment and props for this exploration, which was rare. Artifact equipment and weapons have been equipped on their whole bodies, and Gal only feels that the whole body is surging with power at this moment, which is stronger than before, and she has the confidence to wear this equipment to deal with stronger opponents.

Without going far, the faint light from the exit of the passage shone in. Krent walked out of the passage first, and he took a deep breath of the air of the underground world. Dark Elf Kingdom, I am back again!

Bryce walked out of the passage slowly holding a weapon. After all, the underground dark elf world was very strange to them and the group, and no one knew what was waiting for them.

Immediately, Bryce's footsteps stopped, and she looked up to the top of her head, but all she saw was a large thick rock wall, and the light of fluorite projected from the rock wall brought a little light to the underground world , other than that, the underground world is still dark.

Gal kicked his feet. The ground was extremely dry. Unlike the fertile soil on the ground, the soil in the underground world was basically sand and dust. When Gal looked up, there were only a few low plants sporadically in sight. Not a single tree could be seen beyond that.

"How is it, are you disappointed?" Krent said bitterly after looking at the expressions of the five people. People in the above-ground world have been guessing what the underground dark elf kingdom looks like, but only a handful of humans have seen it with their own eyes. After seeing the true appearance of the underground world, there is no other word to describe it except desolation.

"Is this agave?" Bryce stepped forward and came to a plant that is rare in the underground world. The leaves of this plant are sword-shaped thick and pointed leaves, and you can touch them with your hands. The wax on it, and the blades are surrounded by sharp arc-shaped spikes. Judging from its appearance, you know that there is absolutely no good end to touching it rashly.

"Yes, the tequila that has always been popular with the dark elves is made from them, and only these drought-tolerant plants that can absorb and store water can grow tenaciously in the underground world."

Krent glanced at the agave plant. The water in it is a life-saving item for desperate travelers in the underground world. It will not harm these wild agaves unless necessary, even if the agave Its sap is extremely bitter, but it can also save the lives of travelers who are maddened by thirst.

(End of this chapter)

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