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Chapter 298 Two Unsolved Mysteries of the Dungeon

Chapter 298 Two Unsolved Mysteries of the Dungeon
"Before, it was the elven magic circle that covered the city of the sky, but you must know that the city of the sky has a barrier set up by the Tyrannosaurus King Bacal. No living body can approach the city of the sky. I have seen this kind of thing in the records. Yes." When Shalan expressed her opinion, everyone around nodded, so it was true.

"Then how can we get close to it, sir?" Lorien looked at the towering city in the sky. attraction.

"I only have one solution for the time being, wait! But I guess Kaili might have a solution." Shalan shook her head, and then looked at Wang Yan who was at the side. Wang Yan revealed that his identity was from the heavens, and maybe the other party would be unusual. way to get in?

"I don't know, I'll go and have a look." Wang Yan was noncommittal. He also saw the existence of Sky City for the first time in Arad Continent. Kelly is the only real celestial person in the world, and the other party is still in Hutton Mar. I don't know if she has heard the news.

"Well, let's go together." Shalan nodded, and then headed towards the city of the sky with brooms on the broomsticks with everyone. The arrival of this group of people attracted the attention of those helpless warriors. But secretly gnashing their teeth, these magicians who can open the space door will always arrive at the first time.

Within one kilometer of Sky City, Wang Yan directly observed the transparent barrier, which also went straight to the sky. Wang Yan tried to fly into the sky with a broom, but was still blocked by the barrier at a height of several hundred meters. This kind of barrier is actually connected with the sky city like the sky city. If the tyrannosaurus king Bakar sets up a barrier to prevent creatures from entering the sky city, then the strength of the tyrannosaurus king Bakar can be seen.

Lorian stood on the ground, picked up a small stone from the side, and easily threw it into the barrier. This discovery aroused her interest, and she began to test what kind of things could enter the sky city.

All inanimate existences such as soil, grass and trees can enter, but the bugs wrapped in it are blocked. Lori Ann waved her hand and released a magic star bomb. The star bomb penetrated the barrier and entered it, and dissipated after flying for more than ten meters into magic.

"Interesting." Luo Lian nodded, and then noticed the magical elf Hagendy flying around Celia, she blinked and said to Celia: "Seria, let Hagenti go and try it out." Can not enter?"

"Okay." Celia nodded, and whispered to Hagandi. A clear expression appeared on the humanoid face of the other party. It fanned its four wings and approached the barrier in front. penetrated the barrier and entered it.

"Magic creatures can enter. It's a little strange." Shalan frowned when she saw this scene, which was a little different from her guess. It stands to reason that magical creatures are also a kind of living things, and they can't be counted as magic power. Shalan used magic power to Wrapping his palm, he was still blocked by the barrier after touching it.

"Dinkas!" Lolian opened a space door in front of him and came out. The little green dragon named Dinkas walked out of it, and was pulled out by Lorian's wings just now. Dozing off in the shop was startled by the sudden appearance of the space door, and it sensed Lori'an's breath on it, so it entered it and appeared here.

After playing around with Dinkas for a while, Lori Ann gave instructions to Dinkas. Dinkas kept blinking his watery eyes and nodded, and then the magic power of the sharp horns on the top of his head surged, and it flew up and slammed into that layer of magic power Everyone around could see the barrier. Although the speed at which Dinkas entered it was very slow and could not be compared with that of Hagendi, Dinkas who flapped his wings finally squeezed through the barrier.

"How does it feel inside?" Hagandi had already flown out of the barrier at this time, and Celia asked Hagandi on her arm in Elvish, and she was the only one who could communicate with Hagundy without hindrance. Even Sharan could only understand part of Hagundi's words.

"Is the magic power extremely lacking?" After hearing Hagendi's answer, Celia frowned slightly and looked at Sharan, who also looked at Celia, and she nodded after hearing Celia's words. She guessed that the city in the sky is a building that can suppress magic power.

"Dinkas, where are you going?" Lori Ann exclaimed over there, but Celia turned her head to look and saw that Dinkas, who had entered the barrier, did not fly out of it, but instead flew towards the majestic sky. It didn't seem to hear Lori'an's cries, it just flew away and finally flew into the sky city and disappeared.

"Oh my god, how could this happen!" Luo Lian stood there dumbfounded. Dinkas was transformed by her with a poodle. She has no magic power and is pitifully weak. He can only spit out small flames. However, Luo Lian couldn't imagine what would happen to the other party if they encountered the terrifying creatures that existed in the Sky City.

"Don't worry about Luo Lian, it may not be certain that Dinkas finds something, maybe it will come back in a while." Celia came to comfort Luo Lian who was stunned, and Luo Lian shook her head. After he entered it, he lost his magical connection with him. Now that the other party is completely free, who knows what will happen to Dinkas' mischievous character.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yan landed from the sky, he flew around the barrier and failed to enter it, and then returned to the ground, seeing Luo Lian's worried look, he looked towards Celia asked.

"Dinkas flew into the sky city after entering the barrier and disappeared." Celia shook her head, she didn't know why this happened.

Wang Yan was speechless immediately. In the dungeon game, Luo Lian entered the Tower of the Dragon Man just to find Dinkas. Shalan also asked the players to find Luo Lian who was trapped by the Dragon Man. Who knew that with the strength of the Great Magister Luo Lian, Why are you trapped by such weak creatures as dragon people?

"There seems to be a lack of magic power in the city of the sky. It can't communicate with the magic power of the outside world. The magic power in the body will be consumed as much as it is used. If you don't carry the magic power recovery potion, it will be troublesome."

When Celia told her what she had discovered, Wang Yan couldn't help but nodded, so it was so!
You must know that there are two unsolved mysteries in the dungeon game, one is why Celia was caught by goblins, and the other is why Lorien was trapped by dragonmen. These two unsolved mysteries are bothering Player for many years, or have unlocked one of them now?
(End of this chapter)

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