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Chapter 289 Changes Above the Sky

Chapter 289 Changes Above the Sky

"Your family? Are you talking about me?" Celia did not avoid the approach of these phantom figures. She could sense the kindness of these phantoms. The other party seemed to be an old friend whom she had not seen for many years. Know why it feels like this.

"It seems that you haven't awakened yourself yet, so let us help you for the last time." The illusory elves surrounded Celia hand in hand, and then began to turn, the magic power overflowing from their illusory bodies When they came out, they all converged towards Celia in the center. At this time, Celia also found that a small magic circle appeared under her feet at some point. The structure of the magic circle was something she had never seen before.


Celia wanted to communicate with these phantoms of elves, but they obviously wouldn't last long. After they circled Celia for about a minute, their phantom figures were about to become transparent.

"Remember, your name is Seria Krummin, you are our kin, you must live with our faith." The last illusory figure looked at Celia before disappearing, and said Celia's long-awaited words, and then she turned into a little bit of starlight, and just disappeared into the world.

At this moment, Celia is surrounded by scattered stars, and she is anxious to grasp them, but unfortunately both sides are illusory, the stars pass directly through Celia's hands, and the light gradually dims go down.

"Why? Woohoo~"

Celia knelt down and covered her face and wept. She finally knew her full name, but the price was heavy. The successive departures of her companions made Celia very sad. None of them noticed.

At this time, strange changes also took place in the Principality of Belmar. The blue sky suddenly darkened, and weeping could be faintly heard in the air, followed by little rain flowers. The people in the rain walked out of the house, and they all stood there sluggishly looking at the sky.

"Has the sky fallen!"

Countless people only have this idea in their minds. It is because there are several holes in the original blue sky. These places have become transparent and are still expanding. Through these holes, people can see the blue sky shining higher up. There is a magic circle of colorful light, and the endless sea water at the top of the magic circle.

This kind of scene makes people involuntarily think of the big fire in Grand Forest back then. The flames of that fire were extremely high, and the burning part of the sky became transparent. People at that time didn't know what to do, and they panicked for a long time After a period of time, they found that the sky slowly returned to its original state. After a long time of nervousness, they put aside their panic and continued to live. It was because of the fire in Grand Forest back then, so why is it today?

"Finally, this day has come!" The magician's guild on the west coast, at the top of the magic tower, the wine glass in Shalan's hand fell to the ground, and she sensed the change in the magic circle above her head immediately, and then the huge French window shattered It turned into powder and fell to the ground, and Shalan held a magic wand and flew up out of thin air and floated towards the sky.

"It's raining." On Hutton Mar Center Avenue, Kaili's enhanced shop temporarily stopped business because of the sudden heavy rain. Kaili stood at the door looking at the sky, and suddenly waved to Wang Yan in surprise: "Kaili Come and see, there seems to be a hole in the sky!"

"What?" Wang Yan was shocked, and walked outside the house in a short step. He looked up at the sky despite the raindrops on his body. A hole appeared, and another magic circle could be vaguely seen above the sky.

"Is there a problem with the elf magic circle? Shalan guessed right!" Wang Yan looked towards the east with a serious face. If this is the case, then the city in the sky that has been covered by the elf magic circle is about to appear.

"Where are you going, Kaili?" Seeing Wang Yan brave the rain and summon a broom to fly into the sky, Kaili ran out of the shop and shouted to the sky.

"Something happened! I'll come back as soon as I go!" Wang Yan's voice floated from afar.

"Kai Li, you must be careful!" Kai Li withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and murmured, she had a bad premonition, the change in the sky this time might be just the beginning, and it is impossible to guess what will happen in the future No, she has nothing to do about it, she can only hope that her younger brother Kaili will not get into trouble.

"This rain is very unusual. There is no magic power at all." In the swordsman dojo in the old street, GSD sat at the door of his residence. The exclamation sound also fell into his ears. When he heard a hole appeared in the sky, GSD stood up abruptly, finally waiting!

Outside the magic circle of elves, Celia was shocked by the changes in her illusory body after she was sad. She looked down, and at this moment her whole body had turned into magic power, and more and more magic power swirled around, making her illusory Her body was about to be unbearable, and she had only one thought at the moment: go back to her body quickly!

After this thought arose, Celia disappeared in place out of thin air, and then the magic power gathered around here stagnated for a while, as if sensing Celia's body below, it frantically poured into the magic circle below, Immediately, a torrent of magic power visible to the naked eye fell from the sky.

On West Coast Central Avenue, Lori-Anne also came outside after the heavy rain. The little dragon named Dinkas flapped its wings and followed Lori-Anne.

"Something's wrong." Lorien sensed something unusual with her intuition, and then she saw the magic circle in the sky above her head and the hole above it. Lorien was startled, what's wrong?
She kicked Dingkas into the shop and left a sentence that rose into the sky: "Show me the shop."

Dinkas felt dizzy and tumbling for a while, and when he saw his surroundings again, he found himself in the shop. Lori Ann's eager voice fell into its ears. Dinkas involuntarily tightened his tail, and then stepped forward to use his paws. Close the shop door and hide in the house.

Shalan, who was still in the air, saw the torrent of magic power falling from the sky. She stopped flying immediately, and looked at this rare scene in amazement. This was the first time she had seen such a thing in her long life. The magic power actually condenses directly into the entity and is still gathering in one place?It seems to be the Academy of Magicians there!

"It seems that Celia has awakened, this scene is really shocking!" Shalan became less nervous, she looked up at the sky, the transparency in the sky was still expanding, and she could already see the elf magic circle There are strange patterns, and Sharan knows that this situation will not change for a short time, and it will continue until the entire magic circle becomes transparent. At that time, the things that the magic circle has been covering will truly appear in front of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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