DNF Live Allard

Chapter 275 Finding Norton (55)

Chapter 275 Finding Norton (55)

"Well, besides her, there are also large and small lord monsters and elite monsters in Gran's Forest. When monsters of different races gather together, they will definitely not discuss any good things."

"So I did it, and I killed all the other lord monsters except Lie Yanoxiu and Corpse Snatcher Bone Prison in one blow, and then the two lord monsters were also beheaded by me. I picked up one of the crystals at the scene, and the other one is at the saint's place in the Great Cathedral."

"Can that poor girl finally rest in peace?" Socia blinked her eyes and sighed. Socia knew her as early as Lie Yanoxiu was a human magician, but the other party was in the grid When Lan Zhisen was attracted by the fire, she was trapped by the maze set up by the elves. Later, Socia also heard that the other party had turned into a monster surrounded by flames. She tried to go to the depths of the forest to meet Pinoxiu, but was caught by a group of people. Lie Yan forced him to retreat, and the other party had obviously lost his mind, and he couldn't remember Socia at all.

"These evil breaths should be the reason for the monsters in the forest to riot. I also heard about the fact that those minotaurs killed the guards of the principality yesterday. Normally, those minotaurs live in the depths of the forest. Easily appear on the outskirts of the forest."

"Can you bring another crystal? Maybe you can find something different." After studying the gray crystal for a while, Socia raised his head and asked Wang Yan.

"Okay, I'll go to the Great Church and I'll be right back." Wang Yan nodded, and then left the tavern with a broom and flew into the sky. Not long after, he returned to the Moonlight Tavern before Glendis had time Studying this evil crystal, I heard that Wang Yan agreed to find someone to find out the secret hidden in the crystal.

"Strange, how could there be an elf's aura on this evil crystal?" After getting the second gray crystal, Socia finally felt the hidden aura of the crystal, and she looked at Wang Yan in surprise.

"The breath of the elf?" Wang Yan was also extremely curious. Will it develop like the plot of a dungeon game in the future?

In the plot of the dungeon game, it was after the player discovered the gray crystal that Socia asked the player to ask Shalan on the west coast. After studying the gray crystal, Shalan came to a conclusion that the magic power of the elf's big magic circle was declining, and after that After a series of missions, the legendary Sky Castle finally appeared.

"You can take these two gray crystals to Ms. Shalan on the west coast, and you will be able to meet her after I write you a letter of introduction. I have known her for decades anyway. Seeing from my In terms of face, she will definitely not stand by." Sure enough, Socia recommended Wang Yan to go to the west coast to find Sha Lan, who has more research on magic materials, and the other party wrote a recommendation letter with her name on it and handed it to Wang Yan. Yan, Wang Yan nodded and took it away, and said goodbye to the two without staying long.

He came to the back street with a flying broom, and soon saw Paris, and saw Paris again a day later, the other party was still dressed as yesterday, Wang Yan saw the dark elf mixed-race girl, the other party was Under the guidance of disciple Paris, she worked hard to learn skills, even though her head was covered with sweat, she didn't have time to wipe it off.

"I want to ask you for help with something, can you find someone for me?" Wang Yan said the reason why he came here today.

"Looking for someone? I'm the best at this kind of thing. I can find him even if he's hiding in the noble district, but let me tell you first, I won't help in vain." Paris smiled confidently when she heard the words. Yan nodded, and then took out a magic gold card with [-] gold coins: "[-]!"

"Just tell me who you are looking for, and I can bring him tonight." Paris licked the corner of her mouth. One hundred thousand gold coins was enough for her to do it herself. She felt that even the nobles who offended Wang Yan could take the risk and bring them here. .

"His name is Norton, and he is an imperial man. He must be staying at Hutton Marr now. He is not young, and he is an alchemist. He has the same equipment decomposition machine as my sister Kaili's enhancement shop."

"The other party fled from the empire, so he will definitely not appear on the bright side, but I think this should be no problem for you. This magic gold card is yours. After you find him, don't disturb him. Just let me know and remember to keep him safe."

"I see, alchemist?" Paris nodded in response to Wang Yan's request. For her, the king of the backstreet, maybe normal people think that she is very secretive and hard to find, but her men I don't know how many people, each of them ruled the area of ​​Hutton Marr. Even if Wang Yan looked for a mouse hidden in the sewer, Paris could find the same one, let alone a living person.

After Wang Yan finished his request, he took his leave and left. The reason why he wanted to find Norton, the famous alchemist in the game, was because he might need the other party's help in the future. The entrance to Hutton Marnan Street is different. There is no trace of Norton in Hutton Marnan today. The other party is wanted by the empire, and he must be hiding somewhere to study alchemy.

"I don't know whether the Norton team has been established, or whether the idea of ​​​​establishing Norton Technology has arisen in him, but even if he didn't think of it, I will remind him of it after I find him." After leaving the back street with a broom, Wang Yan looked Looking at the large retrograde buildings below, he thought that it was time to form his own forces, and now was a god-sent opportunity.

"Perhaps Paris can also be of use to me." Wang Yan narrowed his eyes as he looked towards the backstreet that was gradually moving away. Wang Yan felt that he could mention this matter to Paris after meeting Norton.

The speed of the flying broom is very fast, not much worse than that of an off-road jeep. For Wang Yan, the consumption of mana is not a problem. He only needs a bottle of mana recovery potion to restore the mana to full capacity. After more than an hour of flying, he It's back to the West Coast.

With the letter of introduction handwritten by Socia, Wang Yan was able to meet Shalan, and saw each other again. Shalan's unfathomable magical power was still strong. She was in the hall at the top of the magic tower. After seeing Wang Yan's arrival Nod to it.

"You said that Socia is looking for me? What is it that makes her, an elf, stumped?" Shalan gestured for Wang Yan to take a seat, and then lazily said that Socia is the last one on the Arad Continent. As an elf, Shalan naturally had an intersection with the other party, and the relationship is still very close.

"It's this thing." Wang Yan carefully took out the two gray crystals. The evil aura rising above the crystals was still strong. Shalan's eyes widened after seeing the gray crystals. She quickly stepped forward to control them with magic power. Two crystals flew up, and then put them in front of them for inspection.

(End of this chapter)

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