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Chapter 251 Blood Rage (15)

Chapter 251 Blood Rage (15)

"Kayli, come here." A-Gump shook his head left, waved to Wang Yan who was not far away, and then Wang Yan quickly walked forward and came to the other side: "Do you have any orders, Sword Master?"

"This is my little friend Carey, Albert, you are amazingly talented in martial arts, but you know, Carey has mastered the skills of more than five different professions, I think you should follow him to learn other professions Skills are more practical, people who don’t have ghost hands can’t master ghost skills, and I can only guide these people, how to really display ghost skills can only be understood by themselves.”

"Huh?" Albert's eyes fell on Wang Yan after he arrived. After A Ganzuo said these words, he looked at Wang Yan even more scorchingly. Skill?Is there anyone in the world who is more talented than himself?

"Didn't I say it before? It's just the skills that come with the equipment, and what I really master is the fighting skills and swordsmanship." Wang Yan waved his hands again and again. What is it that Albert follows him to learn skills? Wang Yan But he couldn't serve this arrogant and poisonous genius martial artist.

"It's just right, you come to teach them how to release ghost skills, and I will watch them from the side. Don't tell me that you don't have skills with ghost skills, I don't believe it." A-Gump stood aside and said that he had already Wang Yan couldn't help rolling his eyes at the words he thought of. The other party must have been waiting for him a long time ago, just waiting for him to jump into the pit.

"That's fine." Under the eager gaze of a group of dozens of students with Kazan syndrome, Wang Yan thought for a while and nodded. He just used a series of Berserker skills. It's not a problem for him. You must know that sacred weapons can be equipped with a full range of skills for this class. He can easily display the skills of any class in the game.

"This is a sword with all the skills of the Berserker series." Wang Yan took out a level 55 sacred sword from the account vault. In fact, this weapon comes with all the skills of the ghost swordsman profession. But he didn't say it clearly. Even so, it was enough to shock the people around him. How could a weapon have all the skills of a class?Is there such a weapon in the world?

"Inheritance? No, it's a sacred object!" Soon some students recognized the origin of the sword that Wang Yan took out. After all, although inheritance weapons are rare, these students come from different places and have different knowledge. It is also normal for people with things to exist.

"That's right, the damage of the sacred weapon itself is not powerful, but it is the most suitable for casting skills. I also need the help of weapons to cast skills that I can't master. Then I will start to cast skills from the lowest level. Everyone, look forward to it." "Wang Yan held the sacred Taidao tightly, and strode to the center of the practice field. The place is very wide, and there is no need to worry that the skills will hurt others.

"I believe that many people are familiar with the profession of berserkers. They can restrain ghost hands to display skills with ghost power. Different from real ghost skills, berserker's ghost skills need to burn their own energy and blood. After using it, this kind of profession is hated by people, because maybe a berserker will go berserk, but as long as he doesn't go berserk, it's not a big problem to release the power of the ghost hand for a short time, and it won't hurt him if he takes a good rest. The body itself, unless it consumes too much Qi and blood in a short period of time, will leave an injury that is difficult to recover from."

Wang Yan talked about his understanding of berserkers. When he first came into contact with dungeon games, he played berserkers for a long time. You must know that this is the profession with the largest number of people in dungeon games. After all, the characters created by default in dungeon games were It is Ghost Swordsman, and the default job transfer is Berserker.

Back then, many players were novices in the game. Those who confusedly chose Ghost Swordsman, confusedly changed jobs to Berserker, and finally became veterans, but still couldn't give up their messy role. After the late-game build is completed, the Berserker profession shines brightly. The protagonists of various competitive dungeons are all Berserkers, so some people joked that the dungeon game can be called Dungeon and Ghost Swordsman.

"Blood Rage is the core skill of Berserkers, but after casting it, it will gradually consume the blood of the body. Once the blood is exhausted, it means complete death, so in the future, if you don't have recovery potions, don't cast this skill lightly. Come out." Wang Yan took a deep breath at this point, and then chose to activate the blood rage skill, everything in his sight suddenly turned red, as if he was wearing glasses with red lenses, but Wang Yan didn't feel it. The negative impact of rage may be because he himself does not have the willingness of ghost hands.

"Is this the blood rage? It's so cool!" Looking at Wang Yan whose eyes turned blood red and his hair stood on end, the swordsmen with ghost hands widened their eyes and did not want to miss any details. It was very simple for Yan to use his skills, just scratching his chest, they all knew why with ghost hands, scratching the body and letting the blood flow out would make the person with ghost hands fall into a frenzy of excitement.

"In the case of the blood rage, the second weapon can be condensed through blood and blood. Look, this is the blade of blood and blood." Wang Yan divided his hands, and in his left hand was a sword of blood and blood that was the same size as the sacred sword. The blade was condensed, and when it was swung, it left a phantom like a red curtain in the air, as if blood was dripping.

"How do you feel?" A-Gump stood aside and asked calmly. He will always take care of Wang Yan's safety.

"It's okay, I can feel the flow of energy and blood. In the case of using the blood rage, the fighting time should not exceed 10 minutes." After closing his eyes and feeling the slow flow of energy and blood in his body, Wang Yan opened his eyes and said , he will not worry that he will die from too much energy and blood consumption. After all, he has all kinds of recovery potions, and it is no problem to open the blood rage 24 hours a day.

"However, in the case of Blood Rage, the use of skills will speed up the consumption of blood energy, such as the ordinary cross cut." Wang Yan continued to tell these people, and then the two swords slashed in the air, and a clearly visible blood cross appeared It flew out of thin air for more than two meters before disappearing, and after the appearance of the blood cross, Wang Yan obviously felt that the flow of Qi and blood accelerated.

"Collapse Mountain Strike will also make Qi and blood rise." Wang Yan used another skill of Collapsing Mountain Strike. When the Taidao fell on the hard ground, a burst of Qi and blood splashed out, and the ground appeared as a result. crack.

"Hand of Soul Devourer is the core skill of Berserkers. It can take out the enemy's power and attach it to oneself for a short period of time. Even ordinary swordsmen can learn it. However, this skill requires opponents, and it is currently difficult to use it. "

(End of this chapter)

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