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Chapter 248 Sister Elise who set off (35)

Chapter 248 Sister Elise who set off (35)

"Well, what skills are you going to impart to the students in the lecture tomorrow?" Wang Yan continued to ask.

"It must be Li Ghost Swordsmanship. After that, it is the experience of breaking extreme weapons and maintaining weapons. These students are very young, so we have to let them understand the basics of swordsmanship. This is how I guide so many young people at once. , I finally feel what it’s like for Guissard to teach his disciples.” A-Gump Zuo slightly nodded and said his plan, after all, the Warrior Academy was first established, and most of the students are second-level and third-level strengths, which are the most suitable for laying the foundation At this time, it is very important for them to understand the correct basic swordsmanship knowledge at this time for their future growth.

"Well, they are so happy to know that you came to teach swordsmanship. Before you came, they were discussing your story." Wang Yan nodded. Li Ghost swordsmanship is a skill that all swordsmen must master. The ghost sword technique will have different effects in the use of weapons. Wang Yan played dungeon games for so many years before coming to the Arad continent, and now he will log in to the game to brush pictures when he finds time. Naturally, he is very clear about the skills of the sword technique.

The maintenance of weapons mentioned by A Ganzuo is also very important. Wang Yan still remembers that at the beginning of the game, the Breaking Blade would initially speed up the consumption of the weapon's durability by three times. Output, this is a skill that every swordsman who grows up must master. After all, only a swordsman with a weapon in hand is a qualified swordsman. There is no one in human strength.

After chatting with A-Gump Zuo for a while, after dinner, A-Gump Zuo bid farewell and left. Wang Yan also found a shelter in the guest room after showing the Warrior Academy commemorative badge. This is a three-story stone building. The purpose of the aristocratic-style small building is to accommodate foreign visitors like Wang Yan.

"It's been a long time since I moved bricks, and my hands are a little itchy." Wang Yan closed the door after the staff left, turned on the fluorite lamp in the room, took out the laptop, sat down and turned it on to log in to the dungeon game, raised his hand Stretching his waist, he said with a smile on his face, this is the first time he has logged into the game since he came to the Principality of Bel Mare, after all, he has been busy the past few days.

"I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

"Will you come back again?"

After choosing the sword god character to enter the game, Wang Yan clicked Celia and heard the sweet voice of the other party. Compared with the real Celia, the voice of Celia in the game is much more charming, but she It is virtual, how can it be true that Celia is real.

"Hey, there's an official event, let me see if I can participate." Wang Yan clicked on the event view on the game interface, and then shook his head. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think the rewards were rich enough, and it would take too long. The planning of the first session was really bad.

"Still can't participate in the event? It seems that there is something wrong with my account." Wang Yan tried to participate in the sign-in and running event, but a mess of garbled characters popped up. Seeing this, Wang Yan chose to close the event interface. He just got the notebook When he logged into the game on the computer, he knew that there was a problem with his game account. Not only was he not included in the official statistics of player characters, but he couldn't even participate in activities. Fortunately, the auction house was still available, and he could also trade with players, but he didn't know When the name of Wang Yan's game character is seen on the opposite side, is it a mess of characters?

Now Wang Yan has a lot of epic equipment in the warehouse of each character in Wang Yan's game, but he can't use it when he crosses the border. After all, he can only wear equipment below level 55. Maybe he will be able to wear it after his strength is improved. Wang Yan is looking forward to higher level equipment.

Wang Yan is very familiar with moving bricks. In the past, when he was still in the game, he had to clear the fatigue of 40 Paladin characters every day. After finishing the fatigue of more than a dozen characters, he obtained a large number of gold coins and magic stones. The price of magic stones has dropped recently, which is not a good thing for Wang Yan.

Put the gold coins in the account vault, choose to put the magic stone on the shelf, and take out the gold coins obtained from the last sale of the magic stone, and several million gold coins are credited. If other people in reality know that he can get it in one night With so many gold coins, it is estimated that they will be scared crazy.

Then Wang Yan fell asleep exhaustedly. The bed in the dormitory provided by the Martial Arts Academy was very soft, but he was not used to it, so he slept directly on the sofa, looked at the bright moon outside the window and blinked. After Wang Yan said good night, he was I closed my eyes.

In a small town in the south of Hutton Mar, a team of five people full of dust and dust also settled down in the town. After dinner, the five people gathered in the room to discuss the next plan. They were women, and they were the five disciples Paris had sent to explore the kingdom of the dark elves.

"After three days of walking, we will enter the territory of the dark elves, and then we will come to the Afalia camp. The dark elves are not easy to get along with." Bryce said with a frown, although Paris came from Borken There are all kinds of equipment and props to support, but Bryce still has unknown anxiety about the next itinerary.

"Why are you talking so much? The five of us will go together, and a few dark elves can turn the world upside down later? My steel claws will show them how powerful they are." Gal waved his right hand with disdain, and the sharp steel claws caught the light. Under the light, it shone with a cold light, very sharp.

"You can already see the dark elves' activities here. Although this is still the territory of the principality, it seems that the dark elves have been dishonest during this time." The other three also talked about their experiences. They didn't go together, but dispersed into two teams and finally gathered together at night, in order not to attract people's attention.

"It's not because of the plague. I heard that the dark elves suspect that the plague was spread by the principality. Are you kidding me? The empire would do such a thing."

"The dark elves escaped from the city they lived in before and settled down again because of the plague. The plague must be terrible, everyone should be careful."

In the end, the five people fell asleep after discussing. The bright moonlight shone on the earth, bringing light, and the shadows of the bushes in the field reflected on the ground like ghosts, and the wind blew.

In the early morning of the next day, a large number of students from the Martial Arts Academy hurried to the training ground of Class A and Class [-] after having breakfast. The training ground is so large that even if thousands of people stand there, it still looks very spacious. This is what it is today. The place where Gan Zuo was going to instruct everyone in swordsmanship, these students all came to watch after learning the news.

The academy also acquiesced that this action did not prevent the students from letting them go back to teach. The other instructors were happy to be at ease. They thought they could not compare with A-Gump Zuo in strength and fame, and they also came in twos and threes to watch the scene where A-Gump Zuo was instructing the students on swordsmanship.

 Please ask for two monthly tickets. The author is very busy at work recently and has to code for five hours after get off work. Book friends who have recommended monthly tickets should support the author.

(End of this chapter)

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