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Chapter 241 Lori Ann Sees Celia for the First Time (15)

Chapter 241 Lori Ann Sees Celia for the First Time (15)

"Ah, this guest is so beautiful." Luo Lian showed a look of surprise when her eyes fell on Celia's face. Celia was wearing a sky blue dress at the moment, and her face was actually without makeup The pre-natural appearance is extremely rare. Which girl doesn't want to be more beautiful?

"Hi, I'm Lori Ann, you two look very unfamiliar, is this your first visit to the West Coast? I have all kinds of alchemy potions in my store, including magic recovery potions. What do you like?" Give you a [-]% discount."

Luo Lian walked out from behind the counter, and a green young dragon came out bouncing after her. When she saw Wang Yan, she deliberately grinned and bared her teeth, and Wang Yan was even amused by it.

This little dragon named Dinkas was actually transformed from a poodle by Luo Lian. People who don't know the inside story will definitely be shocked when they see this little dragon.

"It's Dinkas, it's very naughty, but it won't hurt you, the guest." Luolian lowered her body and hugged Dinkas, who flicked her tail and licked Luolian's hand, looking very much like a dog.

"Well, I'm Carey, and this is my friend Celia. We just came to the west coast from Hutton Mall today. It's our first time here. Do you have any recommended items to buy?"

Wang Yan nodded and greeted Luo Lian, and his eyes fell on the shelves on both sides. There are many types of items here, and without Luo Lian's introduction, he would not be able to read them all in a short time.

"How long do you plan to stay on the west coast? Are you going back in a few days or are you going to live for a while?" Lori-Ann went up to the shelf to fetch a few items and put them on the table in the shop, and said, "This is what I carefully planned. The prepared magic recovery potion, this is the magic word potion, which can increase the speed of magic meditation, ah, my guest, your wristband is actually a scholar's wristband, I also have such a pair of wristbands."

She saw the scholar's wristband on Celia's right wrist, and then shook her right arm in surprise. There was also a wristband on her right wrist that was exactly the same as the scholar's wristband on Celia's wrist. Luo Lian knew the scholar's wristband very well. Considering the market price, I didn't expect these two to be worth a lot of money.

"Seria is going to enter the Magician Academy to study magic for half a year, and she should stay on the west coast for a long time." Wang Yan deliberately pretended not to know Luo Lian's identity as the first student of the Magician Academy, and looked at the table on the table. Magic Word Potion, this is a potion that can increase the character's intelligence for a short time in the game. In the early game, it is a low-level potion that must be used by mana-consuming professions to enter the map.

"Ah, what a coincidence, I'm also a student of the Magician Academy." Luo Lian was really shocked this time. It's not the enrollment time of the Magician Academy. It seems that this person can enter the Magician Academy to study magic at this time. The identity of a girl named Celia is really unusual.

She stepped forward to chat with Celia, perhaps it was also because of the students of the Magician Academy. The two quickly became acquainted, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. Wang Yan stood aside with emotion, the two It's amazing how beautiful girls become good friends or enemies when they meet.

"Since you have entered the Magician Academy, you are my junior. This is a gift for a senior, so please accept it." Lori Ann took out the formulas of alchemy potions from her bracelet and pointed at Celia said: "This is some low-level formula of alchemy. I have already mastered it. I believe it should be very useful for you to learn magic."

"Thank you, Lorian, you are so kind." Celia pursed her lips and accepted these alchemy potion formulas. Most of the formulas contained experimental records of making magic power recovery potions, which are much better than ordinary formulas. According to the experimental records, after a few attempts, the magic power recovery potion can be completely configured, which is very helpful for the cultivation of magic skills.

"This is what it should be. You see that you don't even have any jewelry on your body, only a necklace and a wristband. Let me tell you..." Lorian pulled Celia and sat down beside her, muttering with you. When Celia talked about how to dress, Wang Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes while he was listening, while the audience in the live broadcast room laughed, all encouraging the anchor to chase after Luo Lian, a talented girl who combines beauty and wisdom.

"Don't tell me, the status of Luo Lian is not ordinary now. She is a member of the nobles of the principality. She sneaked here on the west coast. It is not as simple as you think. I guess the other party's family has been secretly protecting her. I don't want to cause trouble. Besides, it's not like you don't know about Luo Lian's crush on Ka Kun."

.Seeing the instigation of the audience in the live broadcast room, Wang Yan waved his hands again and again. In the early stage of the game, he was shocked when he received the task of crushing love. He did not expect that the relationship between the NPCs in the game would be so chaotic. occur.

"I feel so sorry for Lori Ann. Now I can only find her in the mirror image Arad. Now I go to the Red Witch dungeon to see the dragon transformation of Dinkas. She is resistant to damage with medicine, so I don't want to beat her at all."

"The current Dinkas is actually a dog. The one next to the red witch was only adopted later. The Dinkas in the game had already died in the copy of the desperate chess game in the era of destruction. The skull on the ground can see this. a little."

Luo Lian took Celia to chat for more than ten minutes before she finished speaking, then she stood up and looked at Wang Yan with a little apology, and then said to the two: "I will see you again at the Magician Academy in the future, so I won't delay you The two of you went shopping and had fun."

"Goodbye." Celia waved goodbye to Lori Ann. Her first impression of Lori Ann was very good. He was beautiful and powerful in magic, and he was also an alchemist who ran his own shop. Under the circumstances, Celia felt that she was a failure and could only open a hotel, and she was not even strong enough. She couldn't help but look forward to the next life in the Magician Academy. When will she be able to awaken naturally like Ms. Sharan said?Celia walked out of Lori'an's shop and thought to herself while walking on the street.

Going east to the beach, Celia woke up from her thoughts when the sea breeze hit her face. She looked up and saw the endless blue sea. A group of children were playing on the beach picking up shells. At the wooden pier leading to the sea, several small boats are tied to it and move with the waves.

"What's the matter, Seria, you look so preoccupied." The two came to the seaside and sat down in the shade of a big tree, looking at the blue sea. Wang Yan looked at Seria delicately The face of the other party has been like this since he left Shalan's place. He often thinks about something in a daze. Wang Yan did not interrupt the other party's thinking when he saw it. Now he finally has the opportunity to ask.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about when I can wake up naturally like Ms. Shalan said. I don't know my own life experience until now, and I'm a little confused." Celia felt the coolness of the sea breeze on her face, Looking at the children playing on the beach with their chin resting on their hands, they must be very happy to live with their families.

(End of this chapter)

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